scriptname defaultSetStageActSCRIPT extends objectReference { this is a generic script for one-shot quest stage updates} import game import debug quest property myQuest auto { quest to call SetStage on} int property stage auto { stage to set} int property prereqStageOPT = -1 auto { OPTIONAL: stage that must be set for this trigger to fire } float property delay = 0.0 auto { OPTIONAL: Amount of time to wait until setting the stage. Defaults to 0 } bool property requirePlayerActivation = True auto { Whether or not the player needs to be the one to activate this: Defaults to True} auto STATE waitingForPlayer EVENT onActivate(objectReference triggerRef) if (triggerRef == getPlayer() as actor || !requirePlayerActivation) if prereqStageOPT == -1 || MyQuest.IsStageDone(prereqStageOPT) == 1 utility.Wait(delay) myQuest.SetCurrentStageID(stage) gotoState("hasBeenTriggered") endif endif endEVENT endSTATE STATE hasBeenTriggered ; this is an empty state. endSTATE