Scriptname Weather extends Form Hidden ; Tells the sky to release its overriding weather. function ReleaseOverride() native global ; Forces the active weather on the sky to be this weather. function ForceActive( bool abOverride=false ) native ; Sets the active weather on the sky to be this weather. function SetActive( bool abOverride=false, bool abAccelerate=false ) native ; Finds a weather from the current region/climate whose classification matches the given one. ; 0 - Pleasant ; 1 - Cloudy ; 2 - Rainy ; 3 - Snow Weather function FindWeather( int auiType ) native global ; Gets this weather's classification ; -1 - No classification ; 0 - Pleasant ; 1 - Cloudy ; 2 - Rainy ; 3 - Snow int function GetClassification() native ; Gets the sky's current weather Weather function GetCurrentWeather() native global ; Gets the sky's outgoing weather Weather function GetOutgoingWeather() native global ; Gets the transition percentage of the current weather float function GetCurrentWeatherTransition() native global ; Gets the sky's current mode ; 0 - No sky (SM_NONE) ; 1 - Interior (SM_INTERIOR) ; 2 - Skydome only (SM_SKYDOME_ONLY) ; 3 - Full sky (SM_FULL) int function GetSkyMode() native global ; SKSE 64 additions built 2020-07-29 17:24:48.495000 UTC ; Returns the sun glare percentage float Function GetSunGlare() native ; Returns the sun damage percentage float Function GetSunDamage() native ; Returns the wind direction in degrees (0-360) float Function GetWindDirection() native ; Returns the wind direction range in degrees (0-180) float Function GetWindDirectionRange() native ; 0 - Near ; 1 - Far ; 2 - Power ; 3 - Max float Function GetFogDistance(bool day, int type) native