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Scriptname ActiveMagicEffect Hidden
; Add an inventory event filter to this effect. Item added/removed events matching the
; specified form (or in the specified form list) will now be let through.
Function AddInventoryEventFilter(Form akFilter) native
; Dispel this effect
Function Dispel() native
; Get the base MagicEffect this active effect is using
MagicEffect Function GetBaseObject() native
; Get the actor that cast this spell
Actor Function GetCasterActor() native
; Get the actor this spell is targeting (is attached to)
Actor Function GetTargetActor() native
; Register for the specified animation event from the specified object - returns true if it successfully registered
bool Function RegisterForAnimationEvent(ObjectReference akSender, string asEventName) native
; Register for LOS gain and lost events between the viewer and the target
; A loss or gain event will be sent immediately, depending on whether or not the viewer is already looking at the target or not
; If the viewer is not the player, the target must be another actor
Function RegisterForLOS(Actor akViewer, ObjectReference akTarget) native
; Register for only the first LOS gain event between the viewer and the target
; If the viewer is already looking at the target, an event will be received almost immediately
; If the viewer is not the player, the target must be another actor
Function RegisterForSingleLOSGain(Actor akViewer, ObjectReference akTarget) native
; Register for only the first LOS lost event between the viewer and the target
; If the viewer is already not looking at the target, an event will be received almost immediately
; If the viewer is not the player, the target must be another actor
Function RegisterForSingleLOSLost(Actor akViewer, ObjectReference akTarget) native
; Register for a single OnUpdate event, in afInterval seconds. All scripts attached to this magic effect will get the update events
; Of course, this means you don't need to call UnregisterForUpdate()
; If you find yourself doing this:
; Event OnUpdate()
; UnregisterForUpdate()
; {Do some stuff}
; endEvent
; Then you should use RegisterForSingleUpdate instead
Function RegisterForSingleUpdate(float afInterval) native
; Registers this magic effect to receive events when the player sleeps and wakes up
Function RegisterForSleep() native
; Registers this alias to receive events when tracked stats are updated
Function RegisterForTrackedStatsEvent() native
; Register for OnUpdate events, every X seconds, where X is the interval. All scripts attached to this magic effect will get the update events
Function RegisterForUpdate(float afInterval) native
; Register for OnUpdateGameTime events, every X hours of game time, where X is the interval. All scripts attached to this magic effect will get the update events
Function RegisterForUpdateGameTime(float afInterval) native
; Register for a single OnUpdateGameTime event, in afInterval hours of game time. All scripts attached to this magic effect will get the update events
Function RegisterForSingleUpdateGameTime(float afInterval) native
; Remove all inventory event filters from this effect - all item added/removed events will now be received
Function RemoveAllInventoryEventFilters() native
; Remove an inventory event filter from this effect. Item added/removed events matching the
; specified form (or in the specified form list) will no longer be let through.
Function RemoveInventoryEventFilter(Form akFilter) native
; Turns on profiling for this specific object and all scripts attached to it - setting doesn't persist across saves
; Will do nothing on release console builds, and if the Papyrus:bEnableProfiling ini setting is off
Function StartObjectProfiling() native
; Turns off profiling for this specific object and all scripts attached to it - setting doesn't persist across saves
; Will do nothing on release console builds, and if the Papyrus:bEnableProfiling ini setting is off
Function StopObjectProfiling() native
; Unregister for any LOS events between the viewer and target
Function UnregisterForLOS(Actor akViewer, ObjectReference akTarget) native
; Unregister for the specified animation event from the specified object
Function UnregisterForAnimationEvent(ObjectReference akSender, string asEventName) native
; Unregisters this magic effect to receive events when the player sleeps and wakes up
Function UnregisterForSleep() native
; Unregisters this magic effect from receiving events when tracked stats are updated
Function UnregisterForTrackedStatsEvent() native
; Unregister for OnUpdate events, all attached scripts will stop getting update events
Function UnregisterForUpdate() native
; Unregister for OnUpdateGameTime events, all attached scripts will stop getting update game time events
Function UnregisterForUpdateGameTime() native
; Animation event, sent when an object we are listening to hits one of the events we are listening for
Event OnAnimationEvent(ObjectReference akSource, string asEventName)
; Event sent when you have been unregistered from receiving an animation event because the target
; object's animation graph has been unloaded
Event OnAnimationEventUnregistered(ObjectReference akSource, string asEventName)
; Event received when this effect is first started (OnInit may not have been run yet!)
Event OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster)
; Event received when this effect is finished (effect may already be deleted, calling
; functions on this effect will fail)
Event OnEffectFinish(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster)
; LOS event, sent whenever the viewer first sees the target (after registering)
Event OnGainLOS(Actor akViewer, ObjectReference akTarget)
; Lost LOS event, sent whenever the viewer first loses sight of the target (after registering)
Event OnLostLOS(Actor akViewer, ObjectReference akTarget)
; Received when the player sleeps. Start and desired end time are in game time days (after registering)
Event OnSleepStart(float afSleepStartTime, float afDesiredSleepEndTime)
; Received when the player stops sleeping - whether naturally or interrupted (after registering)
Event OnSleepStop(bool abInterrupted)
; Event received when a tracked stat is updated for the player
Event OnTrackedStatsEvent(string arStatName, int aiStatValue)
; Update event, sent every X seconds while this magic effect is registered for them
Event OnUpdate()
; Update event, sent every X hours of game time while this magic effect is registered for them
Event OnUpdateGameTime()
; The following events are received from the actor this effect is attached to:
; Event received when this reference is activated
Event OnActivate(ObjectReference akActionRef)
; Event received when this object has moved to an attached cell from a detached one
Event OnAttachedToCell()
; Event received when this object's parent cell is attached
Event OnCellAttach()
; Event received when this object's parent cell is detached
Event OnCellDetach()
; Event received when every object in this object's parent cell is loaded (TODO: Find restrictions)
Event OnCellLoad()
; Event received when this object is closed
Event OnClose(ObjectReference akActionRef)
; Event received when this object enters, exits, or changes containers
Event OnContainerChanged(ObjectReference akNewContainer, ObjectReference akOldContainer)
; Event received when this reference's destruction stage has changed
Event OnDestructionStageChanged(int aiOldStage, int aiCurrentStage)
; Event recieved when this object moves to a detached cell from an attached one
Event OnDetachedFromCell()
; Event received when this object is equipped by an actor
Event OnEquipped(Actor akActor)
; Event received when this object is grabbed by the player
Event OnGrab()
; Event received when this object is hit by a source (weapon, spell, explosion) or projectile attack
Event OnHit(ObjectReference akAggressor, Form akSource, Projectile akProjectile, bool abPowerAttack, bool abSneakAttack, bool abBashAttack, bool abHitBlocked)
; Event received when an item is added to this object's inventory. If the item is a persistant reference, akItemReference will
; point at it - otherwise the parameter will be None
Event OnItemAdded(Form akBaseItem, int aiItemCount, ObjectReference akItemReference, ObjectReference akSourceContainer)
; Event received when an item is removed from this object's inventory. If the item is a persistant reference, akItemReference
; will point at it - otherwise the parameter will be None
Event OnItemRemoved(Form akBaseItem, int aiItemCount, ObjectReference akItemReference, ObjectReference akDestContainer)
; Event recieved when this object is completely loaded - will be fired every time this object is loaded
Event OnLoad()
; Event received when the lock on this object changes
Event OnLockStateChanged()
; Event received when a magic affect is being applied to this object
Event OnMagicEffectApply(ObjectReference akCaster, MagicEffect akEffect)
; Event received when this object is opened
Event OnOpen(ObjectReference akActionRef)
; Event received when this actor finishes changing its race
Event OnRaceSwitchComplete()
; Event received when this object, if a book, is read
Event OnRead()
; Event received when this object is released by the player
Event OnRelease()
; Event received when this reference is reset
Event OnReset()
; Event received when this reference is sold by an actor
Event OnSell(Actor akSeller)
; Event received when a spell is cast by this object
Event OnSpellCast(Form akSpell)
; Event received when translation is complete (from a call to TranslateTo)
Event OnTranslationComplete()
; Event received when translation is aborted (from a call to StopTranslateTo)
Event OnTranslationFailed()
; Event recieved when this reference hits a target
Event OnTrapHit(ObjectReference akTarget, float afXVel, float afYVel, float afZVel, float afXPos, float afYPos, float afZPos, \
int aeMaterial, bool abInitialHit, int aeMotionType)
; Event recieved when this starts hitting a target
Event OnTrapHitStart(ObjectReference akTarget, float afXVel, float afYVel, float afZVel, float afXPos, float afYPos, float afZPos, \
int aeMaterial, bool abInitialHit, int aeMotionType)
; Event recieved when this stops hitting a target
Event OnTrapHitStop(ObjectReference akTarget)
; Event received when a this trigger is tripped
Event OnTrigger(ObjectReference akActionRef)
; Event received when this trigger volume is entered
Event OnTriggerEnter(ObjectReference akActionRef)
; Event received when this trigger volume is left
Event OnTriggerLeave(ObjectReference akActionRef)
; Event received when this object is unequipped by an actor
Event OnUnequipped(Actor akActor)
; Event recieved when this object is being unloaded - will be fired every time this object is unloaded
Event OnUnload()
; Event that is triggered when this actor's combat state against the target changes
; State is as follows:
; 0 - not in combat
; 1 - in combat
; 2 - searching
Event OnCombatStateChanged(Actor akTarget, int aeCombatState)
; Event that is triggered when this actor sits in the furniture
Event OnSit(ObjectReference akFurniture)
; Event that is triggered when this actor leaves the furniture
Event OnGetUp(ObjectReference akFurniture)
; Event that is triggered when this actor finishes dying
Event OnDeath(Actor akKiller)
; Event that is triggered when this actor begins dying
Event OnDying(Actor akKiller)
; Event that is triggered when this actor changes from one location to another
Event OnLocationChange(Location akOldLoc, Location akNewLoc)
; Received when the lycanthropy state of this actor changes (when SendLycanthropyStateChanged is called)
Event OnLycanthropyStateChanged(bool abIsWerewolf)
; Event received when this actor equips something - akReference may be None if object is not persistent
Event OnObjectEquipped(Form akBaseObject, ObjectReference akReference)
; Event received when this actor unequips something - akReference may be None if object is not persistent
Event OnObjectUnequipped(Form akBaseObject, ObjectReference akReference)
; Event received when this actor starts a new package
Event OnPackageStart(Package akNewPackage)
; Event received when this actor's package changes
Event OnPackageChange(Package akOldPackage)
; Event received when this actor's package ends
Event OnPackageEnd(Package akOldPackage)
; Event received when this object's Ward is hit by a spell
Event OnWardHit(ObjectReference akCaster, Spell akSpell, int aiStatus)
; Received when the player fires a bow. akWeapon will be a bow, akAmmo is the ammo or None,
; afPower will be 1.0 for a full-power shot, less for a dud, and abSunGazing will be true if the player is looking at the sun.
Event OnPlayerBowShot(Weapon akWeapon, Ammo akAmmo, float afPower, bool abSunGazing)
; Received when the player finishes fast travel, gives the duration of game time the travel took
Event OnPlayerFastTravelEnd(float afTravelGameTimeHours)
; Received immediately after the player has loaded a save game. A good time to check for additional content.
Event OnPlayerLoadGame()
; Received when StartVampireFeed is called on an actor
Event OnVampireFeed(Actor akTarget)
; Received when the vampirism state of this actor changes (when SendVampirismStateChanged is called)
Event OnVampirismStateChanged(bool abIsVampire)
; SKSE 64 additions built 2020-07-29 17:24:48.495000 UTC
; Additional useful effect information
float Function GetDuration() native
float Function GetTimeElapsed() native
; Registers for OnKeyDown and OnKeyUp events for the given keycode.
Function RegisterForKey(int keyCode) native
Function UnregisterForKey(int keyCode) native
Function UnregisterForAllKeys() native
Event OnKeyDown(int keyCode)
Event OnKeyUp(int keyCode, float holdTime)
; Registers for OnControlDown and OnControlUp events for the given control.
; For a list of valid controls, see Input.psc.
Function RegisterForControl(string control) native
Function UnregisterForControl(string control) native
Function UnregisterForAllControls() native
Event OnControlDown(string control)
Event OnControlUp(string control, float holdTime)
; Registers for OnMenuOpen and OnMenuClose events for the given menu.
; Registrations have to be refreshed after each game load.
; For a list of valid menu names, see UI.psc.
Function RegisterForMenu(string menuName) native
Function UnregisterForMenu(string menuName) native
Function UnregisterForAllMenus() native
Event OnMenuOpen(string menuName)
Event OnMenuClose(string menuName)
; Registers a custom event callback for given event name.
; Registrations have to be refreshed after each game load.
; Examples:
; RegisterForModEvent("myCustomEvent", "MyModEventCallback")
; Event signature of custom event callbacks:
; Event MyModEventCallback(string eventName, string strArg, float numArg, Form sender)
; endEvent
Function RegisterForModEvent(string eventName, string callbackName) native
Function UnregisterForModEvent(string eventName) native
Function UnregisterForAllModEvents() native
; Sends custom event with given generic parameters.
Function SendModEvent(string eventName, string strArg = "", float numArg = 0.0) native
; See Form.psc
Function RegisterForCameraState() native
Function UnregisterForCameraState() native
Event OnPlayerCameraState(int oldState, int newState)
; See Form.psc
Function RegisterForCrosshairRef() native
Function UnregisterForCrosshairRef() native
Event OnCrosshairRefChange(ObjectReference ref)
; See Form.psc
Function RegisterForActorAction(int actionType) native
Function UnregisterForActorAction(int actionType) native
Event OnActorAction(int actionType, Actor akActor, Form source, int slot)
; Registers the script for when a QueueNiNodeUpdate is called
Function RegisterForNiNodeUpdate() native
Function UnregisterForNiNodeUpdate() native
Event OnNiNodeUpdate(ObjectReference akActor)
; returns the magnitude of the active effect
float Function GetMagnitude() native