Scriptname HeadPart extends Form Hidden int Property Type_Misc = 0 AutoReadOnly int Property Type_Face = 1 AutoReadOnly int Property Type_Eyes = 2 AutoReadOnly int Property Type_Hair = 3 AutoReadOnly int Property Type_FacialHair = 4 AutoReadOnly int Property Type_Scar = 5 AutoReadOnly int Property Type_Brows = 6 AutoReadOnly HeadPart Function GetHeadPart(string name) native global ; Returns the head part type int Function GetType() native int Function GetNumExtraParts() native HeadPart Function GetNthExtraPart(int n) native bool Function HasExtraPart(HeadPart p) native int Function GetIndexOfExtraPart(HeadPart p) native ; Returns a formlist of the valid races for this head part FormList Function GetValidRaces() native Function SetValidRaces(FormList vRaces) native ; Returns whether the head part is an extra part bool Function IsExtraPart() native ; Returns the EditorID of the HeadPart string Function GetPartName() native