;BEGIN FRAGMENT CODE - Do not edit anything between this and the end comment ;NEXT FRAGMENT INDEX 5 Scriptname QF_NQAltYogosh_0009523C Extends Quest Hidden ;BEGIN ALIAS PROPERTY OldYogoshVentilFinal ;ALIAS PROPERTY TYPE ReferenceAlias ReferenceAlias Property Alias_OldYogoshVentilFinal Auto ;END ALIAS PROPERTY ;BEGIN ALIAS PROPERTY YogoshAntriebsventil ;ALIAS PROPERTY TYPE ReferenceAlias ReferenceAlias Property Alias_YogoshAntriebsventil Auto ;END ALIAS PROPERTY ;BEGIN ALIAS PROPERTY OldYogosh_Lever ;ALIAS PROPERTY TYPE ReferenceAlias ReferenceAlias Property Alias_OldYogosh_Lever Auto ;END ALIAS PROPERTY ;BEGIN FRAGMENT Fragment_1 Function Fragment_1() ;BEGIN CODE SetObjectiveCompleted(10) SetObjectiveDisplayed(20) _00E_Questshader.Play(Ventil) OldYogoshActivatorREF.Enable() ;END CODE EndFunction ;END FRAGMENT ;BEGIN FRAGMENT Fragment_0 Function Fragment_0() ;BEGIN CODE _00E_Questshader.Stop(QuestBook) SetObjectiveDisplayed(10) NQYogoshAntriebskern.enable() Utility.Wait(2) _00E_Questshader.Play(NQYogoshAntriebskern) ;END CODE EndFunction ;END FRAGMENT ;BEGIN FRAGMENT Fragment_4 Function Fragment_4() ;BEGIN CODE OldYogoshActivatorREF.Disable() SetObjectiveCompleted(20) SetObjectiveDisplayed(30) ;END CODE EndFunction ;END FRAGMENT ;BEGIN FRAGMENT Fragment_2 Function Fragment_2() ;BEGIN CODE SetObjectiveCompleted(30) ;END CODE EndFunction ;END FRAGMENT ;END FRAGMENT CODE - Do not edit anything between this and the begin comment ObjectReference Property QuestBook Auto EffectShader Property _00E_Questshader Auto ObjectReference Property NQYogoshAntriebskern Auto ObjectReference Property Ventil Auto ObjectReference Property OldYogoshActivatorREF Auto