ScriptName defaultCounterIncrementOnActivate extends ObjectReference {On activation, casts the linkedref to a defaultCounter and increments it.} import game import debug Keyword property counterLinkedRefName Auto {The name of the LinkedRef to the Counter. Defaults to the unnamed linkedref.} bool property toggle = True Auto {Defaults to true. If true, each activation of this particular object will alternate between incrementing and decremeting the counter. If false, just increments it.} bool lastActivationIncremented = False Function onActivate(Objectreference activator) if (toggle) if (lastActivationIncremented) (Self.GetLinkedRef(counterLinkedRefName) As defaultCounter).Decrement() lastActivationIncremented = False Else (Self.GetLinkedRef(counterLinkedRefName) As defaultCounter).Increment() lastActivationIncremented = True EndIf Else (Self.GetLinkedRef(counterLinkedRefName) As defaultCounter).Increment() EndIf EndFunction