Scriptname Potion extends Form ; Is this postion classified as hostile? bool Function IsHostile() native ; SKSE 64 additions built 2020-07-29 17:24:48.495000 UTC ; Is this potion classified as Food? bool Function IsFood() native ; Is this potion classified as Poison? bool Function IsPoison() native ; return the number of the effects int Function GetNumEffects() native ; return the magnitude of the specified effect float Function GetNthEffectMagnitude(int index) native ; return the area of the specified effect int Function GetNthEffectArea(int index) native ; return the duration of the specified effect int Function GetNthEffectDuration(int index) native ; return the magic effect of the specified effect MagicEffect Function GetNthEffectMagicEffect(int index) native ; return the index of the costliest effect int Function GetCostliestEffectIndex() native ; sets the magnitude of the specified effect Function SetNthEffectMagnitude(int index, float value) native ; sets the area of the specified effect Function SetNthEffectArea(int index, int value) native ; sets the duration of the specified effect Function SetNthEffectDuration(int index, int value) native ; gets the use sound of this potion SoundDescriptor Function GetUseSound() native ; Returns all the magnitudes of this object in order float[] Function GetEffectMagnitudes() native ; Returns all the areas of this object in order int[] Function GetEffectAreas() native ; Returns all the durations of this object in order int[] Function GetEffectDurations() native ; Returns all the magic effects of this object in order MagicEffect[] Function GetMagicEffects() native