Scriptname FXShadowmereEmergeScript extends ObjectReference {Shadowmere: rise from your grave!} Import Weather Import Utility Actor property myShadowmereRef auto {shadowmere ref to fade in} Weather property WeatherForm auto {Creepy weather to play during the sequence} ObjectReference Property ShadowmerePoolMistWhite Auto {Whit mist usually around the pool} ObjectReference Property ShadowmerePoolMistBlack Auto {black mist around the pool durig the fade in sequence} ObjectReference Property ShadowmereLightRef Auto {Bright blue light turned on during the sequence} Armor Property HorseSaddleShadowmere Auto int cleanupTime Event OnLoad() ;Once the FXShadowmereEmerge activator is emnabled this load block should run and set the stage for shadomeres arrival ;Set scary weather on WeatherForm.SetActive(true) ;Turn on blue light ref ShadowmereLightRef.enable() ;Hide white mist and show black mist around pool during sequence ShadowmerePoolMistBlack.enable() ShadowmerePoolMistWhite.disable() EndEvent Event OnActivate(ObjectReference akActionRef); When the player is in the sweet spot trigger the fade it sequence by activating FXShadowmereEmer ;Enable shadowmere but make him invisible by running his skinGone animation myShadowmereRef.enable() while (myShadowmereRef.Is3DLoaded()) == false wait(0.05) endWhile myShadowmereRef.unequipItem(HorseSaddleShadowmere) myShadowmereRef.PlaySubGraphAnimation( "SkinGone" ) ;Play the bubble and smoke fx on the pool PlayAnimation("PlayAnim01") wait(3.0) ;fade in shadowfax myShadowmereRef.moveTo(self) myShadowmereRef.PlaySubGraphAnimation( "SkinFadeIn" ) wait(5.0) myShadowmereRef.equipItem(HorseSaddleShadowmere) wait(10.0) ;Turn off creepy weather ReleaseOverride() cleanupTime = 1 endEvent Event OnUnLoad() ;If cleanup time run the following if cleanupTime == 1 ;Switch back to regular mist ShadowmerePoolMistBlack.disable(true) ShadowmerePoolMistWhite.enable(true) ;disable the light when the player in not around since it will pop ShadowmereLightRef.disable(true) ;disable myself since i am a bunch of invisible art. self.disable() self.delete() endIf endEvent