Scriptname defaultAliasChangeOutfit extends ReferenceAlias {changes an actor's outfit on a ChangeLocation event} Location Property ChangeOutfitLocation Auto {change outfit when actor enters or exits this location (depending on bChangeOnExit flag)} int Property prereqStageOPT Auto {optional prerequisite stage} Outfit Property NewOutfit Auto {outfit to change into} bool Property bChangeOnExit = true Auto {if true, change outfit when actor EXITS the ChangeOutfitLocation; otherwise, change outfit when he ENTERS the ChangeOutfitLocation defaults to TRUE} auto STATE waiting Event OnLocationChange(Location akOldLoc, Location akNewLoc) if (bChangeOnExit && akOldLoc == ChangeOutfitLocation) || (!bChangeOnExit && akNewLoc == ChangeOutfitLocation) if prereqStageOPT == 0 || GetOwningQuest().IsStageDone(prereqStageOPT) gotoState("done") GetActorReference().SetOutfit(NewOutfit) endif endif endEvent endState STATE done ; do nothing endState