Scriptname abForswornBriarheartScript extends ActiveMagicEffect ingredient property BriarHeart auto {The briarheart object.} armor property ArmorBriarHeart auto armor property ArmorBriarHeartEmpty auto actor property mySelf auto hidden EVENT OnEffectStart(Actor Target, Actor Caster) mySelf = caster Caster.AddInventoryEventFilter(briarHeart) endEVENT EVENT OnItemRemoved(Form objectTaken, int aiItemCount, ObjectReference refTaken, ObjectReference akDestContainer) if objectTaken == briarHeart ; debug.trace("Briarheart warrior "+mySelf+" has had his heart removed!") ; kill the warrior, blame it on whoever took the heart if myself.isDead() == FALSE mySelf.kill(akDestContainer as actor) endif ; dead or alive, switch to "empty" cavity when the briarheart is taken myself.addItem(ArmorBriarHeartEmpty,1) utility.wait(0.25) mySelf.removeItem(armorBriarHeart,(mySelf.getItemCount(armorBriarHeart))) myself.equipItem(ArmorBriarHeartEmpty,TRUE,TRUE) endif endEVENT