Scriptname defaultSetStageOnCloseBook extends ReferenceAlias {SCRIPT NAME NO LONGER ACCURATE. This previously waited until the book was closed to set its stage, but was changed to match expected behavior of OnRead event.} ;============================================== int Property preReqStage = -1 Auto {OPTIONAL: If set, this stage must have been done to set the StageToSet} int Property StageToSet Auto {The stage to set the quest to when I've been read} ;============================================== auto STATE ready Event OnActivate(ObjectReference akActionRef) stageHandling() EndEvent Event OnEquipped(Actor akActor) stageHandling() endEvent Event OnRead() stageHandling() EndEvent endSTATE STATE Done endSTATE ;============================================== FUNCTION stageHandling() If GetOwningQuest().GetCurrentStageID() == preReqStage || preReqStage == -1 ; utility.wait(0.1) GetOwningQuest().SetCurrentStageID(StageToSet) gotoState("Done") Endif endFUNCTION