Fork 0
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

140 lines
3.5 KiB

#pragma once
#include "skse64_common/Utilities.h"
class TESObjectREFR;
class Script;
class ScriptLocals;
class ScriptLineBuffer;
class ScriptBuffer;
// 0C
struct ObScriptParam
enum Type
kType_String = 0x0,
kType_Integer = 0x1,
kType_Float = 0x2,
kType_ObjectReference = 0x4,
kType_ActorValue = 0x5,
kType_Actor = 0x6,
kType_SpellItem = 0x7,
kType_Axis = 0x8,
kType_Cell = 0x9,
kType_AnimationGroup = 0x0A,
kType_MagicItem = 0x0B,
kType_Sound = 0x0C,
kType_Topic = 0x0D,
kType_Quest = 0x0E,
kType_Race = 0x0F,
kType_Class = 0x10,
kType_Faction = 0x11,
kType_Sex = 0x12,
kType_Object = 0x15,
kType_VariableName = 0x16,
kType_QuestStage = 0x17,
kType_MapMarker = 0x18,
kType_ActorBase = 0x19,
kType_Coontainer = 0x1A,
kType_WorldSpace = 0x1B,
kType_CrimeType = 0x1C,
kType_Package = 0x1D,
kType_MagicEffect = 0x1F,
kType_Weather = 0x21,
kType_Owner = 0x23,
kType_EffectShader = 0x24,
kType_FormList = 0x25,
kType_Perk = 0x27,
kType_Note = 0x28,
kType_MiscellaneousStat = 0x29,
kType_ImagespaceModifier = 0x2A,
kType_EventFunction = 0x2E,
kType_EventMember = 0x2F,
kType_EventData = 0x30,
kType_Voice = 0x31,
kType_EncounterZone = 0x32,
kType_Message = 0x34,
kType_ObjectID = 0x35,
kType_Alignment = 0x36,
kType_EquipType = 0x37,
kType_Music = 0x39,
kType_Keyword = 0x3B,
kType_RefType = 0x3C,
kType_Location = 0x3D,
kType_Form = 0x3E,
kType_QuestAlias = 0x3F,
kType_Shout = 0x40,
kType_WordOfPower = 0x41,
kType_Scene = 0x43,
kType_Hand = 0x44,
kType_AssociationType = 0x45,
kType_WardState = 0x46,
kType_PackageData_PossiblyNull = 0x47,
kType_PackageData_Numeric = 0x48,
kType_FurnitureAnimType = 0x49,
kType_FurnitureEntryType = 0x4A,
kType_VMVariableName = 0x4C,
kType_PackageData = 0x4E,
kType_KnowableForm = 0x51,
kType_Region = 0x52
const char * typeStr; // 00
UInt32 typeID; // 04
UInt32 isOptional; // 08
struct ScriptData
// members
UInt16 opcode; // 00
UInt16 chunkSize; // 02
UInt16 numParams; // 04
typedef bool (* ObScript_Execute)(const ObScriptParam * paramInfo, ScriptData * scriptData, TESObjectREFR * thisObj, TESObjectREFR* containingObj, Script* scriptObj, ScriptLocals* locals, double& result, UInt32& opcodeOffsetPtr);
typedef bool (* ObScript_Parse)(UInt32 numParams, const ObScriptParam* paramInfo, ScriptLineBuffer* lineBuf, ScriptBuffer* scriptBuf);
typedef bool (* ObScript_Eval)(TESObjectREFR* thisObj, void* arg1, void* arg2, double& result);
typedef bool(* _ObScript_ExtractArgs)(const ObScriptParam * paramInfo, ScriptData * scriptData, UInt32& opcodeOffsetPtr, TESObjectREFR * thisObj, TESObjectREFR* containingObj, Script* scriptObj, ScriptLocals* locals, void* args1, void* args2);
extern RelocAddr<_ObScript_ExtractArgs> ObScript_ExtractArgs;
// 02E8400
// 50
struct ObScriptCommand
const char * longName; // 00
const char * shortName; // 08
UInt32 opcode; // 10
UInt32 pad14; // 14
const char * helpText; // 18
UInt8 needsParent; // 20
UInt8 pad21; // 21
UInt16 numParams; // 22
UInt32 pad24; // 24
ObScriptParam * params; // 28
// handlers
ObScript_Execute execute; // 30
ObScript_Parse parse; // 38
ObScript_Eval eval; // 40
UInt32 flags; // 48
UInt32 pad4C; // 4C
kObScript_NumObScriptCommands = 0x02E0,
kObScript_NumConsoleCommands = 0x01B4,
kObScript_ScriptOpBase = 0x1000,
kObScript_ConsoleOpBase = 0x0100,
extern RelocPtr <ObScriptCommand> g_firstObScriptCommand;
extern RelocPtr <ObScriptCommand> g_firstConsoleCommand;