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Scriptname Quest extends Form Hidden
; non-native functions
; thread-safe way to modify a global value
; optional parameters:
; aiObjectiveID = objective ID to redisplay
; afTargetValue = value you're counting up (or down) towards -- if included, function will return TRUE when the global reaches the target value
; abCountingUp = by default, function assumes you're counting up towards the target value; make this false to count DOWN towards target value
; abCompleteObjective = by default, function assumes you're completing the objective once you reach the target value; make this false to FAIL the objective
; abRedisplayObjective = by default, function asssume you want to redisplay the objective every time the global is incremeneted; make this FALSE to only display the objectives on complete or failure
bool Function ModObjectiveGlobal(float afModValue, GlobalVariable aModGlobal, int aiObjectiveID = -1, float afTargetValue = -1.0, bool abCountingUp = true, bool abCompleteObjective = true, bool abRedisplayObjective = true)
if aiObjectiveID >= 0
; display/complete objectives automatically
if afTargetValue > -1
if (abCountingUp && aModGlobal.value >= afTargetValue) || (!abCountingUp && aModGlobal.value <= afTargetValue)
if (abCompleteObjective)
; complete objective
return true
; fail objective
return true
elseIf (abRedisplayObjective)
; redisplay objective
SetObjectiveDisplayed(aiObjectiveID, true, true)
SetObjectiveDisplayed(aiObjectiveID, true, false)
elseIf (abRedisplayObjective)
; no target value, always redisplay objective
SetObjectiveDisplayed(aiObjectiveID, true, true)
SetObjectiveDisplayed(aiObjectiveID, true, false)
return false
; native functions
; Flags all objectives as complete
Function CompleteAllObjectives() native
; Flags this quest as completed
Function CompleteQuest() native
; Flags all objectives as failed
Function FailAllObjectives() native
; Obtains the specified alias on the quest
Alias Function GetAlias(int aiAliasID) native
; Obtains the id of the highest completed stage on this quest
int Function GetCurrentStageID() native
; Alias for GetCurrentStage - obtains the highest completed stage on this quest
int Function GetStage()
return GetCurrentStageID()
; Alias for IsStageDone - checks to see whether the given stage is done or not
bool Function GetStageDone(int aiStage)
return IsStageDone(aiStage)
; Is this quest "active" (tracked by the player)?
bool Function IsActive() native
; Checks to see if the quest is completed
bool Function IsCompleted() native
; Checks to see if the specified objective is completed
bool Function IsObjectiveCompleted(int aiObjective) native
; Checks to see if the specified objective is displayed
bool Function IsObjectiveDisplayed(int aiObjective) native
; Checks to see if the specified objective is failed
bool Function IsObjectiveFailed(int aiObjective) native
; Checks to see if the quest is running
bool Function IsRunning() native
; Obtains whether the specified stage is done or not
bool Function IsStageDone(int aiStage) native
; Checks to see if the quest is enabled but not running yet
bool Function IsStarting() native
; Checks to see if the quest is not enabled anymore but still shutting down
bool Function IsStopping() native
; Checks to see if the quest is no longer enabled or running
bool Function IsStopped() native
; Resets the quest
Function Reset() native
; Flags this quest as "active" (tracked by the player)
Function SetActive(bool abActive = true) native
; Set the quest to the requested stage ID - returns true if stage exists and was set.
; This function is latent and will wait for the quest to start up before returning (if it needed to be started)
bool Function SetCurrentStageID(int aiStageID) native
; Sets the specified objective to completed or not
Function SetObjectiveCompleted(int aiObjective, bool abCompleted = true) native
; Sets the specified objective to displayed or hidden - if abForce is true, will display the objective even if it has already been displayed
Function SetObjectiveDisplayed(int aiObjective, bool abDisplayed = true, bool abForce = false) native
; Sets the specified objective to failed or not
Function SetObjectiveFailed(int aiObjective, bool abFailed = true) native
; Alias of SetCurrentStage - Set the quest to the requested stage
; This function is latent and will wait for the quest to start up before returning (if it needed to be started)
bool Function SetStage(int aiStage)
return SetCurrentStageID(aiStage)
; Starts the quest - returns whether the quest was able to be started or not
; This function is latent and will wait for the quest to start up before returning
bool Function Start() native
; Stops the quest
Function Stop() native
; Updates current instance's value for the given global
bool Function UpdateCurrentInstanceGlobal( GlobalVariable aUpdateGlobal ) native
; Story manager events - fired in parallel with the quest startup stage
Event OnStoryAddToPlayer(ObjectReference akOwner, ObjectReference akContainer, \
Location akLocation, Form akItemBase, int aiAcquireType)
Event OnStoryArrest(ObjectReference akArrestingGuard, ObjectReference akCriminal, \
Location akLocation, int aiCrime)
Event OnStoryAssaultActor(ObjectReference akVictim, ObjectReference akAttacker, \
Location akLocation, int aiCrime)
Event OnStoryBribeNPC(ObjectReference akActor)
Event OnStoryCastMagic(ObjectReference akCastingActor, ObjectReference akSpellTarget, \
Location akLocation, Form akSpell)
Event OnStoryChangeLocation(ObjectReference akActor, Location akOldLocation, \
Location akNewLocation)
Event OnStoryCrimeGold(ObjectReference akVictim, ObjectReference akCriminal, \
Form akFaction, int aiGoldAmount, int aiCrime)
Event OnStoryCure(Form akInfection)
Event OnStoryDialogue(Location akLocation, ObjectReference akActor1, ObjectReference akActor2)
Event OnStoryDiscoverDeadBody(ObjectReference akActor, ObjectReference akDeadActor, \
Location akLocation)
Event OnStoryEscapeJail(Location akLocation, Form akCrimeGroup)
Event OnStoryActivateActor(Location akLocation, ObjectReference akActor)
Event OnStoryFlatterNPC(ObjectReference akActor)
Event OnStoryHello(Location akLocation, ObjectReference akActor1, ObjectReference akActor2)
Event OnStoryIncreaseLevel(int aiNewLevel)
Event OnStoryIncreaseSkill(string asSkill)
Event OnStoryInfection(ObjectReference akTransmittingActor, Form akInfection)
Event OnStoryIntimidateNPC(ObjectReference akActor)
Event OnStoryJail(ObjectReference akGuard, Form akCrimeGroup, Location akLocation, \
int aiCrimeGold)
Event OnStoryKillActor(ObjectReference akVictim, ObjectReference akKiller, \
Location akLocation, int aiCrimeStatus, int aiRelationshipRank)
Event OnStoryCraftItem(ObjectReference akBench, Location akLocation, Form akCreatedItem)
Event OnStoryNewVoicePower(ObjectReference akActor, Form akVoicePower)
Event OnStoryPickLock(ObjectReference akActor, ObjectReference akLock)
Event OnStoryPayFine(ObjectReference akCriminal, ObjectReference akGuard, \
Form akCrimeGroup, int aiCrimeGold)
Event OnStoryPlayerGetsFavor(ObjectReference akActor)
Event OnStoryRelationshipChange(ObjectReference akActor1, ObjectReference akActor2, \
int aiOldRelationship, int aiNewRelationship)
Event OnStoryRemoveFromPlayer(ObjectReference akOwner, ObjectReference akItem, \
Location akLocation, Form akItemBase, int aiRemoveType)
Event OnStoryScript(Keyword akKeyword, Location akLocation, ObjectReference akRef1, \
ObjectReference akRef2, int aiValue1, int aiValue2)
Event OnStoryServedTime(Location akLocation, Form akCrimeGroup, int aiCrimeGold, \
int aiDaysJail)
Event OnStoryTrespass(ObjectReference akVictim, ObjectReference akTrespasser, \
Location akLocation, int aiCrime)
; SKSE 64 additions built 2020-07-29 17:24:48.495000 UTC
; returns the quest with the specified editor id
Quest Function GetQuest(string editorId) global native
; returns the editor ID of the quest
string Function GetID() native
; returns the priority of the quest
int Function GetPriority() native
; returns the number of aliases associated with the quest
int Function GetNumAliases() native
; returns the specified alias associated with the queest
Alias Function GetNthAlias(int index) native
; returns the alias associated with the quest by name
Alias Function GetAliasByName(string name) native
; returns the alias by AlisID
Alias Function GetAliasById(int aliasId) native
; Returns all the aliases of this quest
Alias[] Function GetAliases() native