Scriptname UI Hidden ; For functions that require a menuName, potential values are ; "InventoryMenu" ; "Console" ; "Dialogue Menu" ; "HUD Menu" ; "Main Menu" ; "MessageBoxMenu" ; "Cursor Menu" ; "Fader Menu" ; "MagicMenu" ; "Top Menu" ; "Overlay Menu" ; "Overlay Interaction Menu" ; "Loading Menu" ; "TweenMenu" ; "BarterMenu" ; "GiftMenu" ; "Debug Text Menu" ; "MapMenu" ; "Lockpicking Menu" ; "Quantity Menu" ; "StatsMenu" ; "ContainerMenu" ; "Sleep/Wait Menu" ; "LevelUp Menu" ; "Journal Menu" ; "Book Menu" ; "FavoritesMenu" ; "RaceSex Menu" ; "Crafting Menu" ; "Training Menu" ; "Mist Menu" ; "Tutorial Menu" ; "Credits Menu" ; "TitleSequence Menu" ; "Console Native UI Menu" ; "Kinect Menu" ; ; The target parameter requires one the following prefixes: ; _global , for the default namespace; ; _root , for the movie root. ; Returns if the menu is currently open. bool Function IsMenuOpen(string menuName) global native ; Sets bool/number/string value at target location. ; Target value must already exist. ; ; Examples: ; UI.SetBool("InventoryMenu", "_root.Menu_mc._visible", false) ; UI.SetString("FavoritesMenu", "_root.Menu_mc.panel.message.text", "My Text") ; Function SetBool(string menuName, string target, bool value) global native Function SetInt(string menuName, string target, int value) global native Function SetFloat(string menuName, string target, float value) global native Function SetString(string menuName, string target, string value) global native Function SetNumber(string menuName, string target, float value) global ; DEPRECIATED SetFloat(menuName, target, value) EndFunction ; Gets bool/number/string from target location, or false/0/none if the value doesn't exist. ; ; Examples: ; bool visible = UI.GetBool("Inventory Menu", "_root.Menu_mc._visible") ; float height = UI.GetNumber("Magic Menu", "_root.Menu_mc._height") ; bool Function GetBool(string menuName, string target) global native int Function GetInt(string menuName, string target) global native float Function GetFloat(string menuName, string target) global native string Function GetString(string menuName, string target) global native float Function GetNumber(string menuName, string target) global ; DEPRECIATED return GetFloat(menuName, target) EndFunction ; Invokes the ActionScript function at given target location. ; ; Examples: ; UI.InvokeString("InventoryMenu", "_global.skse.Log", "Printed to logfile") ; UI.InvokeStringA("InventoryMenu", "_global.myFunction", myArray) ; Function Invoke(string menuName, string target) global InvokeBool(menuName, target, false) EndFunction Function InvokeBool(string menuName, string target, bool arg) global native Function InvokeInt(string menuName, string target, int arg) global native Function InvokeFloat(string menuName, string target, float arg) global native Function InvokeString(string menuName, string target, string arg) global native Function InvokeNumber(string menuName, string target, float arg) global ; DEPRECIATED InvokeFloat(menuName, target, arg) EndFunction Function InvokeBoolA(string menuName, string target, bool[] args) global native Function InvokeIntA(string menuName, string target, int[] args) global native Function InvokeFloatA(string menuName, string target, float[] args) global native Function InvokeStringA(string menuName, string target, string[] args) global native Function InvokeNumberA(string menuName, string target, float[] args) global ; DEPRECIATED InvokeFloatA(menuName, target, args) EndFunction ; Sends Form data to Scaleform as a Flash object, FormLists included. Function InvokeForm(string menuName, string target, Form arg) global native ; returns if scaleform is in 'text input' mode ; this is useful for ignoring keys that should get swallowed by an editable text box bool Function IsTextInputEnabled() global native ; open a custom menu named "CustomMenu" by loading the given swf from the interface folder ; (filename without extension) ; there can only be a single custom menu open at the same time Function OpenCustomMenu(string swfPath, int flags = 0) global native ; close the custom menu if it's currently open. Function CloseCustomMenu() global native