#include "Utilities.h" #include std::string GetRuntimePath() { static char appPath[4096] = { 0 }; if(appPath[0]) return appPath; ASSERT(GetModuleFileName(GetModuleHandle(NULL), appPath, sizeof(appPath))); return appPath; } std::string GetRuntimeName() { std::string appPath = GetRuntimePath(); std::string::size_type slashOffset = appPath.rfind('\\'); if(slashOffset == std::string::npos) return appPath; return appPath.substr(slashOffset + 1); } const std::string & GetRuntimeDirectory() { static std::string s_runtimeDirectory; if(s_runtimeDirectory.empty()) { std::string runtimePath = GetRuntimePath(); // truncate at last slash std::string::size_type lastSlash = runtimePath.rfind('\\'); if(lastSlash != std::string::npos) // if we don't find a slash something is VERY WRONG { s_runtimeDirectory = runtimePath.substr(0, lastSlash + 1); } else { _WARNING("no slash in runtime path? (%s)", runtimePath.c_str()); } } return s_runtimeDirectory; } const std::string & GetConfigPath() { static std::string s_configPath; if(s_configPath.empty()) { std::string runtimePath = GetRuntimeDirectory(); if(!runtimePath.empty()) { s_configPath = runtimePath + "Data\\SKSE\\skse.ini"; _MESSAGE("config path = %s", s_configPath.c_str()); } } return s_configPath; } std::string GetConfigOption(const char * section, const char * key) { std::string result; const std::string & configPath = GetConfigPath(); if(!configPath.empty()) { char resultBuf[256]; resultBuf[0] = 0; UInt32 resultLen = GetPrivateProfileString(section, key, NULL, resultBuf, sizeof(resultBuf), configPath.c_str()); result = resultBuf; } return result; } bool GetConfigOption_UInt32(const char * section, const char * key, UInt32 * dataOut) { std::string data = GetConfigOption(section, key); if(data.empty()) return false; return (sscanf_s(data.c_str(), "%u", dataOut) == 1); } const std::string & GetOSInfoStr() { static std::string result; if(result.empty()) { OSVERSIONINFO info; info.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(info); #pragma warning (disable : 4996) if(GetVersionEx(&info)) { char buf[256]; sprintf_s(buf, sizeof(buf), "%d.%d (%d)", info.dwMajorVersion, info.dwMinorVersion, info.dwBuildNumber); result = buf; } else { result = "unknown"; } } return result; } void * GetIATAddr(void * module, const char * searchDllName, const char * searchImportName) { UInt8 * base = (UInt8 *)module; IMAGE_DOS_HEADER * dosHeader = (IMAGE_DOS_HEADER *)base; IMAGE_NT_HEADERS * ntHeader = (IMAGE_NT_HEADERS *)(base + dosHeader->e_lfanew); IMAGE_IMPORT_DESCRIPTOR * importTable = (IMAGE_IMPORT_DESCRIPTOR *)(base + ntHeader->OptionalHeader.DataDirectory[IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_IMPORT].VirtualAddress); for(; importTable->Characteristics; ++importTable) { const char * dllName = (const char *)(base + importTable->Name); if(!_stricmp(dllName, searchDllName)) { // found the dll IMAGE_THUNK_DATA * thunkData = (IMAGE_THUNK_DATA *)(base + importTable->OriginalFirstThunk); uintptr_t * iat = (uintptr_t *)(base + importTable->FirstThunk); for(; thunkData->u1.Ordinal; ++thunkData, ++iat) { if(!IMAGE_SNAP_BY_ORDINAL(thunkData->u1.Ordinal)) { IMAGE_IMPORT_BY_NAME * importInfo = (IMAGE_IMPORT_BY_NAME *)(base + thunkData->u1.AddressOfData); if(!_stricmp((char *)importInfo->Name, searchImportName)) { // found the import return iat; } } } return NULL; } } return NULL; } #pragma warning (push) #pragma warning (disable : 4200) struct RTTIType { void * typeInfo; UInt64 data; char name[0]; }; struct RTTILocator { UInt32 sig, offset, cdOffset; UInt32 typeDesc; UInt32 classDesc; }; #pragma warning (pop) // use the RTTI information to return an object's class name const char * GetObjectClassName(void * objBase) { const char * result = ""; __try { void ** obj = (void **)objBase; RTTILocator ** vtbl = (RTTILocator **)obj[0]; RTTILocator * rtti = vtbl[-1]; UInt64 typeDesc = rtti->typeDesc; RelocPtr type(typeDesc); // starts with ,? if((type->name[0] == '.') && (type->name[1] == '?')) { // is at most 100 chars long for(UInt32 i = 0; i < 100; i++) { if(type->name[i] == 0) { // remove the .?AV result = type->name + 4; break; } } } } __except(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { // return the default } return result; } void DumpClass(void * theClassPtr, UInt64 nIntsToDump) { UInt64* basePtr = (UInt64*)theClassPtr; _MESSAGE("DumpClass: %016I64X", basePtr); gLog.Indent(); if (!theClassPtr) return; for (UInt64 ix = 0; ix < nIntsToDump; ix++ ) { UInt64* curPtr = basePtr+ix; const char* curPtrName = NULL; UInt64 otherPtr = 0; float otherFloat1 = 0.0; float otherFloat2 = 0.0; const char* otherPtrName = NULL; if (curPtr) { curPtrName = GetObjectClassName((void*)curPtr); __try { otherPtr = *curPtr; UInt32 lowerFloat = otherPtr & 0xFFFFFFFF; UInt32 upperFloat = (otherPtr >> 32) & 0xFFFFFFFF; otherFloat1 = *(float*)&lowerFloat; otherFloat2 = *(float*)&upperFloat; } __except(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { // } if (otherPtr) { otherPtrName = GetObjectClassName((void*)otherPtr); } } _MESSAGE("%3d +%03X ptr: 0x%016I64X: %32s *ptr: 0x%016I64x | %f, %f: %32s", ix, ix*8, curPtr, curPtrName, otherPtr, otherFloat2, otherFloat1, otherPtrName); } gLog.Outdent(); }