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Scriptname SpawnerTask Hidden
; SpawnerTask allows to spawn and position an arbitrary number references in game world.
; It's effectively a batch combination of PlaceAtMe and SetPosition/MoveTo that smoothly executes in a single frame.
; Example:
; ObjectReference player = ...
; Form chair = ...
; float[] offset = new float[3]
; float[] rotation = new float[3]
; ; Allocate new task
; int taskId = SpawnerTask.Create()
; ; No rotation
; rotation[0] = 0
; rotation[1] = 0
; rotation[2] = 0
; ; Spawn 100 chairs in a grid above the player
; int i = 0
; while i < 100
; offset[0] = -250 + (i / 10) * 50
; offset[1] = -250 + (i % 10) * 50
; offset[2] = 200
; SpawnerTask.AddSpawn(taskId, chair, player, offset, rotation)
; i += 1
; endWhile
; ; Run the task and return all placed references in an array
; ObjectReference[] spawned = SpawnerTask.Run(taskId)
; Creates a new SpawnerTask and returns a handle, which is an identifier for the created task.
; The task handle is valid until the task has been run or canceled, or until the calling stack has exited.
; (Function type: non-delayed)
int Function Create() global native
; Adds a spawn to the task identified by the given handle.
; Running the task places a new instance of formToPlace at target reference with given rotation and position offset. Parameters are analogously defined to PlaceAtMe.
; Multiple spawns can be added to the same task to be executed in a batch (which is the purpose).
; (Function type: non-delayed)
Function AddSpawn(int handle, Form formToPlace, ObjectReference target, float[] positionOffset, float[] rotation, int count = 1, bool bForcePersist = false, bool bInitiallyDisabled = false) global native
; Runs the task and returns the spawned references in an array. May return arrays with a size larger than 128.
; The resources allocated to the task are freed in the process, so the same task handle cannot be run twice.
; (Function type: latent)
ObjectReference[] Function Run(int handle) global native
; Cancels a task before running it and frees its allocated resources.
; Tasks cannot be canceled once they have been started with Run, and vice versa.
Function Cancel(int handle) global native