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Scriptname defaultQuestRespawnScript extends Quest
{simple script to respawn aliases}
import Utility
import debug
; Respawn markers
ObjectReference Property RespawnMarker1 Auto
ObjectReference Property RespawnMarker2 Auto
ObjectReference Property RespawnMarker3 Auto
ObjectReference Property RespawnMarkerFailsafe Auto
{this is where I will respawn if player has LOS
on other respawn points}
int Property startStage = 0 Auto
{Quest stage that needs to be set for respawning
to start}
int Property doneStage = 0 Auto
{Respawning will stop if this stage is set}
int Property respawnTimeMin = 5 Auto
{min time between death and respawn}
int Property respawnTimeMax = 10 Auto
{max time between death and respawn}
int Property respawnPool = 0 Auto
{how many NPCs can be respawned?
0 = infinite
int respawnCount = 0
;how many NPCs have been respawned?
; this will always respawn (ignores all the checks and waits)
; (this is what TryToRespawn calls when ready to respawn)
function Respawn(ReferenceAlias aliasToRespawn)
; respawn me and force me into my alias
; totally unnecessary but nice randomization of which point to choose
int startingRoll = RandomInt(1, 3)
; traceConditional(self + " rolling for respawn spot... " + startingRoll, debugFlag.value)
ObjectReference marker
if startingRoll == 1
marker = GetRespawnMarker(RespawnMarker1, RespawnMarker2, RespawnMarker3)
elseif startingRoll == 2
marker = GetRespawnMarker(RespawnMarker2, RespawnMarker3, RespawnMarker1)
marker = GetRespawnMarker(RespawnMarker3, RespawnMarker1, RespawnMarker2)
; traceConditional(self + " respawning at " + marker, debugFlag.value)
; only respawn if current alias is actually dead
if aliasToRespawn.GetActorReference().IsDead()
aliasToRespawn.ForceRefTo(marker.PlaceAtMe( aliasToRespawn.GetActorReference().GetActorBase() ) )
; traceConditional(self + " Respawn done", debugFlag.value)
; traceConditional(self + " Didn't respawn - current actor isn't dead!", debugFlag.value)
; call this when you want to try to respawn
function TryToRespawn(ReferenceAlias aliasToRespawn)
; traceConditional(self + " Respawn called by " + aliasToRespawn, debugFlag.value)
if ( startStage == 0 || (startStage > 0 && IsStageDone(startStage)) ) && ( doneStage == 0 || ( doneStage > 0 && !IsStageDone(doneStage) ) ) && ( respawnPool == 0 || (respawnPool > 0 && respawnCount < respawnPool ) )
respawnCount = respawnCount + 1
; wait for respawn time
; traceConditional(self + " Waiting to respawn...", debugFlag.value)
Wait( RandomInt(respawnTimeMin, respawnTimeMax) )
; traceConditional(self + " Finding a respawn spot", debugFlag.value)
if (aliasToRespawn as defaultAliasRespawnScript).bRespawningOn
; traceConditional(self + " Didn't respawn " + aliasToRespawn + " - current actor no longer set to respawn", debugFlag.value)
ObjectReference function GetRespawnMarker(ObjectReference marker1, ObjectReference marker2, ObjectReference marker3)
; find a spot the player can't see
actor playerActor = (Game.GetForm(0x14) as Actor) as actor
if marker1 && playerActor.HasLOS(marker1) == False
return marker1
elseif marker2 && playerActor.HasLOS(marker2) == False
return marker2
elseif marker3 && playerActor.HasLOS(marker3) == False
return marker3
return RespawnMarkerFailsafe
GlobalVariable Property debugFlag Auto
{optional - set a global to turn on debug trace