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Scriptname DefaultAliasModAggression extends ReferenceAlias
{Script used to temporarily mod an actor's aggression. You will need to call a ModAggression() and ResetAggression() to mod and unmod it.}
;jduvall owns. Discuss changes with him first. Thanks :)
int Property MinAggression = 1 auto
{Default: 1, set both MinAggression and MaxAggresion to the same number to temporarily force it to be that number regardless of where it currently is.}
int Property MaxAggression = 2 Auto
{Default: 2, set both MinAggression and MaxAggresion to the same number to temporarily force it to be that number regardless of where it currently is.}
bool Property ModOnlyOnce = True Auto
{Default: true, only allow modding and unmodding once.}
int startingAggression
int currentAggression
bool Modded
bool Unmodded
Event OnInit()
if MinAggression > MaxAggression
; debug.trace(self + " WARNING: OnInit() MinAggression > MaxAggression. Setting MinAggression to MaxAggression:" + MaxAggression, 2)
MinAggression = MaxAggression
function ModAggression()
if ModOnlyOnce && Modded
; debug.trace(self + "ModAggression() Already modded Actors's (" + ActorRef + ")aggression. Ignoring additional call.", 1)
Modded = True
actor ActorRef = GetActorReference()
startingAggression = ActorRef.GetActorValue("Aggression") as Int
currentAggression = startingAggression
If currentAggression < MinAggression
currentAggression = MinAggression
Elseif currentAggression > MaxAggression
currentAggression = MaxAggression
; debug.trace(self + "ModAggression() setting actor's (" + ActorRef + ")aggression to " + currentAggression)
ActorRef.SetActorValue("Aggression", currentAggression)
function ResetAggression()
if Modded == False
; debug.trace(self + "ResetAggression() Has not previously called ModAggression(). So ignoring call to reset it.")
if ModOnlyOnce && Unmodded
; debug.trace(self + "ResetAggression() Already reset Actors's (" + ActorRef + ")aggression. Ignoring additional call.")
unmodded = True
Actor ActorRef = GetActorReference()
int actualAggression = ActorRef.GetActorValue("Aggression") as Int
if currentAggression != actualAggression
; debug.trace(self + " WARNING: ResetAggression() sees that the actor's[" + ActorRef + "] actual Aggression at this moment[" + actualAggression + "] is different to the aggression we modded it to[" + currentAggression + "] we are going to set it back to what we found it at before we modded it [" + startingAggression + "]. This could result in unexpected results, but assuming its better than the alternative.", 2)
; debug.trace(self + "ModAggression() setting actor's (" + ActorRef + ")aggression to back to it's original value " + startingAggression)
ActorRef.SetActorValue("Aggression", startingAggression)