Scriptname fxDustDropRandomSCRIPT extends ObjectReference {Randomly fires the dust drop fx} import debug ; import debug.psc for acces to trace() import game ; game.psc for access to getPlayer() import utility ; utility.psc for access to wait() import sound ; sound.psc for access to play() ;=============================================== sound property mySFX auto ; specify SFX to play Explosion property FallingDustExplosion01 auto int chooser ; random FX choice integer float rndWaitTimer ; we'll randomize how long we wait between FX bool on ;=============================================== ;This script has been rewritten for the USKP event OnCellAttach() UnregisterForUpdate() on = true rndWaitTimer = RandomFloat(10.0, 30.0) RegisterForSingleUpdate(rndWaitTimer) endEvent Event OnUpdate() if( !Is3DLoaded() ) on = False EndIf if (on == true) chooser = RandomInt(1,3) if chooser == 1 self.PlayAnimation("PlayAnim01") wait(0.5) placeAtMe(FallingDustExplosion01) wait(3) self.PlayAnimation("PlayAnim02") elseif chooser == 2 self.PlayAnimation("PlayAnim02") elseif chooser == 3 self.PlayAnimation("PlayAnim03") endif rndWaitTimer = RandomFloat(10.0, 30.0) RegisterForSingleUpdate(rndWaitTimer) endif endEvent event OnCellDetach() on = false endEvent