Scriptname Cell extends Form Hidden ; Gets the actor that owns this cell (or none if not owned by an actor) ActorBase Function GetActorOwner() native ; Gets the faction that owns this cell (or none if not owned by a faction) Faction Function GetFactionOwner() native ; Is this cell "attached"? (In the loaded area) bool Function IsAttached() native ; Is this cell an interior cell? bool Function IsInterior() native ; Flags the cell for reset on next load Function Reset() native ; Sets this cell's owner as the specified actor Function SetActorOwner(ActorBase akActor) native ; Sets this cell's owner as the specified faction Function SetFactionOwner(Faction akFaction) native ; Sets the fog color for this cell (interior, non-sky-lit cells only) Function SetFogColor(int aiNearRed, int aiNearGreen, int aiNearBlue, \ int aiFarRed, int aiFarGreen, int aiFarBlue) native ; Adjusts this cell's fog near and far planes (interior, non-sky-lit cells only) Function SetFogPlanes(float afNear, float afFar) native ; Sets the fog power for this cell (interior, non-sky-lit cells only) Function SetFogPower(float afPower) native ; Sets this cell as public or private Function SetPublic(bool abPublic = true) native ; SKSE 64 additions built 2020-07-29 17:24:48.495000 UTC ; Returns the number of refs in the cell int Function GetNumRefs(int formTypeFilter = 0) native ; returns the ref at the specified index ObjectReference Function GetNthRef(int n, int formTypeFilter = 0) native ; Returns the water level of the cell (-2147483648 if no water) float Function GetWaterLevel() native ; Returns water level of the cell, if default returns water level from worldspace float Function GetActualWaterLevel() native