Preliminary 2.0.10 changelog
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Enderal SE v2.0.10 Changelog.txt
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Enderal SE v2.0.10 Changelog.txt
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@ -0,0 +1,325 @@
Enderal Special Edition Changelog
Ported by Eddoursul et al
See for the list of official patches up to version 1.6.4.
Beware, spoilers ahead!
2.0.10 (TBD)
- Fixed inability to talk to Jespar in Every Day Like the Last, Part II, if player arrives to the roof before him. Fixed force-greeting with an irrelevant line.
- Fixed possible music disappearing and weather getting stuck after The Voice from the Water.
- Fixed battle AI of mud elementals and trolls.
- Fixed Arveldhiin running away from player in the werewolf form.
- Fixed inability to lure Maxus to dinner with Aurora after talking to another NPC.
- Fixed Jespar not following player in the beginning of "The Word of the Dead" due to a data race.
- Starling Bird is now marked essential instead of protected, it can't be killed anymore.
- Yero's Powerful Mud Elemental no longer respawns, supplying unlimited amount of Yero's Last Words.
- Quest objectives in the Elixir automatically marked as finished when collected (reported by 0570). Refactored ingredient tracking, removed scripts from the elixir ingredients.
- World-placed items in uninhabited locations no longer respawn.
- Valuable items in inhabited locations no longer respawn.
- Ore veins no longer respawn.
- Added the "Don't Havok Settle" flag to all books in the game.
- SkyUI font size has been set to "Large" by default.
- Fixed incorrectly loading ground textures in front of the Abandoned Temple caused by modified timescale.
- Consistent paper map lighting during the day.
- Fixed intro music getting stuck between game loads.
- Made Tiwon protected to prevent his accidental death before finishing his quest.
- Improved NPC sandboxing in Ark Market.
- Significantly reduced repetitive idle chatting of NPCs.
- Fixed Varnhvar's sleeping package pointing to an already occupied bed.
- Fixed invalid ragdoll data of multiple dead NPCs and skeletons causing them to stalk the player.
- Converted root node of 27 tree models from BSFadeNode to BSLeafAnimNode.
- Removed support for upgrading from pre-1.6.2 versions.
- Flatter pebble meshes (from Shorter Grass by Fhaarkas).
- Reworked house furnishing system, see the help message for updated controls.
- Allowed werewolf transformation in inhabited locations with hostiles, like Upper Haystacks, basements on the Farmer's Coast, etc.
- And other way around - disallowed werewolves in apparitions in multiple locations in cities.
- Fixed idle movements of frozen enemies.
- Added empty music track to the _NONE playlist, unused by the base game, but sometimes reused by mods and causing CTD due to being empty.
- Tweaked confidence and melee reach values on a lot of creatures.
- Fixed the 50% chance on the Infiltrator: Bloodlust perk.
- Fixed visibility of Nehrimese ships.
- Added missing Fortify Enchanting and Fortify Alchemy effects to Soul Caller.
- Fixed enemies teleporting to player after calling the Arctic Wind.
- Mud elemental scale and collision fixes.
- Bigger stairs and bridge in Yero's cave.
- All mosses, fog sponges, and glimmerdust not longer can be looted in Lishari's memory.
- Fixed a hole in the Old Starling Workshop underwater in which you could swim through and leave the level bounds.
- Fixed the UV map of the two lower common tables.
- Fixed Starling Cuirass, closed the holes at the neck and arms + unified their look, the shoulder plates also don't clip anymore.
- Fixed texture placement on the Wandering Mage set.
- Fixed weight scaling of the Heart of the Swashbuckler.
- Fixed textures of the Heart of the Swashbuckler.
- Fixed clipping of the first person monk robes.
- Fixed mismatched robe colors in first and third person.
- Fixed clipping hand in first person for most robes.
- Fixed gaps between hands and sleeves in FarmerClothes02.
Hans Halber:
- Fixed positioning of candles in Riverville.
- Soul Trap Fix for Bound Weapons.
- Fixed vendor keywords on many book recipes, ingredients, and misc items.
- Fixed food effects, inconsistent with other items or with their appearance.
- Removed vendor keywords from decayed items.
- Added VendorItemRecipe to recipes to allow alchemists to buy/sell them.
- Made the leveled list of ammo _00ETraderAmmo actually leveled. Added a few missing ammo types.
- Fixed blue glowing on the stone near Yero's house.
2.0.9 (2021-10-23)
– Belt-fastened quivers, matching the animation. Thanks, OverDev!
– Reworked main menu in quest_journal.swf. Re-added Quicksave, moved it to the second position, and made the menu scrolled to it by default, making Quit visible right away.
– Added a check for incompatible dialoguemenu.swf replacers. If dialoguemenu.swf doesn’t support dialog locking, user receives a warning during conversation.
– Disabled Alethor’s donkey, causing random CTDs.
– Renamed misleading option “Save on Pause” to “Autosave Interval”, which is what it actually does.
– Upper-case main menu in English version to be in line with other localizations.
– Twice as fast paper map transition (0.75->0.4).
| (2021-05-09)
– Hotfix for placeable phasmalism stations.
– Hotfix for displaying health, mana, and stamina in the hero menu.
2.0.8 (2021-05-08)
– Reduced enchanting boost from Mana Salt from 10 to 1 (reported by wind).
– Fixed missing space after [Potion] and [Poison] in some languages.
– Fixed temporary effects from potions not visible in the hero menu.
– Automatically select the first and only apparition in the stats menu (statssheetmenu.swf).
– Fixed occasional CTDs shortly after an apparition is unsummoned.
– Fixed apparitions not able/not willing to use many spells from spellbooks handed to them. NOTE: Apparitions will still ignore mythical and “summon creature” spells for balancing reasons. “Summon weapon” spells will work though.
– Fixed some apparition buffs and effects from player’s perks, mostly from affinities with other classes: Spectral Warrior, Spektralist and Soulcaller. Soulcaller (transforming an apparition to a werewolf) got especially many fixes.
– On using phasmalism stations, apparitions will actually be placed in the glass tank.
– Improved following procedure: apparitions will bump less into you and will be more willing to swim when needed.
– “You cannot have an apparition … It will be banished” messages will appear when the player, not the apparition, crosses a “no apparitions” border. Also replaced the “OK” message box with a “tutorial” message appearing in the middle of the screen for several seconds.
– And other fixes and “quality of life” tweaks to phasmalism.
– (Mostly) fixed weird dark squarish patches in the open sea, most notably the ones visible from Frostcliff Mountains.
– Fixed perks stop glowing in the meditation room some days after being learnt by the player. “Expert of the Dark Arts” in Sinistrope tree and many perks in Phasmalist and Lycanthrope trees were affected by the bug (reported by Inkarion)
– Fixed Ralaf Crocco occasionally starting fights with Undercity population (reported by SPR_MQC).
– All normal children will flee combat now.
– Fixed wolves and horses not playing half of their sounds, including howling for the wolves.
– Various small tweaks and fixes to idle animations and sounds of wolves.
– Doubled the distance from the player at which randomly picked idle animations of NPCs start playing, to about 60 meters. For example, you’ll hear wolves from much further away now.
– Armors: fixed some footstep sounds (mostly from Enderal SE – Bug Fixes by Ixion), many slot assignments (a sort of hierarchy of armor pieces and body pieces when worn) and weapon positions.
– Fixed sound 3D positioning settings of Iron Arrow, Old Iron Arrow (from Enderal SE – Bug Fixes by Ixion) and Deathstorm spell projectile.
– Fixed NPC pathfinding (navmeshing) and a few minor issues in Glimmerdustcave at Sun Coast.
– Replaced “Teleport to Fogville” scrolls in several treasure mounds in Frostcliff Mountains with more appropriate “Teleport to Frostcliff Tavern” and “Teleport to Northwind Camp”.
– Fixed several patches of excessive grass on the road going west from Riverville.
– Fixed terrain patches with wrong texture paths at the Isle of Kor and the coast of Powder Desert.
– Fixed awkward mesh path of a property sign (_00E_PropertySign) and wrong texture paths of a “fall” cypress tree (gkbcyrodilcypress1fallversion.nif).
– Fixed not being able to loot perversions during “Dark Chambers Of Our Mind”.
– Herald in Ark Market will be less spammy with his announcements, making honest 3 minutes pauses between them. Also he got some improvements to his animations during the “performance”.
– Made the too loud ambient sounds in Duneville significantly quieter.
– Fixes to AI pathfinding (navmeshing) in Ark Market, the Fat Leoran tavern and the Silver Cloud brothel.
– Fixes and improvements to normal routines of several NPCs, especially in the Silver Cloud.
– Singing bards:
— Fixed all mistakes and discrepancies in the bards’ song lists. They will play every music piece available to them now, whether when asked by the player or in the “random shuffle mode” (especially the uniquely voiced Lavenia from the Red Ox, Farmers Coast).
— The “sing random song” dialogue option (“You choose one”) was moved to the bottom of the dialogue list and now will play only voiced songs, no instrumentals.
— In the Wayward Wanderer song, Timun (the False Dog, Undercity) and Lara (the Frostcliff Tavern) will be joined by a nearby idling minstrel for the flute part.
— In general, more reliable and immersive behavior/animations of all 7 singing bards and their audience NPCs, and other smaller fixes and improvements to the bards.
– Aeterna Minstrels, Ark Market:
— When the minstrels are not performing in the market, the usual ambient music tracks will be played there, as in the rest of Ark quarters.
— The minstrels will stay in their resting place for 3 days after the start of the siege of Ark, while the city is recovering from the attack and is cleaned up.
— The dancer minstrel won’t get stuck in the dance animation anymore when she ends her performance.
– Fixed collision on the tower mesh of Castle Blackstar.
– Fixed collision on the door in Ark Bank and theater.
– Fixed cacti meshes.
2.0.7 (2021-04-11)
– Fixed stalking errand boy in “Every Day Like the Last, Part II”.
– Fixed the Wild Mage in Undercity Barracks running away and not coming back.
– Fixed non-activatable Ryneus’ door in “A Song in Silence”.
– Fixed invisible pines in Goldenforst.
– Moved Enderal functions from native Papyrus objects ObjectReference and Potion to a dedicated script – prevents creation of werewolf potions from breaking due to accidental overwriting with SKSE scripts.
– Changed Chinese interface from Skyrim SE version (Traditional Chinese) to the Enderal LE version (Simplified Chinese) to match game language. Some new strings can be found untranslated in UI.
– Removed the Quicksave button from quest journal, making the Quit button visible without scrolling – thanks, uranreactor, for “Remove QuickSave Button from SkyUI System Menu”.
– Fixed normals and – thanks, sitch.
– Made all distant trees a bit darker.
– “Old Temple” worldspace: new LOD for the terrain, trees and objects. That should conceal the instances of black terrain spots there, at least partially.
– Fixed a few ugly out-of-place trees in the quarters of Ark that came with the previous patch.
– Fixed the closest to the cliff tower at the Harbour gate to Ark. Now it’s consistent between the quarters of Ark it can be seen from and the outside.
– Auto-reset of armor weight perks on loading a save if the player is over-encumbered (a workaround for the engine bug).
– Fixed flickering lights in “Floorhammer’s Forge Work” in Ark (CapitalCityBlacksmith), reported by Relentless Zen.
– Fixed glitching lights attached to sconces with removable torches from Clearwater Cave and other locations. Reported by Relentless Zen.
– Dreameater spells: fixed the spells doing only a small fraction of damage if the target has a magic resistance, reported by camel_enjoyer.
– Dreameater spells: fixed/rebalanced stealth damage multipliers. Old values: 2x times damage on stealth attacks normally, 1.667x (reported as 3x) with “Infiltrator: Heart Shot” perk. Now will do the standard damage multipliers for distant attacks: 1.5x normally and 2.5x with “Infiltrator: Heart Shot”.
– Dreameater spells: dual casting now will increase the main damage instead of the duration (more damage per second instead of longer duration, the total damage remains the same).
– Psionic Push spells: dual casting now will properly scale the main damage of the spells.
– Some common vatyrs from the Heartlands lost their 8% magic resistance, which they had for no apparent reason, with no other vatyrs being resistant to magic.
– Added LOD (distant) models for the Morning Dew wreck, a construction wheel crane, a fishing net.
– Fixed bad lighting on the distant statues of Malphas.
– Fixed invisible iced aspens.
2.0.6 (2021-04-03)
– Fixed re-enabling of NPCs after Black Light, Part II.
– Yuslan might get stuck during Nehrimese invasion.
– Increased stability of _00e_questfunctions, _00e_armorsetscript and some other scripts.
– Fixed light sources in UndercityBarracks1, reported by CrackpotTheorist.
– _00E_QuestFunctions: fixed a glitch in FadeToBlackAndBack function making the screen flicker a few times during transitions to/from black.
– Fixed CTD and updated lighting in AltIshmartepL1.
– Improved LOD, generated with DynDOLOD.
– Fixed snow on the statue of Malphas, making the statue invisible.
– Myrad fixes – idle markers, trees, shrubs, repositioned platform in Riverville.
– Fixed collisions on a lot of large NPCs.
2.0.5 (2021-03-26)
First release on Steam.
– Added empty leveled lists to vendors for easier scripted inventory additions in mods (thanks, gavrant).
– Fixed non-finalized navmesh in player homes, preventing NPCs from leaving when they get inside (thanks, H4wkeye).
– Fixed invisible wall in the Dust Pit (thanks, H4wkeye).
– Fixed cricket sounds starting when it’s raining (thanks, gavrant).
– Temporarily removed IceShader01 from _00E_Ark_MalphasStatue_Snow until we figure out, why it’s making the statue invisible (reported by gavrant).
– Fixed the transformation duration effect, it allowed to sell stolen goods to all vendors – reported by Quas.
– Reverted the gangrene effect to pre-FS state – 15% penalty to melee skills.
– As a workaround for the engine bug, breaking physics, added automatic dismounting on save load.
– Added checks for loaded `Enderal – Forgotten Stories.esm` and `SkyUI_SE.esp` – previous implementation did not fire without loaded SkyUI.
– Fixed lighting issues in Ark Crypt, Ark Bank, Rhalata Temple (reported by OverDev), Forgotten Temple (reported by CrackpotTheorist) – thanks, gavrant!
– Fixed grass, growing on roads of Riverville – thanks, gavrant.
– Reverted USSEP versions of defaultdisablehavokonload and draugrfxscript, breaking some things, thanks to gavrant for pointing this out. Fixes non-falling note near Jespar’s camp, reported by DWS.
– Removed USSEP INI change uMaxSizeForCachedSound=4096.
– Changed fGlobalBloomThresholdBoost from 100 to 10 – thanks, Canaria.
2.0.4 (2021-03-13)
– Fixed a rare crash on burning wood fence, reported by Butterfliezzz (thanks, OverDev).
– Updated Spanish translation by Kyku.
– Fixed cell names without translation in all localizations plus some smaller issues here and there.
– Fixed an exploit, allowing to infinitely consume potions during meditation, reported by Saafi05.
– Probably, fixed the scene with Tealor and Yuslan in MQ16.
– Fixed non-activatable door of The Hollow Hand, reported by Edcross447.
– Brought back records, needed for compatibility with Ultimate Combat.
2.0.3 (2021-03-07)
– Revised “Fog Near” in a few weathers and cells, removing the shadow circle around the player. Thanks to Zander for info.
– Reverted hudmenu.gfx to a pre-survival mode version – fixes the health bar disappearing when it’s not full.
– Rhalata mask and hood fixes by OverDev.
– Fixed a rare crash in the “Mark” spell (OverDev).
– Fixed a book in one of bank cells falling through the floor.
– Disabled the damage from skeleton bones and flying pots.
– Hi-Res face tattoo for Calia (OverDev).
– Slightly reduced intensity of volumetric lighting in sunny weathers (1.85 -> 1.75).
– Fixed most of twisted trees in Heartland and Crystal Forest – reported by Eferas.
2.0.2 (2021-03-01)
– Fixed CTD when looking at blue crystals (broken crystalbase01blue.nif). Reported by awkwardgardener. fixed by OverDev.
– Fixed glitching hands in Heavy Leather Cuirass (reported by The Writer).
– Fixed horses in the starting scene, appearing every time in different places and sometimes floating in the air.
– Fixed incorrect encoding of English localization, introduced in the previous update.
2.0.1 (2021-02-26)
– Fixed non-activatable Wishing Well in the Powder Desert (reported by scooglecops).
– Fixed companion behavior in The Black Guardian’s cave: they no longer run in wrong direction and use their weapons instead of fists.
– Fixed zoom level in book menu.
– Removed reflection settings from INI.
2.0 (2021-02-24)
First full release on Nexus Mods.
– Updated SKSE64 scripts with Enderal-specific functions from fs.dll.
– Removed underscores from cell Editor IDs, breaking save grouping in Skyrim SE.
– Regenerated paper map (thanks, LoAndEvolve!).
– Fixed custom map markers. Map data has been updated in all worldspace records.
– Added custom quest_journal.swf with added Flashing Savegames Fix by ousnius and fixed visibility of the “Show on Map” button.
– Identified the most optimal method of mesh conversion – “Full Optimization” in Cathedral Assets Optimizer. Really, it’s amazing.
– Removed unused CharGen flag from multiple NPCs, preventing them from FaceGen regeneration.
– Female NPCs now use smaller Skyrim teeth.
– All head parts have been converted with Nintendo Switch Skyrim NIF Optimizer in head parts mode, and all facegens have been regenerated.
– Removed Drunk Arazealean from BretonRace presets and added its copy instead – fixes black face.
– Starling Beard model is missing, blackfacing Kurmai. Gave him a human beard instead.
– To improve compatibility with SSE mods, disabled built-in SkyUI and added it as an external dependency.
– Re-converted tavern signs with SSE NIF Optimizer, broken by CAO.
– The Steam component has been extracted to a separate plugin due to crashing the game, when Enderal is not added to player’s library.
– ESM files have been converted to Form 44 (thanks, LoAndEvolve) and decompressed.
– All UI translations have been updated to Skyrim SE.
– All language versions now use the same ESM file, all string files have been resynced with converted masters.
– As a side effect, outdated Korean and Spanish versions have been updated to 1.6.4. Due to this, they have a few English strings now.
– Disabled autosaves before chargen, cluttering the new profile-oriented start menu.
– Removed hundreds of vanilla Skyrim meshes, textures, and scripts.
– Updated script fixes from Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch.
– Updated character skeletons to XPMSSE 4.80, rebuilt behaviors with FNIS 7.6.
– Added `Enderal – Forgotten Stories.ini` with Enderal-specific INI settings.
– Updated note models to Book Covers Skyrim SE by DanielCoffey.
– Added custom start menu without Bethesda-specific items.
– Included version-1-5-97-0.bin from Address Library for SKSE Plugins by meh321.
– Added volumetric lighting support.
– Clear weather is now brighter.
– Disabled the bloom effect with the INI parameter fGlobalBloomThresholdBoost.
– Fixed _00e_questfunctions with a lot of crucial functions getting stuck, when multiple parts of armor sets were taken out of a container (reported by Hirmuolio). Reworked _00e_armorsetscript.
– Fixed an error in _00e_fs_heavysaddlesc, creating an exploit, allowing to infinitely increase horse’s speed.
– Reduced strength of _00E_Ability_StaggerSelfSpell, which is used in scenes and somehow has stronger effect, than in LE, and can potentially break scenes.
– Adjusted Esme’s idles near Frostcliff Tavern.
– Fixed CTD in the City of a Thousand Floods, caused by broken gatekeeper.nif (OverDev).
– Fixed CTD in Starcity, caused by empty ambient playlist.
– Moved a cart in the Castle Quarters closer to the rock, so Jespar wouldn’t get stuck behind it, escorting the player to Sun Temple during “The First Steps”.
– Fixed the bandit attack scene in “A New Beginning”, so Finn wouldn’t get stuck scared after Carbos getting shot.
– Removed the call to skse.OpenJournalMenu() from dialoguemenu.swf, crashing the game. Looking for a proper fix.
– Jespar might not get close enough to his target marker after being escorted by the Aged Man, and the scene did not progress.
– Tharael no longer jumps again when he says he wants to sleep.
– Fixed invisible woodencradle_draugrburninganim.nif with OverDev’s help, reported by Hirmuolio.
– Fixed explosions of frozen enemies and black stones (reported by Hirmuolio).
– Disabled a floating shrub near Scout Tower, which does not seem to fit anywhere.
– Fixed menu pictures of Chaosnova (Eddoursul) and Grave Curse (OverDev).
– Ryneus’ .tri file was reworked (OverDev).
– Fixed transparent hair (OverDev).
– Fixed follower health bars. Refactored the script, making operation locks irrelevant. Added method removeAllActors to followerpanel.swf.
– Fixed the boat ghost not appearing.
– Fixed most of undisplayable characters outside the ASCII range in English and Korean localizations, causing overlapping texts in books (introduced in the Forgotten Stories DLC).
– Fixed CTD in Japanese localization, caused by an invalid placeholder %I instead of %i.
– Fixed incorrect .tri file in _00E_PosessedEyesHumanFemale, causing a freeze in the Crow Quarter.
– Due to unknown bug in SSE, preventing actors from speaking and performing an animation idle simultaneously, the scene with Finn and Carbos have been slightly refactored. The issue is still noticeable, though.
– Fixed a missing node in nordwind outfit\gloves_m.nif, crashing Creation Kit (reported by jdsmith2816).
– Fixed Jespar jumping to the player’s position after “The stage is yours” due to vanilla ResetAI bug.
– Fixed the specular effect on enchantment table stones (OverDev).
– Fixed incorrect texture paths in many vanilla enderal meshes (jdsmith2816).
– Added Level 32 LOD fixes from DynDOLOD Patched by Sheson.
– Many music tracks have been replaced with higher bitrate versions from EHQM – Enderal High Quality Music by TheLagJag.
– Korean Skyrim UI localization has been updated with localization by malmir.
– Disabled all instances of _00E_Game_SyncAnimationTGBX, breaking dancer packages.
– Fixed collision of The Beast’s cage, causing him to get stuck in it (OverDev).
– Fixed Rocio’s and captain’s book position on the Morning Dew (OverDev).
– Fixed father not approaching the elk in the opening scene.
– Fixed Rocio’s headtracking during Sirius’ execution.
– And many more smaller mesh and script fixes.
Pre-2.0 (2020)
– fs.dll has been updated to SKSE64, following instructions by Hishutup. Thanks to Kepler_MLG for the provided initial fs.dll for tests.
– Fixed paper map – LOD regenerated by Zora aka LoAndEvolve at Nexus Mods.
– The conversion project has been started by Eddoursul.
@ -1,240 +0,0 @@
Enderal Special Edition Changelog
See for the list of official Enderal patches up to version 1.6.4.
Join the Enderal SE Discord to follow further updates
Pre-2.0 (2020)
- fs.dll has been updated to SKSE64, following instructions by Hishutup. Thanks to Kepler_MLG for the provided initial fs.dll for tests.
- Fixed paper map - LOD regenerated by Zora aka LoAndEvolve at Nexus Mods.
- The conversion project has been started by Eddoursul.
2.0 (2021-02-24)
First full release on Nexus Mods.
- Updated SKSE64 scripts with Enderal-specific functions from fs.dll.
- Removed underscores from cell Editor IDs, breaking save grouping in Skyrim SE.
- Regenerated paper map (thanks, LoAndEvolve!).
- Fixed custom map markers. Map data has been updated in all worldspace records.
- Added custom quest_journal.swf with added Flashing Savegames Fix by ousnius and fixed visibility of the "Show on Map" button.
- Identified the most optimal method of mesh conversion - "Full Optimization" in Cathedral Assets Optimizer. Really, it's amazing.
- Removed unused CharGen flag from multiple NPCs, preventing them from FaceGen regeneration.
- Female NPCs now use smaller Skyrim teeth.
- All head parts have been converted with Nintendo Switch Skyrim NIF Optimizer in head parts mode, and all facegens have been regenerated.
- Removed Drunk Arazealean from BretonRace presets and added its copy instead - fixes black face.
- Starling Beard model is missing, blackfacing Kurmai. Gave him a human beard instead.
- To improve compatibility with SSE mods, disabled built-in SkyUI and added it as an external dependency.
- Re-converted tavern signs with SSE NIF Optimizer, broken by CAO.
- The Steam component has been extracted to a separate plugin due to crashing the game, when Enderal is not added to player's library.
- ESM files have been converted to Form 44 (thanks, LoAndEvolve) and decompressed.
- All UI translations have been updated to Skyrim SE.
- All language versions now use the same ESM file, all string files have been resynced with converted masters.
- As a side effect, outdated Korean and Spanish versions have been updated to 1.6.4. Due to this, they have a few English strings now.
- Disabled autosaves before chargen, cluttering the new profile-oriented start menu.
- Removed hundreds of vanilla Skyrim meshes, textures, and scripts.
- Updated script fixes from Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch.
- Updated character skeletons to XPMSSE 4.80, rebuilt behaviors with FNIS 7.6.
- Added `Enderal - Forgotten Stories.ini` with Enderal-specific INI settings.
- Updated note models to Book Covers Skyrim SE by DanielCoffey.
- Added custom start menu without Bethesda-specific items.
- Included version-1-5-97-0.bin from Address Library for SKSE Plugins by meh321.
- Added volumetric lighting support.
- Clear weather is now brighter.
- Disabled the bloom effect with the INI parameter fGlobalBloomThresholdBoost.
- Fixed _00e_questfunctions with a lot of crucial functions getting stuck, when multiple parts of armor sets were taken out of a container (reported by Hirmuolio). Reworked _00e_armorsetscript.
- Fixed an error in _00e_fs_heavysaddlesc, creating an exploit, allowing to infinitely increase horse's speed.
- Reduced strength of _00E_Ability_StaggerSelfSpell, which is used in scenes and somehow has stronger effect, than in LE, and can potentially break scenes.
- Adjusted Esme's idles near Frostcliff Tavern.
- Fixed CTD in the City of a Thousand Floods, caused by broken gatekeeper.nif (OverDev).
- Fixed CTD in Starcity, caused by empty ambient playlist.
- Moved a cart in the Castle Quarters closer to the rock, so Jespar wouldn't get stuck behind it, escorting the player to Sun Temple during "The First Steps".
- Fixed the bandit attack scene in "A New Beginning", so Finn wouldn't get stuck scared after Carbos getting shot.
- Removed the call to skse.OpenJournalMenu() from dialoguemenu.swf, crashing the game. Looking for a proper fix.
- Jespar might not get close enough to his target marker after being escorted by the Aged Man, and the scene did not progress.
- Tharael no longer jumps again when he says he wants to sleep.
- Fixed invisible woodencradle_draugrburninganim.nif with OverDev's help, reported by Hirmuolio.
- Fixed explosions of frozen enemies and black stones (reported by Hirmuolio).
- Disabled a floating shrub near Scout Tower, which does not seem to fit anywhere.
- Fixed menu pictures of Chaosnova (Eddoursul) and Grave Curse (OverDev).
- Ryneus' .tri file was reworked (OverDev).
- Fixed transparent hair (OverDev).
- Fixed follower health bars. Refactored the script, making operation locks irrelevant. Added method removeAllActors to followerpanel.swf.
- Fixed the boat ghost not appearing.
- Fixed most of undisplayable characters outside the ASCII range in English and Korean localizations, causing overlapping texts in books (introduced in the Forgotten Stories DLC).
- Fixed CTD in Japanese localization, caused by an invalid placeholder %I instead of %i.
- Fixed incorrect .tri file in _00E_PosessedEyesHumanFemale, causing a freeze in the Crow Quarter.
- Due to unknown bug in SSE, preventing actors from speaking and performing an animation idle simultaneously, the scene with Finn and Carbos have been slightly refactored. The issue is still noticeable, though.
- Fixed a missing node in nordwind outfit\gloves_m.nif, crashing Creation Kit (reported by jdsmith2816).
- Fixed Jespar jumping to the player's position after "The stage is yours" due to vanilla ResetAI bug.
- Fixed the specular effect on enchantment table stones (OverDev).
- Fixed incorrect texture paths in many vanilla enderal meshes (jdsmith2816).
- Added Level 32 LOD fixes from DynDOLOD Patched by Sheson.
- Many music tracks have been replaced with higher bitrate versions from EHQM - Enderal High Quality Music by TheLagJag.
- Korean Skyrim UI localization has been updated with localization by malmir.
- Disabled all instances of _00E_Game_SyncAnimationTGBX, breaking dancer packages.
- Fixed collision of The Beast's cage, causing him to get stuck in it (OverDev).
- Fixed Rocio's and captain's book position on the Morning Dew (OverDev).
- Fixed father not approaching the elk in the opening scene.
- Fixed Rocio's headtracking during Sirius' execution.
- And many more smaller mesh and script fixes.
2.0.1 (2021-02-26)
- Fixed non-activatable Wishing Well in the Powder Desert (reported by scooglecops).
- Fixed companion behavior in The Black Guardian's cave: they no longer run in wrong direction and use their weapons instead of fists.
- Fixed zoom level in book menu.
- Removed reflection settings from INI.
2.0.2 (2021-03-01)
- Fixed CTD when looking at blue crystals (broken crystalbase01blue.nif). Reported by awkwardgardener. fixed by OverDev.
- Fixed glitching hands in Heavy Leather Cuirass (reported by The Writer).
- Fixed horses in the starting scene, appearing every time in different places and sometimes floating in the air.
- Fixed incorrect encoding of English localization, introduced in the previous update.
2.0.3 (2021-03-07)
- Revised "Fog Near" in a few weathers and cells, removing the shadow circle around the player. Thanks to Zander for info.
- Reverted hudmenu.gfx to a pre-survival mode version - fixes the health bar disappearing when it's not full.
- Rhalata mask and hood fixes by OverDev.
- Fixed a rare crash in the "Mark" spell (OverDev).
- Fixed a book in one of bank cells falling through the floor.
- Disabled the damage from skeleton bones and flying pots.
- Hi-Res face tattoo for Calia (OverDev).
- Slightly reduced intensity of volumetric lighting in sunny weathers (1.85 -> 1.75).
- Fixed most of twisted trees in Heartland and Crystal Forest - reported by Eferas.
2.0.4 (2021-03-13)
- Fixed a rare crash on burning wood fence, reported by Butterfliezzz (thanks, OverDev).
- Updated Spanish translation by Kyku.
- Fixed cell names without translation in all localizations plus some smaller issues here and there.
- Fixed an exploit, allowing to infinitely consume potions during meditation, reported by Saafi05.
- Probably, fixed the scene with Tealor and Yuslan in MQ16.
- Fixed non-activatable door of The Hollow Hand, reported by Edcross447.
- Brought back records, needed for compatibility with Ultimate Combat.
2.0.5 (2021-03-26)
First release on Steam.
- Added empty leveled lists to vendors for easier scripted inventory additions in mods (thanks, gavrant).
- Fixed non-finalized navmesh in player homes, preventing NPCs from leaving when they get inside (thanks, H4wkeye).
- Fixed invisible wall in the Dust Pit (thanks, H4wkeye).
- Fixed cricket sounds starting when it's raining (thanks, gavrant).
- Temporarily removed IceShader01 from _00E_Ark_MalphasStatue_Snow until we figure out, why it's making the statue invisible (reported by gavrant).
- Fixed the transformation duration effect, it allowed to sell stolen goods to all vendors - reported by Quas.
- Reverted the gangrene effect to pre-FS state - 15% penalty to melee skills.
- As a workaround for the engine bug, breaking physics, added automatic dismounting on save load.
- Added checks for loaded `Enderal - Forgotten Stories.esm` and `SkyUI_SE.esp` - previous implementation did not fire without loaded SkyUI.
- Fixed lighting issues in Ark Crypt, Ark Bank, Rhalata Temple (reported by OverDev), Forgotten Temple (reported by CrackpotTheorist) - thanks, gavrant!
- Fixed grass, growing on roads of Riverville - thanks, gavrant.
- Reverted USSEP versions of defaultdisablehavokonload and draugrfxscript, breaking some things, thanks to gavrant for pointing this out. Fixes non-falling note near Jespar's camp, reported by DWS.
- Removed USSEP INI change uMaxSizeForCachedSound=4096.
- Changed fGlobalBloomThresholdBoost from 100 to 10 - thanks, Canaria.
2.0.6 (2021-04-03)
- Fixed re-enabling of NPCs after Black Light, Part II.
- Yuslan might get stuck during Nehrimese invasion.
- Increased stability of _00e_questfunctions, _00e_armorsetscript and some other scripts.
- Fixed light sources in UndercityBarracks1, reported by CrackpotTheorist.
- _00E_QuestFunctions: fixed a glitch in FadeToBlackAndBack function making the screen flicker a few times during transitions to/from black.
- Fixed CTD and updated lighting in AltIshmartepL1.
- Improved LOD, generated with DynDOLOD.
- Fixed snow on the statue of Malphas, making the statue invisible.
- Myrad fixes - idle markers, trees, shrubs, repositioned platform in Riverville.
- Fixed collisions on a lot of large NPCs.
2.0.7 (2021-04-11)
- Fixed stalking errand boy in "Every Day Like the Last, Part II".
- Fixed the Wild Mage in Undercity Barracks running away and not coming back.
- Fixed non-activatable Ryneus' door in "A Song in Silence".
- Fixed invisible pines in Goldenforst.
- Moved Enderal functions from native Papyrus objects ObjectReference and Potion to a dedicated script - prevents creation of werewolf potions from breaking due to accidental overwriting with SKSE scripts.
- Changed Chinese interface from Skyrim SE version (Traditional Chinese) to the Enderal LE version (Simplified Chinese) to match game language. Some new strings can be found untranslated in UI.
- Removed the Quicksave button from quest journal, making the Quit button visible without scrolling - thanks, uranreactor, for "Remove QuickSave Button from SkyUI System Menu".
- Fixed normals and - thanks, sitch.
- Made all distant trees a bit darker.
- "Old Temple" worldspace: new LOD for the terrain, trees and objects. That should conceal the instances of black terrain spots there, at least partially.
- Fixed a few ugly out-of-place trees in the quarters of Ark that came with the previous patch.
- Fixed the closest to the cliff tower at the Harbour gate to Ark. Now it's consistent between the quarters of Ark it can be seen from and the outside.
- Auto-reset of armor weight perks on loading a save if the player is over-encumbered (a workaround for the engine bug).
- Fixed flickering lights in "Floorhammer's Forge Work" in Ark (CapitalCityBlacksmith), reported by Relentless Zen.
- Fixed glitching lights attached to sconces with removable torches from Clearwater Cave and other locations. Reported by Relentless Zen.
- Dreameater spells: fixed the spells doing only a small fraction of damage if the target has a magic resistance, reported by camel_enjoyer.
- Dreameater spells: fixed/rebalanced stealth damage multipliers. Old values: 2x times damage on stealth attacks normally, 1.667x (reported as 3x) with "Infiltrator: Heart Shot" perk. Now will do the standard damage multipliers for distant attacks: 1.5x normally and 2.5x with "Infiltrator: Heart Shot".
- Dreameater spells: dual casting now will increase the main damage instead of the duration (more damage per second instead of longer duration, the total damage remains the same).
- Psionic Push spells: dual casting now will properly scale the main damage of the spells.
- Some common vatyrs from the Heartlands lost their 8% magic resistance, which they had for no apparent reason, with no other vatyrs being resistant to magic.
- Added LOD (distant) models for the Morning Dew wreck, a construction wheel crane, a fishing net.
- Fixed bad lighting on the distant statues of Malphas.
- Fixed invisible iced aspens.
2.0.8 (2021-05-08)
- Reduced enchanting boost from Mana Salt from 10 to 1 (reported by wind).
- Fixed missing space after [Potion] and [Poison] in some languages.
- Fixed temporary effects from potions not visible in the hero menu.
- Automatically select the first and only apparition in the stats menu (statssheetmenu.swf).
- Fixed occasional CTDs shortly after an apparition is unsummoned.
- Fixed apparitions not able/not willing to use many spells from spellbooks handed to them. NOTE: Apparitions will still ignore mythical and "summon creature" spells for balancing reasons. "Summon weapon" spells will work though.
- Fixed some apparition buffs and effects from player's perks, mostly from affinities with other classes: Spectral Warrior, Spektralist and Soulcaller. Soulcaller (transforming an apparition to a werewolf) got especially many fixes.
- On using phasmalism stations, apparitions will actually be placed in the glass tank.
- Improved following procedure: apparitions will bump less into you and will be more willing to swim when needed.
- "You cannot have an apparition ... It will be banished" messages will appear when the player, not the apparition, crosses a "no apparitions" border. Also replaced the "OK" message box with a "tutorial" message appearing in the middle of the screen for several seconds.
- And other fixes and "quality of life" tweaks to phasmalism.
- (Mostly) fixed weird dark squarish patches in the open sea, most notably the ones visible from Frostcliff Mountains.
- Fixed perks stop glowing in the meditation room some days after being learnt by the player. "Expert of the Dark Arts" in Sinistrope tree and many perks in Phasmalist and Lycanthrope trees were affected by the bug (reported by Inkarion)
- Fixed Ralaf Crocco occasionally starting fights with Undercity population (reported by SPR_MQC).
- All normal children will flee combat now.
- Fixed wolves and horses not playing half of their sounds, including howling for the wolves.
- Various small tweaks and fixes to idle animations and sounds of wolves.
- Doubled the distance from the player at which randomly picked idle animations of NPCs start playing, to about 60 meters. For example, you'll hear wolves from much further away now.
- Armors: fixed some footstep sounds (mostly from Enderal SE - Bug Fixes by Ixion), many slot assignments (a sort of hierarchy of armor pieces and body pieces when worn) and weapon positions.
- Fixed sound 3D positioning settings of Iron Arrow, Old Iron Arrow (from Enderal SE - Bug Fixes by Ixion) and Deathstorm spell projectile.
- Fixed NPC pathfinding (navmeshing) and a few minor issues in Glimmerdustcave at Sun Coast.
- Replaced "Teleport to Fogville" scrolls in several treasure mounds in Frostcliff Mountains with more appropriate "Teleport to Frostcliff Tavern" and "Teleport to Northwind Camp".
- Fixed several patches of excessive grass on the road going west from Riverville.
- Fixed terrain patches with wrong texture paths at the Isle of Kor and the coast of Powder Desert.
- Fixed awkward mesh path of a property sign (_00E_PropertySign) and wrong texture paths of a "fall" cypress tree (gkbcyrodilcypress1fallversion.nif).
- Fixed not being able to loot perversions during "Dark Chambers Of Our Mind".
- Herald in Ark Market will be less spammy with his announcements, making honest 3 minutes pauses between them. Also he got some improvements to his animations during the "performance".
- Made the too loud ambient sounds in Duneville significantly quieter.
- Fixes to AI pathfinding (navmeshing) in Ark Market, the Fat Leoran tavern and the Silver Cloud brothel.
- Fixes and improvements to normal routines of several NPCs, especially in the Silver Cloud.
- Singing bards:
-- Fixed all mistakes and discrepancies in the bards' song lists. They will play every music piece available to them now, whether when asked by the player or in the "random shuffle mode" (especially the uniquely voiced Lavenia from the Red Ox, Farmers Coast).
-- The "sing random song" dialogue option ("You choose one") was moved to the bottom of the dialogue list and now will play only voiced songs, no instrumentals.
-- In the Wayward Wanderer song, Timun (the False Dog, Undercity) and Lara (the Frostcliff Tavern) will be joined by a nearby idling minstrel for the flute part.
-- In general, more reliable and immersive behavior/animations of all 7 singing bards and their audience NPCs, and other smaller fixes and improvements to the bards.
- Aeterna Minstrels, Ark Market:
-- When the minstrels are not performing in the market, the usual ambient music tracks will be played there, as in the rest of Ark quarters.
-- The minstrels will stay in their resting place for 3 days after the start of the siege of Ark, while the city is recovering from the attack and is cleaned up.
-- The dancer minstrel won't get stuck in the dance animation anymore when she ends her performance.
- Fixed collision on the tower mesh of Castle Blackstar.
- Fixed collision on the door in Ark Bank and theater.
- Fixed cacti meshes.
|||||| (2021-05-09)
- Hotfix for placeable phasmalism stations.
- Hotfix for displaying health, mana, and stamina in the hero menu.
2.0.9 (2021-10-23)
- Belt-fastened quivers, matching the animation. Thanks, OverDev!
- Reworked main menu in quest_journal.swf. Re-added Quicksave, moved it to the second position, and made the menu scrolled to it by default, making Quit visible right away.
- Added a check for incompatible dialoguemenu.swf replacers. If dialoguemenu.swf doesn't support dialog locking, user receives a warning during conversation.
- Disabled Alethor's donkey, causing random CTDs.
- Renamed misleading option `Save on Pause` to `Autosave Interval`, which is what it actually does.
- Upper-case main menu in English version to be in line with other localizations.
- Twice as fast paper map transition (0.75->0.4).
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