Scriptname _00E_FS_Recipe extends ObjectReference {Will teach the player the some of the effects of the given ingredients} Ingredient Property ing0 = None Auto Ingredient Property ing1 = None Auto Ingredient Property ing2 = None Auto Ingredient Property ing3 = None Auto Ingredient Property ing4 = None Auto Ingredient Property ing5 = None Auto MagicEffect Property effect0 = None Auto MagicEffect Property effect1 = None Auto MagicEffect Property effect2 = None Auto MagicEffect Property effect3 = None Auto Event OnRead() if SKSE.GetVersion() == 0 If ing0 != None ing0.LearnAllEffects() EndIf If ing1 != None ing1.LearnAllEffects() EndIf If ing2 != None ing2.LearnAllEffects() EndIf If ing3 != None ing3.LearnAllEffects() EndIf If ing4 != None ing4.LearnAllEffects() EndIf If ing5 != None ing5.LearnAllEffects() Endif return endif MagicEffect[] effects = new MagicEffect[4] effects[0] = effect0 effects[1] = effect1 effects[2] = effect2 effects[3] = effect3 If ing0 != None _TeachEffects(ing0, effects) EndIf If ing1 != None _TeachEffects(ing1, effects) EndIf If ing2 != None _TeachEffects(ing2, effects) EndIf If ing3 != None _TeachEffects(ing3, effects) EndIf If ing4 != None _TeachEffects(ing4, effects) EndIf If ing5 != None _TeachEffects(ing5, effects) Endif EndEvent Function _TeachEffects(Ingredient ing, MagicEffect[] effects) int i = ing.getNumEffects() While i > 0 i -= 1 if effects.Find(ing.getNthEffectMagicEffect(i)) != -1 ing.LearnEffect(i) Endif EndWhile EndFunction