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scriptname dragonActorSCRIPT extends actor
{Base Actor Script for all Dragons}
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;| SETUP |
ImageSpaceModifier property dragonFOVfx auto
{FX played for various impacts in dragon combat}
float property deathFXrange = 1024.0 auto
{max range to play death FX on player}
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actor property player auto hidden
{For quick reference and clean-looking script}
float property FOVfalloff auto hidden
{choosing not to expose this and clutter the prop list in CS, since it won't be touched often}
sound property NPCDragonFlyby auto
{Sound played when dragon passes by a target}
explosion property knockBackExplosion auto
{explosion used to knock back enemies}
; NOTE - the dragon breed/skin settings are deprecated and have no effect.
armor property SnowDragonSkin auto
{deprecated - do not use}
armor property TundraDragonSkin auto
{deprecated - do not use}
armor property forestDragonSkin auto
{deprecated - do not use}
int property dragonBreed = 0 auto
{deprecated - do not use}
ImpactDataSet Property FXDragonTakeoffImpactSet Auto
{Impact data set to use for the dragon takeoff}
ImpactDataSet Property FXDragonLandingImpactSet Auto
{Impact data set to use for the dragon landing}
ImpactDataSet Property FXDragonTailstompImpactSet Auto
{Impact data set to use for the tailstomp}
;*****ADDED FOR DLC2--------------
bool MiraakIntroductionHappened
bool MiraakAppeared
Location Property DLC2ApocryphaLocation Auto
WorldSpace Property DLC2ApocryphaWorld auto
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EVENT onInit()
; just initialize any variables, etc.
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player = game.GetForm(0x14) as Actor ; store player reference
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FOVfalloff = 1600 ; range at which impact doesn't play FOV
if deathFXrange == 0
deathFXrange = 1000
if !isDead() && isGhost()
; redundancy check to prevent invincible, "ghosted" dragons from respawning.
EVENT onReset()
; if we're resetting a previously-killed dragon, make sure it's not a ghost.
EVENT onLoad()
; change markings based on breed of this dragon
; first, support random selection
; if dragonBreed == 4
; dragonBreed = utility.randomInt(0,3)
; endif
; then assign the markings, either way.
; if dragonBreed == 1
; equipItem(snowDragonSkin)
; elseif dragonBreed == 2
; equipItem(tundraDragonSkin)
; elseif dragonBreed == 3
; equipItem(forestDragonSkin)
; endif
; Block rewritten by USKP which fixes bug of respawned dragons not burning up or giving the player a soul
if !isDead()
if isGhost()
; redundancy check to prevent invincible, "ghosted" dragons from respawning.
; Block rewritten by tarlazo to fix a possible rare glitch as consequence of animation events registered for a dead dragon
registerForAnimationEvent(self, "DragonLandEffect")
registerForAnimationEvent(self, "DragonForcefulLandEffect")
registerForAnimationEvent(self, "DragonTakeoffEffect")
registerForAnimationEvent(self, "DragonBiteEffect")
registerForAnimationEvent(self, "DragonTailAttackEffect")
registerForAnimationEvent(self, "DragonLeftWingAttackEffect")
registerForAnimationEvent(self, "DragonRightWingAttackEffect")
registerForAnimationEvent(self, "DragonPassByEffect")
registerForAnimationEvent(self, "flightCrashLandStart") ; Considered temp for showing injury FX test
registerForAnimationEVENT(self, "DragonKnockbackEvent")
; registerForAnimationEvent(self, "DragonLandEffect")
; registerForAnimationEvent(self, "DragonForcefulLandEffect")
; registerForAnimationEvent(self, "DragonTakeoffEffect")
; registerForAnimationEvent(self, "DragonBiteEffect")
; registerForAnimationEvent(self, "DragonTailAttackEffect")
; registerForAnimationEvent(self, "DragonLeftWingAttackEffect")
; registerForAnimationEvent(self, "DragonRightWingAttackEffect")
; registerForAnimationEvent(self, "DragonPassByEffect")
; registerForAnimationEvent(self, "flightCrashLandStart") ; Considered temp for showing injury FX test
; registerForAnimationEVENT(self, "DragonKnockbackEvent")
Event OnLocationChange(Location akOldLoc, Location akNewLoc)
if !isDead() && isGhost()
; redundancy check to prevent invincible, "ghosted" dragons from respawning.
STATE alive
Event OnCombatStateChanged(Actor akTarget, int aeCombatState)
if !isDead() && isGhost()
; redundancy check to prevent invincible, "ghosted" dragons from respawning.
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EVENT onAnimationEvent(objectReference deliverator, string eventName)
; debug.trace("AnimEvent: " + eventName + " delivered by Dragon ("+self+") ")
if (eventName == "DragonLandEffect")
; ;debug.trace("Dragon AnimPayLoad: DragonLandEffect")
game.shakeCamera(self, 1)
game.shakeController(95, 95, 2)
KnockAreaEffect(1, getLength())
animateFOV() ; call the FOV function
PlayImpactEffect(FXDragonTakeoffImpactSet, "NPC Pelvis", 0, 0, -1, 512)
elseIf (eventName == "DragonForcefulLandEffect")
; ;debug.trace("Dragon AnimPayLoad: DragonForcefulLandEffect")
PlayImpactEffect(FXDragonLandingImpactSet, "NPC Pelvis", 0, 0, -1, 512)
KnockAreaEffect(1, 2*getLength())
;notification ("Dragon Forceful Land Effect")
elseIf (eventName == "DragonTakeoffEffect")
; debug.trace("Dragon AnimPayLoad: DragonTakeoffEffect")
PlayImpactEffect(FXDragonTakeoffImpactSet, "NPC Tail8", 0, 0, -1, 2048)
elseIf (eventName == "DragonBiteEffect")
;Removed spit effect on 6/1/10. Leaving logic in case we need to sub in other fx or sounds.
; ;debug.trace("Dragon ("+self+") AnimPayLoad: DragonBiteEffect")
;DragonBiteFX.Play(Self, 2)
;notification ("Dragon Bite Effect")
elseIf (eventName == "DragonTailAttackEffect")
; ;debug.trace(" Dragon AnimPayoload: DragonTailAttackEffect")
PlayImpactEffect(FXDragonTailstompImpactSet, "NPC Tail8", 0, 0, -1, 512)
;notification("Dragon Tail Attack Effect")
elseIf (eventName == "DragonLeftWingAttackEffect")
; ;debug.trace("Dragon AnimPayLoad: DragonLeftWingAttackEffect")
PlayImpactEffect(FXDragonTailstompImpactSet, "NPC LHand", 0, 0, -1, 512)
;notification ("Dragon Left Wing Attack Effect")
elseIf (eventName == "DragonRightWingAttackEffect")
; ;debug.trace("Dragon AnimPayLoad: DragonRightWingAttackEffect")
PlayImpactEffect(FXDragonTailstompImpactSet, "NPC RHand", 0, 0, -1, 512)
;notification ("Dragon Right Wing Attack Effect")
elseIf (eventName == "DragonPassByEffect")
game.shakeCamera(self, 0.85)
game.shakeController(0.65, 0.65, 0.5)
;elseIf (eventName == "flightCrashLandStart")
;Removed by mark since leaking magic is a bust. May replace with leaking blood at some point as a second test.
; apply injury FX art when I crash land.
;FXinjuryLeaks.play(self, -1)
elseIf (eventName == "DragonKnockbackEvent")
; dragon needs to stagger everyone in radius a bit larger than my length
; ;debug.trace(self + " is knocking back actors within " + 1.5*getLength() + " of self @ " + self.x + ", " + self.y)
KnockAreaEffect(1, 1.5*getLength())
EVENT onDeath(actor killer)
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STATE deadDisintegrated
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; nothing happens here - just dead
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function AnimateFOV(float fFOVfalloff = 1600.0)
; Function that animates FOV with an ismod. Declaring here in case needed frequently
float playerDist = player.getDistance(self) ; get and store the player's current distance from me
if playerDist < fFOVfalloff
float FOVpower = (1- (1/(fFOVfalloff/(playerDist)))) ; consider offset to compensate for collision size
if FOVpower > 1.0
FOVpower = 1.0 ; clamp to prevent wacky values
dragonFOVfx.apply(FOVpower) ;animated FOV effect. Strength based on distance from player