Scriptname _00E_NQ29_AshwidowSC extends ObjectReference Event OnUpdate() bResetTimer = False EndEvent Event OnCellAttach() If bDone ; Failsafes and versions updates for pre- saves. Reset the widow and trigger if something went wrong during previous OnTriggerEnter Actor akAshWidow = NQ29.NQ29_Boss_AshWidow_REF If akAshWidow.IsEnabled() && akAshWidow.IsDead() == False bDone = False akAshWidow.Disable() EndIf EndIf EndEvent Event OnTriggerEnter(ObjectReference akActionRef) if akActionRef == PlayerREF && !bDone If PlayerREF.GetItemCount(_00E_NQ29_Boss_AshWidowClaw) >= 1 if !NQ29.IsRunning() NQ29.SetCurrentStageID(5) EndIf NQ29.AshWidowSetWeather() NQ29.SpawnAshwidow() if NQ29.NQ29_Boss_AshWidow_REF.IsEnabled() bDone = True EndIf Elseif !bResetTimer bResetTimer = True _00E_A1_DevourSoulScreamM.Play(PlayerREF) _00E_NQ29_AshWidowMessage.Show() RegisterForSingleUpdate(120) EndIf EndIf EndEvent bool bResetTimer bool bDone Message Property _00E_NQ29_AshWidowMessage Auto Sound Property _00E_A1_DevourSoulScreamM Auto Actor Property PlayerREF Auto _00E_NQ29_Functions Property NQ29 Auto MiscObject Property _00E_NQ29_Boss_AshWidowClaw Auto