Scriptname DefaultAliasOnDeathScript extends ReferenceAlias {Sets a stage on the parent quest when the alias dies} int Property StageToSetOnDeath Auto {What stage should be set when the alias dies?} int property PrerequisiteStage = -1 auto {What stage must be active to set the stage -1 == do not use and is the default} event onDeath (actor akKiller) if PrerequisiteStage == -1 getOwningQuest().SetCurrentStageID(StageToSetOnDeath) elseif getOwningQuest().GetCurrentStageID() == PrerequisiteStage getOwningQuest().SetCurrentStageID(StageToSetOnDeath) else ; debug.Trace(self + " did not set stage " + StageToSetOnDeath + " because prerequisite stage was not set") endif endEvent