Scriptname _00E_ArmorSetScript extends ObjectReference ;===================================================================================== ; EVENTS ;===================================================================================== Event OnEquipped(Actor akActor) If akActor == PlayerREF ;this event won't be sent by SKSE / SkyUI when using the Equip Mode of SkyUI to directly equip an item from another container. ;the same goes for the OnObjectEquipped event, hence we need the work around in OnContainerChanged UpdateSpells() EndIf EndEvent Event OnUnequipped(Actor akActor) If akActor == PlayerREF UpdateSpells() EndIf EndEvent Event OnContainerChanged(ObjectReference akNewContainer, ObjectReference akOldContainer) If akNewContainer == PlayerREF ; Take All, no need to check for equipped items If SKSE.GetVersion() > 0 && UI.IsMenuOpen("ContainerMenu") == False return EndIf If PlayerREF.IsEquipped(__Config_SetList) UpdateSpells() EndIf EndIf EndEvent ;===================================================================================== ; FUNCTIONS ;===================================================================================== Function UpdateSpells() bool bSKSE = (SKSE.GetVersion() > 0) Int iIndex Int nEquippedPieces = 0 Form[] setPieces if bSKSE setPieces = __Config_SetList.ToArray() else int nPieces = __Config_SetList.GetSize() if nPieces == 3 setPieces = new Form[3] elseif nPieces == 4 setPieces = new Form[4] elseif nPieces == 5 setPieces = new Form[5] else setPieces = new Form[6] endif iIndex = 0 while iIndex < nPieces setPieces[iIndex] = __Config_SetList.GetAt(iIndex) iIndex += 1 endwhile endif iIndex = 0 While iIndex < setPieces.Length If PlayerREF.IsEquipped(setPieces[iIndex] as Armor) nEquippedPieces += 1 EndIf iIndex += 1 EndWhile __Config_SetGlobal.SetValueInt(nEquippedPieces) Int nBonusSpells = nEquippedPieces - 1 Bool bSpellRemoved = False Bool bSpellAdded = False Form[] bonusSpells if bSKSE bonusSpells = __Config_SetBonusesList.ToArray() else int nSpells = __Config_SetBonusesList.GetSize() if nSpells == 3 bonusSpells = new Form[3] elseif nSpells == 4 bonusSpells = new Form[4] elseif nSpells == 5 bonusSpells = new Form[5] else bonusSpells = new Form[6] endif iIndex = 0 while iIndex < bonusSpells.Length bonusSpells[iIndex] = __Config_SetBonusesList.GetAt(iIndex) iIndex += 1 endwhile endif iIndex = 0 While iIndex < bonusSpells.Length Spell bonusSpell = bonusSpells[iIndex] as Spell if bonusSpell If iIndex < nBonusSpells If PlayerREF.HasSpell(bonusSpell) == False PlayerREF.AddSpell(bonusSpell) bSpellAdded = True EndIf Else ; iIndex >= nBonusSpells If PlayerREF.HasSpell(bonusSpell) PlayerREF.RemoveSpell(bonusSpell) bSpellRemoved = True EndIf EndIf endif iIndex += 1 EndWhile If bSpellAdded ArmorSetListener.OnArmorSetBonusAdded(nEquippedPieces >= setPieces.Length) ElseIf bSpellRemoved ArmorSetListener.OnArmorSetBonusRemoved() EndIf EndFunction ;===================================================================================== ; PROPERTIES ;===================================================================================== Bool Property __Config_5Pieces Auto {Does this set have five pieces? Default: False} _00E_ArmorSetListener Property ArmorSetListener Auto GlobalVariable Property __Config_SetGlobal Auto {The global associated with this set. Example _25E_HSet_FallenOneGlobal.} Formlist Property __Config_SetBonusesList Auto {The formlist containing the spell bonuses of the set.} Formlist Property __Config_SetList Auto {The formlist containing the set pieces.} Actor Property PlayerREF Auto