Scriptname DefaultActivateLinkedRefOnAttacked extends Actor {Activates the specified linkedref when attacked.} Keyword property LinkKeyword Auto bool property onlyOnce = True Auto bool property onlyPlayer = False Auto int property minNumberHits = 1 auto {Minimum number of hits required to trigger the stage set. Allows for some leniancy, if desired.} ;Internally -- Actual number of hits received. int actualHits = 0 Auto State Waiting Event OnHit(ObjectReference aggressor, Form weap, Projectile proj, bool abPowerAttack, bool abSneakAttack, bool abBashAttack, bool abHitBlocked) if (aggressor == (Game.GetForm(0x14) as Actor) || !onlyPlayer) actualHits = actualHits + 1 if (actualHits >= minNumberHits) Self.GetLinkedRef(LinkKeyword).Activate(Self) if (onlyOnce) GoToState("Inactive") EndIf EndIf EndIf EndEvent EndState State Inactive EndState