Scriptname _00E_DGIntimidatePlayerScript extends ReferenceAlias import game Event OnHit(ObjectReference akAggressor, Form akWeapon, Projectile akProjectile, bool abPowerAttack, bool abSneakAttack, bool abBashAttack, bool abHitBlocked) ; if the player is hit with any weapon other than hands, or by anyone but the brawlers if akAggressor != Opponent.GetRef() && akAggressor != OpponentFriend.GetRef() GetOwningQuest().SetCurrentStageID(200) endif endEvent Event OnMagicEffectApply(ObjectReference akCaster, MagicEffect akEffect) ; if player is hit with any magic effect (not by himself) if akCaster != GetPlayer() GetOwningQuest().SetCurrentStageID(150) endif endEvent Event OnEnterBleedout() ; Debug.Trace("player enters bleedout") GetPlayer().SetNoBleedoutRecovery(false) GetOwningQuest().SetCurrentStageID(180) Utility.Wait(7) GetOwningQuest().SetCurrentStageID(200) EndEvent Event OnLocationChange(Location akOldLoc, Location akNewLoc) if GetPlayer().IsInLocation(Opponent.GetActorReference().GetCurrentLocation()) == False ; Debug.Trace(self + "Player has left opponent's location, shutting down") GetOwningQuest().SetCurrentStageID(200) endIf endEvent ; Version update Int curScriptVersion = 0 Int Property LATEST_SCRIPT_VERSION = 1 AutoReadOnly Function Setup() curScriptVersion = LATEST_SCRIPT_VERSION EndFunction Event OnPlayerLoadGame() If curScriptVersion < LATEST_SCRIPT_VERSION curScriptVersion = LATEST_SCRIPT_VERSION Int curStage = GetOwningQuest().GetCurrentStageID() If curStage >= 150 && curStage < 200 ; Terminate the quest if it's stuck GetOwningQuest().SetCurrentStageID(200) EndIf EndIf EndEvent ReferenceAlias Property Opponent Auto ReferenceAlias Property OpponentFriend Auto