Scriptname _00E_ShowTutorialMessage extends ObjectReference Event OnTriggerEnter(ObjectReference akActionRef) If akActionRef != PlayerREF Return EndIf If Done == False && ((_00E_DisableTutorials == None) || (_00E_DisableTutorials.GetValueInt() == 0)) if !(__Config_MessageBox) Done = True Message.ResetHelpMessage(InputEventName) TutorialMessage.ShowAsHelpMessage(InputEventName, Duration, IntervalTime, HowManyTimesDisplayed) Else If __Config_ShowOnlyOnce Done = True TutorialMessage.Show() EndIf EndIf EndIf If Done && __Config_DisableWhenDone Disable() EndIf EndEvent bool Property __Config_MessageBox Auto {If true, the message will be displayed in a messagebox rather than a floating tutorial message} bool Property __Config_ShowOnlyOnce = True Auto Bool Property __Config_DisableWhenDone = True Auto bool Done int Property Duration = 5 Auto ;How long should the message be displayed int Property IntervalTime = 30 Auto ;How much time should elapse between showings of the message int Property HowManyTimesDisplayed = 1 Auto ;How often should the message be displayed in total Message Property TutorialMessage Auto Actor Property PlayerREF Auto GlobalVariable Property _00E_DisableTutorials Auto String Property InputEventName Auto ; If available, specify and input event, such as "Jump" or "Attack". The message will disappear after sucessful execution of this event.