Scriptname defaultMoveActorTriggerScript extends ObjectReference {move any ACTOR that hits the trigger somewhere} ObjectReference Property MoveToMarker Auto {where to move the actors} ObjectReference Property IgnoreMe1 Auto {don't move this ref if it hits the trigger.} auto state waiting EVENT onTriggerEnter(objectReference triggerRef) ; debug.trace(self + " onTriggerEnter " + triggerRef) ; NOTE: ONLY MOVE ACTORS Actor triggerActor = triggerRef as Actor if (triggerActor && triggerActor != IgnoreMe1) ; move the actor triggerActor.MoveTo(MoveToMarker) if bDispelAllSpells triggerActor.DispelAllSpells() endif ; is this the setstage actor? if triggerActor == SetStageActor if SetStageQuest && StageToSet > -1 SetStageQuest.SetCurrentStageID(StageToSet) endif endif endif endEVENT endState Bool Property bDispelAllSpells = TRUE Auto { dispell all spells on actor when moving? } Actor Property SetStageActor Auto Quest Property SetStageQuest Auto Int Property StageToSet = -1 Auto