scriptName PhysicsTrapHit extends TrapHitBase ; ; ; ;========================================= import utility float property damageVelocityThreshold = 6.0 auto {This sets the velocity needed to apply damage It is non-squareroot of the delta velocity as recieved from the TrapHit Default = 6.0 This should NOT be changed on the Ref except in rare cases} Auto state CanHit Event OnTrapHitStart(ObjectReference akTarget, float afXVel, float afYVel, float afZVel, float afXPos, float afYPos, float afZPos, int aeMaterial, bool abInitialHit, int aeMotionType) ;goToState("CannotHit") if acceptableVelocityDelta(damageVelocityThreshold, afXVel, afYVel, afZVel) ; debug.Trace(self + " is dealing damage!!!") ;damage = 40 ;THIS IS FOR A TEST ONLY if !(akTarget as actor).hasSpell(ghostAbility) && !(akTarget as actor).IsInFaction(noHitFaction) if hitOnlyOnce goToState("CannotHit") endif if akTarget == game.GetPlayer() if rumble game.ShakeController(rumbleAmount, rumbleAmount, rumbleDuration) EndIf if cameraShake game.ShakeCamera(afStrength = cameraShakeAmount) endif endif akTarget.ProcessTrapHit(self, damage, trapPushBack, afXVel, afYVel, afZVel, afXPos, afYPos, afZPos, aeMaterial, staggerAmount) if TrapHitSound self as ObjectReference) ;play hit sound endif ;, hitFxAmmo) CreateDetectionEvent(akTarget as actor, soundLevel) ; creates a detection event endif endif endEvent endState state CannotHit Event OnTrapHit(ObjectReference akTarget, float afXVel, float afYVel, float afZVel, float afXPos, float afYPos, float afZPos, int aeMaterial, bool abInitialHit, int aeMotionType) endEvent endState bool function acceptableVelocityDelta(float targetVelocity, float afXVel, float afYVel, float afZVel) float actualDeltaVelocity float xyDelta ;xyDelta = math.sqrt(math.pow(afXVel, 2) + math.pow(afYVel, 2)) ;actualDeltaVelocity = math.sqrt(math.pow(xyDelta, 2) + math.pow(afZVel, 2)) ;actualDeltaVelocity = (math.abs(afxVel) + math.abs(afYVel) + math.abs(afZVel)) actualDeltaVelocity = ((afxVel * afxVel) + (afyVel * afyVel) + (afZVel * afZVel)) if actualDeltaVelocity >= targetVelocity ; debug.trace(self + " actualVelocity >= targetVelocity") ; debug.trace(self + " deltaX = " + afXVel) ; debug.trace(self + " deltaY = " + afYVel) ; debug.trace(self + " deltaZ = " + afZVel) ; debug.trace(self + " targetVelocity = " + targetVelocity) ; debug.trace(self + " totalDelta = " + actualDeltaVelocity) return True Else ; debug.trace(self + " actualVelocity < targetVelocity") ; debug.trace(self + " deltaX = " + afXVel) ; debug.trace(self + " deltaY = " + afYVel) ; debug.trace(self + " deltaZ = " + afZVel) ; debug.trace(self + " targetVelocity = " + targetVelocity) ; debug.trace(self + " totalDelta = " + actualDeltaVelocity) return False endif endFunction