Scriptname defaultAliasRespawnScript extends ReferenceAlias {script for simple respawning of an alias Use with defaultQuestRespawnScript } function RespawnIfDead() ; debug.trace(self + " RespawnIfDead") if GetActorReference().IsDead() defaultQuestRespawnScript myQuest = GetOwningQuest() as defaultQuestRespawnScript gotoState("respawning") myQuest.Respawn(self) gotoState("normal") else ; debug.trace(self + "RespawnIfDead: I'm not dead - " + GetActorReference() + ".IsDead()=" + GetActorReference().IsDead()) endif endFunction auto state normal Event OnDeath(Actor akKiller) if bRespawningOn defaultQuestRespawnScript myQuest = GetOwningQuest() as defaultQuestRespawnScript gotoState("respawning") myQuest.TryToRespawn(self) gotoState("normal") endif endEvent endState state respawning Event OnDeath(Actor akKiller) endEvent endState bool Property bRespawningOn = true Auto {set to false to stop this alias from auto-respawning when it dies defaults to TRUE}