Scriptname DefaultPlaySoundAtLinkSCRIPT extends ObjectReference { Plays the sound (property) and this trigger's linked ref. -This script only fires once then disables itself. -Probably currently only supports one shot sounds. -May want to add options later to start and stop looping sounds. } Sound Property SelectedSound Auto { Pick the Sound that you want to be played. } float Property Volume Auto { The volume you'd like the sound to play at (Between 0 and 1, (DEFAULT = 1)) } bool Property PlayerOnly = TRUE auto { Does this only trigger for the player? (DEFAULT = TRUE) } ObjectReference myLinkedRef Event onTriggerEnter(ObjectReference triggerRef) if (triggerRef == Game.GetPlayer()) || (!PlayerOnly) myLinkedRef = GetLinkedRef() as ObjectReference int soundInstance = Sound.SetInstanceVolume(soundInstance, Volume) self.disable() endif endEvent