scriptName FXdustDropOnActivateSCRIPT extends objectReference {this Script plays three dust falling animations when triggered} ;=============================================== import debug ; import debug.psc for acces to trace() import utility ; utility.psc for access to wait() import sound ; sound.psc for access to play() ;=============================================== Explosion property FallingDustExplosion01 auto sound property mySFX auto ; specify SFX to play ;********************************* auto State waiting Event onActivate(objectReference triggerRef) ; debug.trace(self + " activated") ;;Actor actorRef = triggerRef as Actor ;if(actorRef == game.getPlayer()) ;player has entered trigger gotoState("done") self.PlayAnimation("PlayAnim01") wait(0.3) placeAtMe(FallingDustExplosion01) wait(3.0) self.PlayAnimation("PlayAnim02") wait(3.3) self.PlayAnimation("PlayAnim03") ;endif endEvent endSTATE ;********************************* State done ;do nothing endState ;*********************************