scriptName HazardBase extends objectReference ; ; ;============================================ import utility int property damage auto hidden int property soundLevel = 10 auto int property trapPushBack auto sound property TrapHitSound auto weapon property hitFX auto ammo property hitFXAmmo auto int property trapLevel = 1 auto bool isWaitingToEvaluate = False float property staggerAmount = 0.0 auto bool property CheckAngle = false auto {if true this will check the angle of the actors velocity to the "up" vector of the trap default == False} auto State CanHit Event OnTrapHit(ObjectReference akTarget, float afXVel, float afYVel, float afZVel, float afXPos, float afYPos, float afZPos, int aeMaterial, bool abInitialHit, int aeMotionType) ; debug.Trace(self + ": TrapHit") ; debug.Trace(self + ": XYZ = (" + afXPos + "," + afYPos + "," +afZPos + ")") if !CheckAngle doLocalHit(akTarget, afXVel, afYVel, afZVel, afXPos, afYPos, afZPos, aeMaterial, abInitialHit, aeMotionType) else if isAngleAcceptable(afXVel, afYVel, afZVel) doLocalHit(akTarget, afXVel, afYVel, afZVel, afXPos, afYPos, afZPos, aeMaterial, abInitialHit, aeMotionType) endif endif endEvent Event OnTrapHitStart(ObjectReference akTarget, float afXVel, float afYVel, float afZVel, float afXPos, float afYPos, float afZPos, int aeMaterial, bool abInitialHit, int aeMotionType) ; debug.Trace(self + ": TrapHitStart") ; debug.Trace(self + ": XYZ = (" + afXPos + "," + afYPos + "," +afZPos + ")") if !CheckAngle doLocalHit(akTarget, afXVel, afYVel, afZVel, afXPos, afYPos, afZPos, aeMaterial, abInitialHit, aeMotionType) else if isAngleAcceptable(afXVel, afYVel, afZVel) doLocalHit(akTarget, afXVel, afYVel, afZVel, afXPos, afYPos, afZPos, aeMaterial, abInitialHit, aeMotionType) endif endif endEvent EndState State CannotHit endState event onLoad() ResolveLeveledDamage() ;set damage appropriate to player level endEvent event onUpdate() unRegisterForUpdate() ;EvaluateStoredRefs() isWaitingToEvaluate = FALSE endEvent function doLocalHit(ObjectReference akTarget, float afXVel, float afYVel, float afZVel, float afXPos, float afYPos, float afZPos, int aeMaterial, bool abInitialHit, int aeMotionType) akTarget.ProcessTrapHit(self, damage, trapPushBack, afXVel, afYVel, afZVel, afXPos, afYPos, afZPos, aeMaterial, staggerAmount) ; debug.Trace(self + " has hit " + akTarget) self as ObjectReference) ;play hit sound, hitFxAmmo) CreateDetectionEvent(akTarget as actor, soundLevel) ; creates a detection event endFunction bool function isAngleAcceptable(float afXVel, float afYVel, float afZVel) float maxZVelocity = 1.0 float minZVelocity = 0.3 ; float selfX ; float selfY ; float selfZ ; float selfNodeX ; float selfNodeY ; float selfNodeZ ; float dotProduct ; dotProduct = sqrt() ; if acos(MAXANGLE) < dotProduct ; debug.trace (self + ": X velocity = " + afXVel) ; debug.trace (self + ": Y velocity = " + afYVel) ; debug.trace (self + ": Z velocity = " + afZVel) float absoluteZ = (math.abs(afZVel)) float absoluteY = math.abs(afYVel) float absoluteX = math.abs(afXVel) if absoluteZ >= maxZVelocity return true elseif absoluteZ >= minZVelocity if (absoluteZ * (0.6)) >= absoluteY return True elseif (absoluteZ * (0.6)) >= absoluteX Return True else return False endif else return false endif endFunction ;====================================================== int property LvlThreshold1 auto int property LvlDamage1 auto int property LvlThreshold2 auto int property LvlDamage2 auto int property LvlThreshold3 auto int property LvlDamage3 auto int property LvlThreshold4 auto int property LvlDamage4 auto int property LvlThreshold5 auto int property LvlDamage5 auto int property LvlDamage6 auto ;int Function ResolveLeveledDamage (int damage) Function ResolveLeveledDamage() int damageLevel damageLevel = CalculateEncounterLevel(TrapLevel) damage = LvlDamage1 if (damageLevel > LvlThreshold1 && damageLevel <= LvlThreshold2) damage = LvlDamage2 ;Trace("damage threshold =") ;Trace("2") endif if (damageLevel > LvlThreshold2 && damageLevel <= LvlThreshold3) damage = LvlDamage3 ;Trace("damage threshold =") ;Trace("3") endif if (damageLevel > LvlThreshold3 && damageLevel <= LvlThreshold4) damage = LvlDamage4 ;Trace("damage threshold =") ;Trace("4") endif if (damageLevel > LvlThreshold4 && damageLevel <= LvlThreshold5) damage = LvlDamage5 ;Trace("damage threshold =") ;Trace("5") endif if (damageLevel > LvlThreshold5) damage = LvlDamage6 ;Trace("damage threshold =") ;Trace("6") endif ;Trace("damage =") ;Trace(damage) ;return damage EndFunction