scriptName MagicTrap Extends TrapBase ; ; ;=================================================================== ;;GENERAL PROPERTIES BLOCK ;=================================================================== spell property magicWeapon auto hidden ;ammo property magicWeaponAmmo auto float property initialDelay = 0.5 auto hidden float property firingRate = 2.0 auto hidden float property currentFiringTimer auto hidden float property firingSpinup = 0.5 auto hidden int property castingAim = 0 auto {use to determin how the aiming type of the magic cast 0 = straight fire (default) 1 = fire at linked Ref with TrapLink keyword 2 = fire at the object that activated my trigger} objectReference property targetRef auto hidden bool property forwardFiring = false auto int property aaSpellToCast = 0 Auto {The type of spell to cast, the leveled version is resolved internally 0 = firebolt 1 = fireball 2 = flames 3 = lightning bolt 4 = chain lightning 5 = sparks 6 = ice spike 7 = frostbite 8 = ice storm } import utility import game import math bool finishedFiring = false bool weaponResolved = false bool concentrationCastLoop = false objectReference property mySoulGem auto hidden formlist property flSoulGemTest auto int property mySpellLevel = 1 auto hidden objectReference property trapSelf auto hidden objectReference property clearRef auto hidden bool property isFiring auto hidden bool property isLoaded auto hidden keyword property TrapLink auto hidden ;=================================================================== ;;CORE LOGIC BLOCK ;=================================================================== Function fireTrap() ; ;;Debug.Trace(self + " is calling fireTrap") ;if !trapDisarmed ;playAnimation("alarm") ; self as ObjectReference) ;play windup sound ;wait( initialDelay ) ;wait for windup isFiring = True overrideLoop = False if !gemTested if getLinkedRef().isEnabled() testRefIsSoulGem(trapSelf.getLinkedRef()) endif endif resetLimiter() ;USLEEP 3.0.11 Bug #14979 - Since the soul gem must be enabled, it must also not be invalid as well so this needed a validity check. while(finishedFiring == False) && isLoaded && mySoulGem != None && mySoulGem.isEnabled() ; ;Debug.Trace(self + " is looping fire") ;playAnimation("fire") if isLoaded && mySoulGem wait(firingSpinup) endif ;if statement to handle concentration casting loop if aaSpellToCast == 2 || aaSpellToCast == 5 || aaSpellToCast == 7 if concentrationCastLoop == false fireByCastingType() ;does the actual casting concentrationCastLoop = True endif Else fireByCastingType() ;does the actual casting endif finishedFiring = True ;playAnimation("alarm") CurrentFiringTimer = (utility.getCurrentRealTime() + firingRate) while !overrideLoop && isLoaded && mySoulGem && CurrentFiringTimer > utility.getCurrentRealTime() utility.wait(0.3) endWhile if aaSpellToCast == 2 || aaSpellToCast == 5 || aaSpellToCast == 7 concentrationCastLoop = false interruptCast() endif if (loop == TRUE) ;Reset Limiter resetLimiter() endif endWhile concentrationCastLoop = false if aaSpellToCast == 2 || aaSpellToCast == 5 || aaSpellToCast == 7 interruptCast() endif if isLoaded isFiring = false ;if !trapDisarmed ;playAnimation("idle") goToState("Reset") ;endif endif ;endif endFunction state pause event onBeginState() utility.wait(0.1) goToState("disarmed") EndEvent Event OnActivate( objectReference activateRef ) EndEvent endState auto state disarmed ;;No trap rearming allowed. ; event onTriggerEnter(ObjectReference triggerRef) ; ; ;Debug.Trace(self + " has been entered by" + triggerRef) ; testRefIsSoulGem(triggerRef) ; endEvent event onBeginState() ; ;Debug.Trace(self + " has entered state Disarmed") endEvent Event OnActivate( objectReference activateRef ) EndEvent endState State Reset Event OnBeginState() ; ;Debug.Trace(self + " has entered state Reset") GoToState ( "Idle" ) endEvent Event OnActivate( objectReference activateRef ) EndEvent endState state Arming event onTriggerLeave(objectReference triggerRef) endEvent endState ;=================================================================== ;;TRIGGER EVENT BLOCK ;=================================================================== ;/ event onTriggerLeave(objectReference triggerRef) ; Debug.trace(self + " has been left by " + triggerRef) if triggerRef == mySoulGem && AttachSetUpComplete ; ;Debug.Trace(triggerRef + " == " + mySoulGem) clearMySoulGem() loop = false trapDisarmed = True goToState("pause") ; elseif game.getPlayer().getItemCount(mySoulGem) ; ; ;Debug.Trace(mySoulGem + " is in the player inventory") ; mySoulGem = clearRef ; loop = false ; trapDisarmed = True ; goToState("pause") else ; Debug.Trace(triggerRef + " != " + mySoulGem) endif endEvent /; ;=================================================================== ;;LOADED EVENT BLOCK ;=================================================================== ;/ event onLoad() playAnimation("remove") trapSelf = self as objectReference isLoaded = TRUE if isFiring == True fireTrap() endif endEvent /; event OnLoad() ; Debug.Trace(self + ": onAttachedToCell called") isLoaded = TRUE trapSelf = self as objectReference CellAttachSetUp(trapSelf) endEvent ;/ event onCellLoad() ; ;;Debug.Trace(self + " has recieved onCellLoad") ; Debug.Trace(self + ": onCellLoad called") isLoaded = TRUE trapSelf = self as objectReference CellAttachSetUp(trapSelf) endEvent /; event onCellDetach() ; Debug.Trace(self + " has recieved onDetach event") AttachSetUpComplete = FALSE isLoaded = FALSE gemTested = FALSE endEvent event onReset() ; debug.Trace(self + ": is running onReset") self.reset() endEvent ;=================================================================== ;;FUNCTION BLOCK ;=================================================================== function resetLimiter() finishedFiring = false endFunction function clearMySoulgem() mySoulGem = clearRef loop = false trapDisarmed = True goToState("pause") endFunction bool property gemTested = false auto hidden ;test if this is a soul gem function testRefIsSoulGem(objectReference testSoulGem) gemTested = true int index = 0 bool matchFound = false while (index < flSoulGemTest.GetSize()) && !matchFound ; ;;Debug.Trace((testSoulGem) + " testing against " + flSoulGemTest.GetAt(index)) ; ;;Debug.Trace(self + " is checking " + flSoulGemTest + " at index #" + index) if testSoulGem.GetBaseObject() == flSoulGemTest.GetAt(index) ; ;;Debug.Trace(testSoulGem + " == " + flSoulGemTest.GetAt(index)) (testSoulGem as trapSoulGemController).SetMotionType(4) (testSoulGem as trapSoulGemController).goToState("inMagicTrap") testSoulGem.moveto(trapSelf, 0.0, 0.0, 128.0) (testSoulGem as trapSoulGemController).myMagicTrap = trapSelf mySpellLevel = index resolveLeveledWeapon(index) mySoulGem = testSoulGem MatchFound = True trapDisarmed = False goToState("Reset") endif index +=1 endWhile endFunction function fireByCastingType() ; debug.Trace(self + ": starting fireByCastingType") if castingAim == 0 magicWeapon.cast(self) elseIf castingAim == 1 if forwardFiring if getLinkedRef(TrapLink) && refIsValidForwardTarget(getLinkedRef(TrapLink)) magicWeapon.cast(self, getLinkedRef(TrapLink)) Else magicWeapon.cast(self) endif Elseif getLinkedRef(TrapLink) magicWeapon.cast(self, getLinkedRef(TrapLink)) Else magicWeapon.cast(self) endif ElseIf castingAim == 2 targetRef = (lastActivateRef as traptriggerbase).lastTriggerRef if forwardFiring if refIsValidForwardTarget(targetRef) magicWeapon.cast(self, targetRef) Else magicWeapon.cast(self) endif Else magicWeapon.cast(self, targetRef) endif Else ; Debug.Trace(self + " error: castingAim = " + castingAim) endif ; debug.Trace(self + ": finished fireByCastingType") endFunction ;;This section is for determining if the target is withing a valid firing angle ; it is used for magic traps that fire forward only float property horizontalSweepHalf = 90.0 auto float property verticalSweepHalf = 90.0 auto bool function refIsValidForwardTarget(objectReference testRef) ; ;Debug.Trace(self + " is checking if refIsValidForwardTarget on " + testRef) float deltaX = testRef.X - self.X float deltaY = testRef.Y - self.Y float deltaZ = testRef.Z - self.Z float fAngleToRef = atan(deltaX/deltaY) if (deltaX < 0.0) && (deltaY < 0.0) fAngleToRef = fAngleToRef + 180 endIf float deltaAngle = self.getAngleZ()-fAngletoRef if (deltaAngle < -180.0) deltaAngle = deltaAngle + 360.0 endIf if (deltaAngle > 180.0) deltaAngle = deltaAngle - 360.0 endIf if Abs(deltaAngle) < horizontalSweepHalf ; ;;Debug.Trace(self + " is firing at a valid angle at " + testRef) return true Else ; ;;Debug.Trace(self + " could not fire at a valid angle at " + testRef) return False endif endFunction bool property AttachSetUpComplete = false auto hidden Function CellAttachSetUp(objectReference functionTriggerRef) {This function is used to handshake between the trap and the soulgem} ;USKP 2.0.2 - If no linked ref, bail out. Some of these don't have one. if( GetLinkedRef() == None ) Return EndIf ; debug.Trace(self + ": has been caused to run CellAttachSetUp by " + functionTriggerRef) if !AttachSetUpComplete ; debug.Trace(self + ": has found that AttachSetUpComplete == false") if isLoaded && getLinkedRef().isEnabled() trapSoulGemController localGemScript localGemScript = getLinkedRef() as trapSoulgemController if localGemScript.getState() != "Disarmed" ; debug.Trace(self + ": is running CellAttachSetup") AttachSetUpComplete = True goToState("Idle") if !gemTested if getLinkedRef().isEnabled() testRefIsSoulGem(trapSelf.getLinkedRef()) endif endif if isFiring == True fireTrap() endif else ; debug.Trace(self + ": has found that my gem is in state disarmed") endif else ; debug.Trace(self + ": has found that is loaded is false or linkedRef is not enabled") endif else ; debug.Trace(self + ": has found that AttachSetUpComplete == true") endif endFunction ;=================================================================== ;;DAMAGE LEVELLING BLOCK ;=================================================================== int property TESTLvlEncValue auto int property LvlThreshold1 auto spell property LvlWeapon1 auto hidden int property LvlThreshold2 auto spell property LvlWeapon2 auto hidden int property LvlThreshold3 auto spell property LvlWeapon3 auto hidden int property LvlThreshold4 auto spell property LvlWeapon4 auto hidden int property LvlThreshold5 auto spell property LvlWeapon5 auto hidden spell property LvlWeapon6 auto hidden bool spellAndCastingTypeResolved = false ; Function ResolveLeveledWeapon (int spellLevel) ; ;;Debug.Trace(self + " trying to ResolveLeveledWeapon") if spellAndCastingTypeResolved == false ResolveSpellType() ResolveCastingDelay() spellAndCastingTypeResolved = True endif ;int damageLevel ;damageLevel = CalculateEncounterLevel(TrapLevel) spellLevel = CalculateEncounterLevel(TrapLevel) spell lvlWeapon = LvlWeapon1 if (spellLevel == 2) lvlWeapon = LvlWeapon2 elseif (spellLevel == 3) lvlWeapon = LvlWeapon3 elseif (spellLevel == 4) lvlWeapon = LvlWeapon4 elseif (spellLevel == 5) lvlWeapon = LvlWeapon5 elseif (spellLevel > 5) lvlWeapon = LvlWeapon6 endif magicWeapon = lvlWeapon EndFunction function ResolveCastingDelay() ; ;Debug.Trace(self + " trying to ResolveCastingDelay") if castingAim == 0 initialDelay = 0.5 if aaSpellToCast == 2 || aaSpellToCast == 5 || aaSpellToCast == 7 firingRate = 4.5 else firingRate = 2.0 endif elseif castingAim == 1 initialDelay = 0.5 if aaSpellToCast == 2 || aaSpellToCast == 5 || aaSpellToCast == 7 firingRate = 4.5 else firingRate = 2.0 endif elseif castingAim == 2 initialDelay = 0.5 if aaSpellToCast == 2 || aaSpellToCast == 5 || aaSpellToCast == 7 firingRate = 4.5 else firingRate = 2.0 endif Else ; ;Debug.Trace(self + " cannot resolveCastingDelay: unknown castingAim") endIf endFunction function ResolveSpellType() ; ;;Debug.Trace(self + " trying to ResolveSpellType") if aaSpellToCast == 0 LvlWeapon1 = sLvlfirebolt1 LvlWeapon2 = sLvlfirebolt2 LvlWeapon3 = sLvlfirebolt3 LvlWeapon4 = sLvlfirebolt4 LvlWeapon5 = sLvlfirebolt5 LvlWeapon6 = sLvlfirebolt6 elseif aaSpellToCast == 1 LvlWeapon1 = sLvlfireball1 LvlWeapon2 = sLvlfireball2 LvlWeapon3 = sLvlfireball3 LvlWeapon4 = sLvlfireball4 LvlWeapon5 = sLvlfireball5 LvlWeapon6 = sLvlfireball6 elseif aaSpellToCast == 2 LvlWeapon1 = sLvlFlames1 LvlWeapon2 = sLvlFlames2 LvlWeapon3 = sLvlFlames3 LvlWeapon4 = sLvlFlames4 LvlWeapon5 = sLvlFlames5 LvlWeapon6 = sLvlFlames6 elseif aaSpellToCast == 3 LvlWeapon1 = sLvlLightningBolt1 LvlWeapon2 = sLvlLightningBolt2 LvlWeapon3 = sLvlLightningBolt3 LvlWeapon4 = sLvlLightningBolt4 LvlWeapon5 = sLvlLightningBolt5 LvlWeapon6 = sLvlLightningBolt6 elseif aaSpellToCast == 4 LvlWeapon1 = sLvlChainLightning1 LvlWeapon2 = sLvlChainLightning2 LvlWeapon3 = sLvlChainLightning3 LvlWeapon4 = sLvlChainLightning4 LvlWeapon5 = sLvlChainLightning5 LvlWeapon6 = sLvlChainLightning6 elseif aaSpellToCast == 5 LvlWeapon1 = sLvlSparks1 LvlWeapon2 = sLvlSparks2 LvlWeapon3 = sLvlSparks3 LvlWeapon4 = sLvlSparks4 LvlWeapon5 = sLvlSparks5 LvlWeapon6 = sLvlSparks6 elseif aaSpellToCast == 6 LvlWeapon1 = sLvlIceSpike1 LvlWeapon2 = sLvlIceSpike2 LvlWeapon3 = sLvlIceSpike3 LvlWeapon4 = sLvlIceSpike4 LvlWeapon5 = sLvlIceSpike5 LvlWeapon6 = sLvlIceSpike6 elseif aaSpellToCast == 7 LvlWeapon1 = sLvlFrostBite1 LvlWeapon2 = sLvlFrostBite2 LvlWeapon3 = sLvlFrostBite3 LvlWeapon4 = sLvlFrostBite4 LvlWeapon5 = sLvlFrostBite5 LvlWeapon6 = sLvlFrostBite6 elseif aaSpellToCast == 8 LvlWeapon1 = sLvlIceStorm1 LvlWeapon2 = sLvlIceStorm2 LvlWeapon3 = sLvlIceStorm3 LvlWeapon4 = sLvlIceStorm4 LvlWeapon5 = sLvlIceStorm5 LvlWeapon6 = sLvlIceStorm6 else ; ;Debug.Trace(self + " has been set to an invalid spell type") endif endFunction spell property sLvlfirebolt1 auto spell property sLvlfirebolt2 auto spell property sLvlfirebolt3 auto spell property sLvlfirebolt4 auto spell property sLvlfirebolt5 auto spell property sLvlfirebolt6 auto spell property sLvlfireball1 auto spell property sLvlfireball2 auto spell property sLvlfireball3 auto spell property sLvlfireball4 auto spell property sLvlfireball5 auto spell property sLvlfireball6 auto spell property sLvlFlames1 auto spell property sLvlFlames2 auto spell property sLvlFlames3 auto spell property sLvlFlames4 auto spell property sLvlFlames5 auto spell property sLvlFlames6 auto spell property sLvlLightningBolt1 auto spell property sLvlLightningBolt2 auto spell property sLvlLightningBolt3 auto spell property sLvlLightningBolt4 auto spell property sLvlLightningBolt5 auto spell property sLvlLightningBolt6 auto spell property sLvlChainlightning1 auto spell property sLvlChainlightning2 auto spell property sLvlChainlightning3 auto spell property sLvlChainlightning4 auto spell property sLvlChainlightning5 auto spell property sLvlChainlightning6 auto spell property sLvlSparks1 auto spell property sLvlSparks2 auto spell property sLvlSparks3 auto spell property sLvlSparks4 auto spell property sLvlSparks5 auto spell property sLvlSparks6 auto spell property sLvlIceSpike1 auto spell property sLvlIceSpike2 auto spell property sLvlIceSpike3 auto spell property sLvlIceSpike4 auto spell property sLvlIceSpike5 auto spell property sLvlIceSpike6 auto spell property sLvlFrostbite1 auto spell property sLvlFrostbite2 auto spell property sLvlFrostbite3 auto spell property sLvlFrostbite4 auto spell property sLvlFrostbite5 auto spell property sLvlFrostbite6 auto spell property sLvlIceStorm1 auto spell property sLvlIceStorm2 auto spell property sLvlIceStorm3 auto spell property sLvlIceStorm4 auto spell property sLvlIceStorm5 auto spell property sLvlIceStorm6 auto ;Event OnTrapHit(ObjectReference akTarget, float afXVel, float afYVel, float afZVel, float afXPos, float afYPos, float afZPos, int aeMaterial, bool abInitialHit, int aeMotionType) ; if (hitOnce == FALSE) ; hitOnce = TRUE ; endif ;endEvent