scriptName DefaultCastFromLinkOnTriggerSCRIPT extends objectReference {Configurable Custom Script. Be default: when triggered, it will cast the spell from a linked ref at the triggering actor} bool property playerOnly auto {if true, only works on the player} bool property doOnce auto {fire multiple times?} float property delayBetween auto {seconds to wait between shots. Only relevant if doOnce == false} spell property mySpell auto {spell to cast onTriggerEnter} auto STATE active EVENT onTriggerEnter(ObjectReference actronaut) if playerOnly == true && actronaut == game.getPlayer() || playerOnly == false ; debug.trace("Casting: " + mySpell + " from " + getLinkedRef()) mySpell.Cast(getLinkedRef()) gotoState ("inactive") ; don't cast subsequent spells until told to do so if doOnce == true ; and don't come back! else utility.wait(delayBetween) gotoState("active") ; debug.trace("Casting from " + getLinkedRef() + " available again") endif endif endEVENT endSTATE STATE inactive ; nothing happens here. endSTATE