scriptName defaultFakeSummonSpell extends Actor {A script to 'fake' summoning and banishing actors. By default, just 'summons' on activation, although optional Summon/Banish functions exist for more scripted use.} Activator property summonFX Auto Activator property banishFX Auto bool property summoned = False Auto auto State Waiting Event OnActivate(ObjectReference or) if (or != (Game.GetForm(0x14) as Actor)) GoToState("Done") Summon() EndIf EndEvent EndState state Done Event OnActivate(ObjectReference or) ;Do nothing. EndEvent EndState ;Optional way to trigger the Summon FX in more scripted situations. Event Summon() if (!Self.IsDead() && !summoned) Self.PlaceAtMe(SummonFX) Utility.Wait(1) Self.Enable(True) summoned = True EndIf EndEvent ;Optional way to trigger the Banish FX in more scripted situations. Event Banish() if (!Self.IsDead() && summoned) Self.PlaceAtMe(BanishFX) Self.Disable(True) summoned = False EndIf EndEvent