ScriptName defaultActivateLinkDoOnceSCRIPT extends objectReference {Default script intended for triggers. When hit, they'll activate their linked reference} import game import debug objectReference property OnlyActor auto {Set this property if you want to only allow activation from a specific actor, such as the player} bool property doOnce auto {by default, this trigger fires once only.} function ActivateNow(objectReference trigRef) ; Debug.Trace("Activating: " + self + " " + myLink) objectReference myLink = getLinkedRef() self.activate(self, true) if MyLink != NONE myLink.activate(self as objectReference) endif if doOnce == true gotoState("allDone") endif endFunction auto STATE waiting EVENT onTriggerEnter(objectReference actronaut) ; Debug.Trace("Trigger Enter: " + actronaut) if !onlyActor activateNow(actronaut) endif if onlyActor == actronaut activateNow(actronaut) endif endEVENT endSTATE STATE allDone ;do nothing endSTATE