Scriptname _00E_MQ11c_BlockDoorActivation extends ObjectReference {This script isn't solely used in MQ11c, don't change and use with care} Event OnInit() self.BlockActivation(True) EndEvent Event OnActivate(ObjectReference akActionRef) If self.IsActivationBlocked() If akActionRef == PlayerREF If !ConfigSmallerThan && !ConfigEqual If SetQuest.GetCurrentStageID() >= UnlockStage self.BlockActivation(False) Self.Activate(PlayerREF, True) Else _00E_BlockedMessage.Show() EndIf ElseIf ConfigSmallerThan == True If SetQuest.GetCurrentStageID() <= UnlockStage self.BlockActivation(False) Self.Activate(PlayerREF, True) Else _00E_BlockedMessage.Show() EndIf ElseIf ConfigEqual == True If SetQuest.GetCurrentStageID() == UnlockStage self.BlockActivation(False) Self.Activate(PlayerREF, True) Else _00E_BlockedMessage.Show() EndIf EndIf ElseIf akActionRef != PlayerREF Self.Activate(akActionRef, True) EndIf EndIf EndEvent Quest Property SetQuest Auto {The quest that controls the blocking behaviour of the set door} int Property UnlockStage Auto {The stage when the door can be used normally again} Actor Property PlayerREF Auto Bool Property ConfigGreaterThan Auto {Door can only be activated If the current quest stage is higher or equal to the unlockStage} Bool Property ConfigSmallerThan = False Auto {Door can only be activated If the current quest stage is lower or equal to the unlockStage} Bool Property ConfigEqual = False Auto {Door can only be activated If the current quest stage is equal to the unlockStage} Message Property _00E_BlockedMessage Auto {Message that gets displayed If the door cannot be opened}