Scriptname Actor extends ObjectReference Hidden ; Relationship functions use the following values: ; 4 - Lover ; 3 - Ally ; 2 - Confidant ; 1 - Friend ; 0 - Acquaintance ; -1 - Rival ; -2 - Foe ; -3 - Enemy ; -4 - Archnemesis ; DEPRECATED - use MakePlayerFriend() instead ; replacement for ModFavorPoints ; if iFavorPoints > 0, will setRelationshipRank to 1 if 0 ; otherwise, won't do anything Function ModFavorPoints(int iFavorPoints = 1) if iFavorPoints > 0 MakePlayerFriend() else ; debug.trace(self + " ModFavorPoints called with negative param. NO EFFECT.") endif endFunction ; also DEPRECATED Function ModFavorPointsWithGlobal(GlobalVariable FavorPointsGlobal) ModFavorPoints(FavorPointsGlobal.GetValueInt()) endFunction ;this function will make an actor a friend of the player if allowed Function MakePlayerFriend() ActorBase myBase = GetActorBase() if myBase.IsUnique() if GetRelationshipRank(Game.GetPlayer())== 0 ; debug.trace(self + " MakePlayerFriend called on neutral actor - changed to FRIEND.") SetRelationshipRank(Game.GetPlayer(), 1) else ; debug.trace(self + " MakePlayerFriend called on non-neutral actor - NO EFFECT.") endif else ; debug.trace(self + " MakePlayerFriend called on non-Unique actor. NO EFFECT.") endif endFunction ; Adds the specified perk to this actor Function AddPerk(Perk akPerk) native ; Adds the specified shout to this actor - returns true on success bool Function AddShout(Shout akShout) native ; Adds the specified spell to this actor - returns true on success bool Function AddSpell(Spell akSpell, bool abVerbose=true) native ; Sets this a essential actors ability to talk when in a bleedout state Function AllowBleedoutDialogue(bool abCanTalk ) native ; overrides the race flag on an actor and determines if he can talk to the player in dialogue menu Function AllowPCDialogue(bool abTalk) native ; Attaches an "ash pile" to this actor, placing it at this actor's location and using the specified ; base object (or leveled item list) to represent the pile. If None is passed, it will use the ; default ash pile object Function AttachAshPile(Form akAshPileBase = None) native ; Can this actor fly here? bool Function CanFlyHere() native ; Clears this actor's arrested state Function ClearArrested() native ; Clears any expression override on the actor Function ClearExpressionOverride() native ; Clears this actor's extra arrows 3D Function ClearExtraArrows() native ; Remove the obligation to use a particular marker when this actor has to land. Function ClearForcedLandingMarker() SetForcedLandingMarker( None ) endFunction ; Clear any keep offset from actor settings Function ClearKeepOffsetFromActor() native ; Clears this actor's look at target Function ClearLookAt() native ; Damages the specified actor value Function DamageActorValue(string asValueName, float afDamage) native ; Alias for DamageActorValue - damages the specified actor value Function DamageAV(string asValueName, float afDamage) DamageActorValue(asValueName, afDamage) EndFunction ; Initiates a dismount. bool Function Dismount() native ; Dispel all spells from this actor Function DispelAllSpells() native ; Dispel a spell from this actor bool Function DispelSpell( Spell akSpell ) native ; Apply a spell to a target in combat Function DoCombatSpellApply( Spell akSpell, ObjectReference akTarget ) native ; Enables or disable's this actor's AI Function EnableAI(bool abEnable = true) native ; End the Deferred Kill state. This must only be called if StartDeferredKill was called first. Function EndDeferredKill() native ; Forces this actor to equip the specified item, preventing removal if requested Function EquipItem(Form akItem, bool abPreventRemoval = false, bool abSilent = false) native ; Forces this actor to equip the specified shout Function EquipShout(Shout akShout) native ; Forces this actor to equip the specified spell. The casting source can be: ; 0 - Left hand ; 1 - Right hand Function EquipSpell(Spell akSpell, int aiSource) native ; Forces the AI to re-evaluate its package stack Function EvaluatePackage() native ; Force the specified actor value to a specified value Function ForceActorValue(string asValueName, float afNewValue) native ; Alias for ForceActorValue - force the specified actor value to a specified value Function ForceAV(string asValueName, float afNewValue) ForceActorValue(asValueName, afNewValue) EndFunction ;returns the ActorBase ActorBase function GetActorBase() return GetBaseObject() as ActorBase endFunction ; Gets the specified actor value - returns 0 and logs an error if the value is unknown float Function GetActorValue(string asValueName) native ; Gets the specified actor value's max, taking into account buffs/debuffs float Function GetActorValueMax(string asValueName) native ; Gets the specified actor value as a percentage of its max value - from 0 to 1 float Function GetActorValuePercentage(string asValueName) native ; Alias for GetActorValue - retrives the specified actor value float Function GetAV(string asValueName) return GetActorValue(asValueName) EndFunction ; Alias of GetActorValueMax - retrives actor value's max, taking into account buffs/debuffs float Function GetAVMax(string asValueName) return GetActorValueMax(asValueName) EndFunction ; Alias for GetActorValuePercentage - gets the actor value as a percent of max float Function GetAVPercentage(string asValueName) return GetActorValuePercentage(asValueName) EndFunction ; Gets the base value of the specified actor value - returns 0 and logs an error if the value is unknown float Function GetBaseActorValue(string asValueName) native ; Alias for GetBaseActorValue - retrieves the specified actor value's base value float Function GetBaseAV(string asValueName) return GetBaseActorValue(asValueName) EndFunction ; Obtains how much it would cost to bribe this actor int Function GetBribeAmount() native ; Get the faction this actor reports crimes to Faction Function GetCrimeFaction() native ; Gets this actor's current combat state int Function GetCombatState() native ; Gets this actor's current combat target Actor Function GetCombatTarget() native ; Gets this actor's current AI package Package Function GetCurrentPackage() native ; Gets this actor's current dialogue target Actor Function GetDialogueTarget() native ; Obtain the armor currently equipped in the specified slot Armor Function GetEquippedArmorInSlot(int aiSlot) native ; Obtains the item quipped in the specified hand (0 - Left hand, 1 - Right hand) ; Return values are: ; -1 - Error ; 0 - Nothing ; 1 - One-handed sword ; 2 - One-handed dagger ; 3 - One-handed axe ; 4 - One-handed mace ; 5 - Two-handed sword ; 6 - Two-handed axe ; 7 - Bow ; 8 - Staff ; 9 - Magic spell ; 10 - Shield ; 11 - Torch int Function GetEquippedItemType(int aiHand) native ; Gets this actor's currently equipped shout Shout Function GetEquippedShout() native ; Gets this actor's currently equipped weapon ; false - Default - Right Hand ; true - Left Hand Weapon Function GetEquippedWeapon(bool abLeftHand = false) native ; Gets this actor's currently equipped shield Armor Function GetEquippedShield() native ; Gets the spell currently equipped in the specified source ; 0 - Left Hand ; 1 - Right Hand ; 2 - Other ; 3 - Instant Spell Function GetEquippedSpell(int aiSource) native ; Obtains this actor's rank with the specified faction - returns -1 if the actor is not a member int Function GetFactionRank(Faction akFaction) native ; Obtains this actor's faction-based reaction to the other actor ; 0 - Neutral ; 1 - Enemy ; 2 - Ally ; 3 - Friend int Function GetFactionReaction(Actor akOther) native ; Obtains this actor's current flight state ; 0 - Not flying ; 1 - Taking off ; 2 - Cruising ; 3 - Hovering ; 4 - Landing int Function GetFlyingState() native ; Get the ref at which this actor is obliged to land, if one is set (or none, if not). ObjectReference Function GetForcedLandingMarker() native ; Retrieves the amount of gold this actor has int Function GetGoldAmount() native ; Gets this actor's highest relationship rank - returns 0 if they have no relationships int Function GetHighestRelationshipRank() native ; Returns this actor's killer - or None if this actor is still alive Actor Function GetKiller() native ; Returns this actor's current level. int Function GetLevel() native ; Returns this actor's current light level. float Function GetLightLevel() native ; Gets this actor's highest relationship rank - returns 0 if they have no relationships int Function GetLowestRelationshipRank() native ; Obtains a leveled actor's "fake" base (the one generated by the game when the ; actor is leveled. This differs from GetActorBase which will return the editor base ; object) ActorBase Function GetLeveledActorBase() native ; Queries whether this actor has no bleedout recovery flag set. bool Function GetNoBleedoutRecovery() native ; Queries whether this actor receives player input bool Function GetPlayerControls() native ; Returns this actor's race Race Function GetRace() native ; Obtains the relationship rank between this actor and another int Function GetRelationshipRank(Actor akOther) native ; Obtains this actor's sit state, which is one of the following: ; 0 - Not sitting ; 2 - Not sitting, wants to sit ; 3 - Sitting ; 4 - Sitting, wants to stand int Function GetSitState() native ; Obtains this actor's sleep state, which is one of the following: ; 0 - Not sleeping ; 2 - Not sleeping, wants to sleep ; 3 - Sleeping ; 4 - Sleeping, wants to wake int Function GetSleepState() native ; Gets the voice recovery timer from the actor float Function GetVoiceRecoveryTime() native ; Gets the total "warmth rating" for this actor float Function GetWarmthRating() native ; Checks to see if this actor has the specified association with the other actor - or anyone (if no actor is passed) bool Function HasAssociation(AssociationType akAssociation, Actor akOther = None) native ; Checks to see if this actor has a family relationship with the other actor - or anyone (if no actor is passed) bool Function HasFamilyRelationship(Actor akOther = None) native ; Sees if this actor has line-of-sight to another object. Only the player can check LOS to a non-actor bool Function HasLOS(ObjectReference akOther) native ; Checks to see if this actor is currently being affected by the given Magic Effect bool Function HasMagicEffect(MagicEffect akEffect) native ; Checks to see if this actor is currently being affected by a Magic Effect with the given Keyword bool Function HasMagicEffectWithKeyword(Keyword akKeyword) native ; Checks to see if this actor has a parent relationship with the other actor bool Function HasParentRelationship(Actor akOther) native ; Checks to see if this actor has the given Perk bool Function HasPerk(Perk akPerk) native ; Checks to see if this actor has the given Spell or Shout bool Function HasSpell(Form akForm) native ; Returns if this actor is alarmed or not bool Function IsAlarmed() native ; Returns if this actor is alerted or not bool Function IsAlerted() native ; Is this actor allowed to fly? bool Function IsAllowedToFly() native ; Is this actor currently arrested? bool Function IsArrested() native ; Is this actor currently arresting his target? (Must be a guard and alarmed) bool Function IsArrestingTarget() native ; Is the actor being ridden? bool Function IsBeingRidden() native ; Is this actor currently bleeding out? bool Function IsBleedingOut() native ; Queries whether this actor has player bribe flag set. bool Function IsBribed() native ; Is this actor a child? bool Function IsChild() native ; Is this actor a commanded by another? bool Function IsCommandedActor() native ; Returns if this actor is dead or not bool Function IsDead() native ; Returns if this actor is detected by the other one bool Function IsDetectedBy(Actor akOther) native ; Is this actor doing a favor for the player? bool Function IsDoingFavor() native ; Returns if the specified object is equipped on this actor bool Function IsEquipped(Form akItem) native ; Is this actor essential? bool Function IsEssential() native ; Returns if this actor is flying or not bool Function IsFlying() native ; Returns if this actor is a guard or not bool Function IsGuard() native ; Is this actor flagged as a ghost? bool Function IsGhost() native ; Is this actor hostile to another actor? bool Function IsHostileToActor(Actor akActor) native ; Returns if this actor is currently in combat bool Function IsInCombat() native ; Checks to see if this actor is a member of the specified faction bool Function IsInFaction(Faction akFaction) native ; Returns if this actor is in a kill move or not bool Function IsInKillMove() native ; Queries whether this actor has player intimidated flag set. bool Function IsIntimidated() native ; Is the actor on a mount? bool Function IsOnMount() native ; Is the actor over-encumbered? bool Function IsOverEncumbered() native ; Checks to see if this actor the last ridden horse of the player bool Function IsPlayersLastRiddenHorse() native ; Is this actor currently a teammate of the player? bool Function IsPlayerTeammate() native ; Is this actor currently running? bool Function IsRunning() native ; Is this actor currently sneaking? bool Function IsSneaking() native ; Is this actor currently sprinting? bool Function IsSprinting() native ; Is this actor trespassing? bool Function IsTrespassing() native ; Is this actor unconscious? bool Function IsUnconscious() native ; Does this actor have his weapon and/or magic drawn? bool Function IsWeaponDrawn() native ; Sets the actor to a mode where it will keep a given offset from another actor Function KeepOffsetFromActor(Actor arTarget, float afOffsetX, float afOffsetY, float afOffsetZ, float afOffsetAngleX = 0.0, float afOffsetAngleY = 0.0, float afOffsetAngleZ = 0.0, float afCatchUpRadius = 20.0, float afFollowRadius = 5.0) native ; Kills this actor with the killer being the guilty party Function Kill(Actor akKiller = None) native ; Kills this actor even if essential Function KillEssential(Actor akKiller = None) ActorBase akActorBase = GetBaseObject() as ActorBase if akActorBase.IsUnique() akActorBase.SetEssential(0) endif Kill(akKiller) endFunction ; Kills this actor without a kill event with the killer being the guilty party Function KillSilent(Actor akKiller = None) native ; Modifies the specified actor value Function ModActorValue(string asValueName, float afAmount) native ; Alias for ModActorValue - modifies the specified actor value Function ModAV(string asValueName, float afAmount) ModActorValue(asValueName, afAmount) EndFunction ; Modifies this actor's rank in the faction Function ModFactionRank(Faction akFaction, int aiMod) native ; Pop this actor to the initial location for a package. Mainly for use on ; disabled actors, since they would normally start at their editor locations. Function MoveToPackageLocation( ) native ; Opens this actor's inventory, as if you were pick-pocketing them. Only works on teammates, or anyone if forced. Function OpenInventory(bool abForceOpen = false) native ; Make the actor path to a reference, latent version ; Note: this method doesn't return until the goal is reached or pathing ; failed or was interrupted (by another request for instance) bool Function PathToReference(ObjectReference aTarget, float afWalkRunPercent) native ; Send an idle to the actor to load in and play. bool Function PlayIdle(Idle akIdle) native ; Send an idle to the actor to play, overriding its target with the specified reference bool Function PlayIdleWithTarget(Idle akIdle, ObjectReference akTarget) native ; Send an event to the subgraphs of an actor. Function PlaySubGraphAnimation(string asEventName) native ; Removes this actor from the specified faction Function RemoveFromFaction(Faction akFaction) native ; Removes this actor from all factions Function RemoveFromAllFactions() native ; Removes the specified perk from this actor Function RemovePerk(Perk akPerk) native ; Removes the specified shout from this actor - returns true on success bool Function RemoveShout(Shout akShout) native ; Removes the specified spell from this actor - returns true on success bool Function RemoveSpell(Spell akSpell) native ; Resets this actor's health and limb state Function ResetHealthAndLimbs() native ; Restores damage done to the actor value (up to 0 damage) Function RestoreActorValue(string asValueName, float afAmount) native ; Resurrects this actor Function Resurrect() native ; Alias for RestoreActorValue - restores damage done to the actor value Function RestoreAV(string asValueName, float afAmount) RestoreActorValue(asValueName, afAmount) EndFunction ; Has this actor behave as if assaulted Function SendAssaultAlarm() native ; Tell anyone who cares that the lycanthropy state of this actor has changed Function SendLycanthropyStateChanged(bool abIsWerewolf) native ; Has this actor behave as if they caught the target trespassing Function SendTrespassAlarm(Actor akCriminal) native ; Tell anyone who cares that the vampirism state of this actor has changed Function SendVampirismStateChanged(bool abIsVampire) native ; Sets the specified actor value Function SetActorValue(string asValueName, float afValue) native ; Sets the actor in an alerted state Function SetAlert(bool abAlerted = true) native ; Sets whether this actor is allowed to fly or not - if not, will land the actor Function SetAllowFlying(bool abAllowed = true) native ; Sets whether this actor is allowed to fly or not - if not, will land the actor Function SetAllowFlyingEx(bool abAllowed = true, bool abAllowCrash = true, bool abAllowSearch = false) native ; Sets this actor's alpha - with an optional fade to that alpha ; The alpha will be clamped between 0 and 1 Function SetAlpha(float afTargetAlpha, bool abFade = false) native ; Sets this actor to be attacked by all other actors on sight Function SetAttackActorOnSight(bool abAttackOnSight = true) native ; Alias for SetActorValue - sets the specified actor value Function SetAV(string asValueName, float afValue) SetActorValue(asValueName, afValue) EndFunction ; Flags/unflags this actor as bribed by the player Function SetBribed(bool abBribe = true) native ; Sets the faction this actor reports crimes to Function SetCrimeFaction(Faction akFaction) native ; Sets this actor's critical stage, which is one of the following (properties below also match this) ; 0 - None ; 1 - Goo start ; 2 - Goo end ; 3 - Disintegrate start ; 4 - Disintegrate end Function SetCriticalStage(int aiStage) native ; Flag this actor as currently doing a favor for the player Function SetDoingFavor(bool abDoingFavor = true) native ; Sets this actor as "don't move" or not Function SetDontMove(bool abDontMove = true) native ; Sets an expression to override any other expression other systems may give this actor. ; 7 - Mood Neutral ; 0 - Dialogue Anger 8 - Mood Anger 15 - Combat Anger ; 1 - Dialogue Fear 9 - Mood Fear 16 - Combat Shout ; 2 - Dialogue Happy 10 - Mood Happy ; 3 - Dialogue Sad 11 - Mood Sad ; 4 - Dialogue Surprise 12 - Mood Surprise ; 5 - Dialogue Puzzled 13 - Mood Puzzled ; 6 - Dialogue Disgusted 14 - Mood Disgusted ; aiStrength is from 0 to 100 (percent) Function SetExpressionOverride(int aiMood, int aiStrength = 100) native ;forces the eye texture for this actor to the give texture set Function SetEyeTexture(TextureSet akNewTexture) native ; Sets this actor's rank with the specified faction Function SetFactionRank(Faction akFaction, int aiRank) native ; Set a specific marker as the place at which this actor must land from flight. ; params: ; - aMarker: The ObjectReference to set as this actor's landing marker Function SetForcedLandingMarker( ObjectReference aMarker ) native ; Flags/unflags this actor as a ghost Function SetGhost(bool abIsGhost = true) native ; Adds this actor to a faction at rank 0 if they aren't already in it Function AddToFaction(Faction akFaction) if (!IsInFaction(akFaction)) SetFactionRank(akFaction, 0) endif EndFunction ; Turns on/off headtracking on this actor Function SetHeadTracking(bool abEnable = true) native ; Flags/unflags this actor as intimidated by the player Function SetIntimidated(bool abIntimidate = true) native ; Sets this actor's head tracking target, optionally forcing it as their pathing look-at target Function SetLookAt(ObjectReference akTarget, bool abPathingLookAt = false) native ; Set the no bleedout recovery flag on this actor Function SetNoBleedoutRecovery(bool abAllowed) native ; Sets this actor to not effect the detection level on the stealth meter if he is not hostile to the player Function SetNotShowOnStealthMeter(bool abNotShow) native ; Sets the actors outfit and makes him wear it Function SetOutfit( Outfit akOutfit, bool abSleepOutfit = false ) native ; Set/reset whether player input being sent to the actor Function SetPlayerControls(bool abControls) native ; Sets the player as resisting arrest from this actor's faction Function SetPlayerResistingArrest() native ; Sets or clears this actor as a teammate of the player ; abCanDoFavor - OPTIONAL default is true the teammate can do favors Function SetPlayerTeammate(bool abTeammate = true, bool abCanDoFavor=true) native ; Sets the actors race ; akRace - OPTIONAL (Def=None) New race for this actor. Default, no race, to switch back to the original race. Function SetRace( Race akRace = None ) native ; Sets the relationship rank between this actor and another (See GetRelationshipRank for the ranks) Function SetRelationshipRank(Actor akOther, int aiRank) native ; Sets this actor as restrained or not Function SetRestrained(bool abRestrained = true) native ; Set a variable on all of an actor's subgraphs Function SetSubGraphFloatVariable(string asVariableName, float afValue) native ; Sets this actor as unconscious or not Function SetUnconscious(bool abUnconscious = true) native ; Attach the actor to (or detach it from) a horse, cart, or other vehicle. ; akVehicle is the vehicle ref. To detach the actor from its current vehicle, set akVehicle to None (or to the Actor itself). Function SetVehicle( ObjectReference akVehicle ) native ; Sets the voice recovery timer on the actor ; afTime is recovery time in seconds Function SetVoiceRecoveryTime( float afTime ) native ; Opens the Barter menu Function ShowBarterMenu() native ; Opens the Gift menu ; Params: ; - abGivingGift: True if we're giving a gift to this Actor, false if the player is taking a gift from this Actor ; - apFilterList: OPTIONAL (Def=None) -- If present, this form list is used to filter the item list. Only items ; that match keywords / items in the list will get shown ; - abShowStolenItems: OPTIONAL (Def=false) -- If true, stolen items are shown ; - abUseFavorPoints: OPTIONAL (Def=true) -- If true, favor points are added / subtracted with each transaction. If false, FPs aren't used at all. ; Returns: The number of favor points spent / gained while in the menu. int Function ShowGiftMenu( bool abGivingGift, FormList apFilterList = None, bool abShowStolenItems = false, bool abUseFavorPoints = true ) native ; Starts Cannibal with the target Function StartCannibal(Actor akTarget) native ; Starts combat with the target Function StartCombat(Actor akTarget) native ; Start the Deferred Kill state. Be sure to call EndDeferredKill or the actor will be invulnerable. Function StartDeferredKill() native ; Starts vampire feed with the target Function StartVampireFeed(Actor akTarget) native ; Removes this actor from combat Function StopCombat() native ; Stops all combat and alarms against this actor Function StopCombatAlarm() native ; Returns whether the actor can trap the soul of the given actor. bool Function TrapSoul(Actor akTarget) native ; Unequips the all items from this actor Function UnequipAll() native ; Unequips the specified item from this actor Function UnequipItem(Form akItem, bool abPreventEquip = false, bool abSilent = false) native ; Unequips the all items in this slot for the actor Function UnequipItemSlot(int aiSlot) native ; Forces this actor to unequip the specified shout Function UnequipShout(Shout akShout) native ; Forces this actor to unequip the specified spell. The casting source can be: ; 0 - Left hand ; 1 - Right hand Function UnequipSpell(Spell akSpell, int aiSource) native ; This actor will unlock all the doors that he qualifies for ownership in his current parentcell Function UnLockOwnedDoorsInCell() native ; Returns whether intimidate will succeed against this actor or not bool Function WillIntimidateSucceed() native ; Returns whether anything the actor is wearing has the specified keyword bool Function WornHasKeyword(Keyword akKeyword) native ; Makes this actor start sneaking Function StartSneaking() native ; Makes this actor draw his weapon Function DrawWeapon() native ; Event that is triggered when this actor's combat state against the target changes ; State is as follows: ; 0 - not in combat ; 1 - in combat ; 2 - searching Event OnCombatStateChanged(Actor akTarget, int aeCombatState) EndEvent ; Event that is triggered when this actor sits in the furniture Event OnSit(ObjectReference akFurniture) EndEvent ; Event that is triggered when this actor leaves the furniture Event OnGetUp(ObjectReference akFurniture) EndEvent ; Event that is triggered when this actor finishes dying Event OnDeath(Actor akKiller) EndEvent ; Event that is triggered when this actor begins to die Event OnDying(Actor akKiller) EndEvent ; Event received when an actor enters bleedout. Event OnEnterBleedout() EndEvent ; Event that is triggered when this actor changes from one location to another Event OnLocationChange(Location akOldLoc, Location akNewLoc) EndEvent ; Received when the lycanthropy state of this actor changes (when SendLycanthropyStateChanged is called) Event OnLycanthropyStateChanged(bool abIsWerewolf) EndEvent ; Event received when this actor equips something - akReference may be None if object is not persistent Event OnObjectEquipped(Form akBaseObject, ObjectReference akReference) EndEvent ; Event received when this actor unequips something - akReference may be None if object is not persistent Event OnObjectUnequipped(Form akBaseObject, ObjectReference akReference) EndEvent ; Event received when this actor starts a new package Event OnPackageStart(Package akNewPackage) EndEvent ; Event received when this actor's package changes Event OnPackageChange(Package akOldPackage) EndEvent ; Event received when this actor's package ends Event OnPackageEnd(Package akOldPackage) EndEvent ; Event received when this actor finishes changing its race Event OnRaceSwitchComplete() EndEvent ; Received when the player fires a bow. akWeapon will be a bow, akAmmo is the ammo or None, ; afPower will be 1.0 for a full-power shot, less for a dud, and abSunGazing will be true if the player is looking at the sun. Event OnPlayerBowShot(Weapon akWeapon, Ammo akAmmo, float afPower, bool abSunGazing) EndEvent ; Received immediately after the player has loaded a save game. A good time to check for additional content. Event OnPlayerLoadGame() EndEvent ; Received when the player finishes fast travel, gives the duration of game time the travel took Event OnPlayerFastTravelEnd(float afTravelGameTimeHours) EndEvent ; Received when StartVampireFeed is called on an actor Event OnVampireFeed(Actor akTarget) EndEvent ; Received when the vampirism state of this actor changes (when SendVampirismStateChanged is called) Event OnVampirismStateChanged(bool abIsVampire) EndEvent ; Set of read-only properties to essentually make a fake enum for critical stages int Property CritStage_None = 0 AutoReadOnly int Property CritStage_GooStart = 1 AutoReadOnly int Property CritStage_GooEnd = 2 AutoReadOnly int Property CritStage_DisintegrateStart = 3 AutoReadOnly int Property CritStage_DisintegrateEnd = 4 AutoReadOnly ; **** For Debugging Movement Animations (not in release builds) **** ; Forces the movement direction on the actor ; afXAngle, afYAngle and afZAngle are in degrees Function ForceMovementDirection(float afXAngle = 0.0, float afYAngle = 0.0, float afZAngle = 0.0) native ; Forces the movement speed on the actor ; afSpeedMult is a speed multiplier based on the current max speeds ; - 0 -> 1 Scales between 0 and the Walk speed ; - 1 -> 2 Scales between Walk speed and Run Speed ; - 2 and above is a multiplier of the run speed (less 1.0 since Run is 2.0) Function ForceMovementSpeed(float afSpeedMult) native ; Forces the movement rotation speed on the actor ; Each component of the rotation speed is a multiplier following these rules: ; - 0 -> 1 Scales between 0 and the Walk speed ; - 1 -> 2 Scales between Walk speed and Run Speed ; - 2 and above is a multiplier of the run speed (less 1.0 since Run is 2.0) Function ForceMovementRotationSpeed(float afXMult = 0.0, float afYMult = 0.0, float afZMult = 0.0) native ; Ramps the movement direction on the actor to the passed in value over the passed in time ; afXAngle, afYAngle and afZAngle are in degrees ; afRampTime is in seconds Function ForceMovementDirectionRamp(float afXAngle = 0.0, float afYAngle = 0.0, float afZAngle = 0.0, float afRampTime = 0.1) native ; Ramps the movement speed on the actor to the passed in value over the passed in time ; afSpeedMult is a speed multiplier based on the current max speeds ; - 0 -> 1 Scales between 0 and the Walk speed ; - 1 -> 2 Scales between Walk speed and Run Speed ; - 2 and above is a multiplier of the run speed (less 1.0 since Run is 2.0) ; afRampTime is in seconds Function ForceMovementSpeedRamp(float afSpeedMult, float afRampTime = 0.1) native ; Ramps the movement rotation speed on the actor to the passed in value over the passed in time ; Each component of the rotation speed is a multiplier following these rules: ; - 0 -> 1 Scales between 0 and the Walk speed ; - 1 -> 2 Scales between Walk speed and Run Speed ; - 2 and above is a multiplier of the run speed (less 1.0 since Run is 2.0) ; afRampTime is in seconds Function ForceMovementRotationSpeedRamp(float afXMult = 0.0, float afYMult = 0.0, float afZMult = 0.0, float afRampTime = 0.1) native ; Sets the target movement direction on the actor ; afXAngle, afYAngle and afZAngle are in degrees Function ForceTargetDirection(float afXAngle = 0.0, float afYAngle = 0.0, float afZAngle = 0.0) native ; Sets the target movement speed on the actor ; afSpeedMult is a speed multiplier based on the current max speeds ; - 0 -> 1 Scales between 0 and the Walk speed ; - 1 -> 2 Scales between Walk speed and Run Speed ; - 2 and above is a multiplier of the run speed (less 1.0 since Run is 2.0) Function ForceTargetSpeed(float afSpeed) native ; Sets the target facing angle on the actor ; afXAngle, afYAngle and afZAngle are in degrees Function ForceTargetAngle(float afXAngle = 0.0, float afYAngle = 0.0, float afZAngle = 0.0) native ; Clears any forced movement on the actor and return it to its standard state Function ClearForcedMovement() native ; SKSE 64 additions built 2020-07-29 17:24:48.495000 UTC ; returns the form for the item worn at the specified slotMask ; use Armor.GetMaskForSlot() to generate appropriate slotMask Form Function GetWornForm(int slotMask) native ; returns the itemId for the item worn at the specified slotMask int Function GetWornItemId(int slotMask) native ; returns the object currently equipped in the specified location ; 0 - left hand ; 1 - right hand ; 2 - shout Form Function GetEquippedObject(int location) native ; returns the itemId of the object currently equipped in the specified hand ; 0 - left hand ; 1 - right hand int Function GetEquippedItemId(int location) native ; returns the number of added spells for the actor Int Function GetSpellCount() native ; returns the specified added spell for the actor Spell Function GetNthSpell(int n) native ; Updates an Actors meshes (Used for Armor mesh/texture changes and face changes) ; DO NOT USE WHILE MOUNTED Function QueueNiNodeUpdate() native ; Updates an Actors head mesh Function RegenerateHead() native int Property EquipSlot_Default = 0 AutoReadOnly int Property EquipSlot_RightHand = 1 AutoReadOnly int Property EquipSlot_LeftHand = 2 AutoReadOnly ; equips item at the given slot Function EquipItemEx(Form item, int equipSlot = 0, bool preventUnequip = false, bool equipSound = true) native ; equips item with matching itemId at the given slot Function EquipItemById(Form item, int itemId, int equipSlot = 0, bool preventUnequip = false, bool equipSound = true) native ; unequips item at the given slot Function UnequipItemEx(Form item, int equipSlot = 0, bool preventEquip = false) native ; Adds a headpart, if the type exists it will replace, must not be misc type ; Beware: This function also affects the ActorBase Function ChangeHeadPart(HeadPart hPart) native ; Replaces a headpart on the loaded mesh does not affect ActorBase ; Both old and new must exist, and be of the same type Function ReplaceHeadPart(HeadPart oPart, HeadPart newPart) native ; Visually updates the actors weight ; neckDelta = (oldWeight / 100) - (newWeight / 100) ; Neck changes are player persistent, but actor per-session ; Weight itself is persistent either way so keep track of your ; original weight if you use this for Actors other than the player ; DO NOT USE WHILE MOUNTED Function UpdateWeight(float neckDelta) native ; Returns whether the actors AI is enabled bool Function IsAIEnabled() native ; Resets Actor AI Function ResetAI() native ; Returns whether the actor is currently swimming bool Function IsSwimming() native ; Sheathes the actors weapon Function SheatheWeapon() native ; Returns the reference of the furniture the actor is currently using ObjectReference Function GetFurnitureReference() native ; 0 - "Aah" ; 1 - "BigAah" ; 2 - "BMP" ; 3 - "ChJSh" ; 4 - "DST" ; 5 - "Eee" ; 6 - "Eh" ; 7 - "FV" ; 8 - "I" ; 9 - "K" ; 10 - "N" ; 11 - "Oh" ; 12 - "OohQ" ; 13 - "R" ; 14 - "Th" ; 15 - "W" Function SetExpressionPhoneme(int index, float value) native ; 0 - "BlinkLeft" ; 1 - "BlinkRight" ; 2 - "BrowDownLeft" ; 3 - "BrowDownRight" ; 4 - "BrowInLeft" ; 5 - "BrowInRight" ; 6 - "BrowUpLeft" ; 7 - "BrowUpRight" ; 8 - "LookDown" ; 9 - "LookLeft" ; 10 - "LookRight" ; 11 - "LookUp" ; 12 - "SquintLeft" ; 13 - "SquintRight" ; 14 - "HeadPitch" ; 15 - "HeadRoll" ; 16 - "HeadYaw" Function SetExpressionModifier(int index, float value) native ; Resets all expression, phoneme, and modifiers Function ResetExpressionOverrides() native ; Returns all factions with the specified min and max ranks (-128 to 127) Faction[] Function GetFactions(int minRank, int maxRank) native