Scriptname BoundBowEffectScript extends ActiveMagicEffect ; Modder's Note - this feature was removed for functionality reasons. However; I'm leaving the script in for anybody who may want to play with bound arrows. -JB Ammo Property boundArrow Auto MagicEffect Property BoundBowFFSelf Auto EVENT OnEffectStart(Actor Target, Actor Caster) ; debug.trace("Bound Bow - Effect Starting - add and equip bound arrows") caster.additem(boundArrow,100,TRUE) caster.equipItem(boundArrow, TRUE, TRUE) endEVENT EVENT onLoad() ; debug.trace("Bound Bow caught Cell Attach") if !(getCasterActor().hasMagicEffect(BoundBowFFSelf)) ; debug.trace("Bound Bow - Cell Attached, script active, but effect not found on "+getCasterActor()) dispel() endif endEVENT EVENT OnEffectFinish(Actor Target, Actor Caster) ; debug.trace("Bound Bow - Effect Finishing, remove any bound arrows") caster.removeitem(boundArrow,caster.getItemCount(boundArrow),TRUE) endEVENT