Scriptname ResourceObjectScript extends ObjectReference conditional {This script controls all types of resource objects... "BASE OBJECT property" denotes a property that should be set on the BaseObject, "REFERENCE property" a property that should be set on each individual reference.} ;Description: ;This script lives on the base object of each resource type activator. It has "Base Object" properties which should be defined on the baseobject activator, and "Reference Properties" which should be set on the reference object in the render window. ;This script will control all of the resource types, with animation scripting handled by extended (child) scripts for each type of resource. ;Note to Designers: ;This script requires an additional "sybling" activator with the SabotageResourceActivatorScript.psc attached to prompt the player to sabotage it (it calls the TryToSabotage() function in this script.) ;You can use the ResourceState property in conditions to set up packages where you need an actor to do something in the different states (it's possible as we implement more types of resources we will need to expand the list of states) ;Note to Artists and Animators: ;It is unlikely you will need to edit this script. You will likely be working with a child script that extends this one to control the animation. See ResourceObjectSawMillScript.psc for an example. ;Request: ;*** !!!! PLEASE DO NOT EDIT THIS SCRIPT WITHOUT SPEAKING TO ME FIRST. THANK YOU! --jduvall !!!! *** ;<PROPERTIES> ;Properties to set on the base object: Keyword Property WISabotageStart Auto {BASE OBJECT property: Pointer to the WISabotageStart keyword, which is used to start a radiant quest WISabotage} Message property SabotageMessage Auto {BASE OBJECT property: The message to display when prompting the player to sabotage this object.} Message property SabotageReadyMessage Auto {BASE OBJECT property: The message to display when the object is ready to be sabotaged.} Message property RepairMessage Auto {BASE OBJECT property: The message to display when prompting the player to repair this object.} Int Property ResourceType Auto ;1 = Wheat Mill(Farm), 2 = Saw Mill, 3 = Smelter(Mine) {BASE OBJECT property: Which type of Resource Object am I? 1 = Wheat Mill(FARM), 2 = Saw Mill, 3 = Smelter(MINE)} Message property BusyMessage Auto {BASE OBJECT property: The message to display when the player activates while in BUSY state} Message property ReadyMessage Auto {BASE OBJECT property: The message to display when the player activates while in READY state} ;Properties to be set on the reference object: ObjectReference Property Worker Auto {REFERENCE property: (Optional) If included, this actor will be EVPed each time the resource object changes state} ;Hidden Properties int Property ResourceState Auto Hidden Conditional ;values determined by needs of children scripts - usually used as variables on Actor's packages to get them to interact with various levers, etc. ;</PROPERTIES> ;<INTERNAL VARIABLES> bool property sabotaged Auto Hidden bool property readyForSabotage Auto Hidden ;State Constant INTs -- used for things like conditions on packages int property destroyed = -1 Auto Hidden int property waiting = 0 Auto Hidden int property busy = 1 Auto Hidden int property ready = 2 Auto Hidden ;State Constant STRINGs -- used for script states and console command SV readability string property strDestroyed = "destroyed" Auto Hidden string property strWaiting = "waiting" Auto Hidden string property strBusy = "busy" Auto Hidden string property strReady = "ready" Auto Hidden ;</INTERNAL VARIABLES> ;<STATE CONTROL> ;Generic States Auto State waiting EndState State ready EndState State destroyed EndState State busy EndState ;call this function to change state ;the ResourceState property lives in the parent script ;the ResourceState property is used to condition worker's packages to pull lever, etc. function ChangeState(int newState) if newState == destroyed gotoState(strDestroyed) ResourceState = destroyed elseif newState == waiting gotoState(strWaiting) ResourceState = waiting elseif newState == busy gotoState(strBusy) ResourceState = busy elseif newState == ready gotoState(strReady) ResourceState = ready Else ; debug.trace(self + "WARNING: ChangeState() recieved unexpected newState parameter of '" + newState + "'", 2) endif Actor workerActor = (Worker as Actor) if workerActor workerActor.EvaluatePackage() endif endFunction ;</STATE CONTROL> ;<ACTIVATION EVENTS> ----------- Event onActivate ( objectReference triggerRef ) ; debug.trace(self + " activated by " + triggerRef) endEvent State ready ; log is loaded into tray, waiting to be cut Event onActivate ( objectReference triggerRef ) ; if activated by an actor, do nothing special. If activated by non-actor, assume trying to saw Actor triggerActor = triggerRef as Actor if triggerActor == None ; debug.trace(self + "activated by something other than player") ; saw the log: if readyForSabotage ChangeState(busy) sabotage() ChangeState(destroyed) else ChangeState(busy) work() ChangeState(waiting) endif elseif triggerActor == Game.GetPlayer() ; show READY message ReadyMessage.Show() endif EndEvent EndState State busy Event onActivate ( objectReference triggerRef ) ; if activated by an actor, do nothing special. If activated by non-actor, assume trying to saw if triggerRef == Game.GetPlayer() ; show BUSY message BusyMessage.Show() endif EndEvent endState ;</ACTIVATION EVENTS> ----------- ;This intercepts all the animation events for all the types of resources, and then calls a function that needs to be defined in each of the children scripts who's parameter is the string name of the activation event Event OnAnimationEvent(ObjectReference akSource, string asEventName) ; debug.trace(self + "OnAnimationEvent() recieved " + asEventName) if asEventName == "DestructionComplete" ; debug.trace(self + "Sabotage() setting sabotaged to true") sabotaged = True ; debug.trace(self + "Sabotage() calling WISabotageStart.SendStoryEvent([" + GetEditorLocation() +", [" + Self + "]])") WISabotageStart.SendStoryEvent(GetEditorLocation(), Self) DamageObject(9999) ;the purpose of this is to set the destroyed flag in the destruction data so that guards no longer guard it, and civil war missions no longer fill with it in aliases. Else ProcessAnimationEvent(asEventName) ;THIS IS WHAT THE CHILD SCRIPT USES TO PLAY PROPER ANIMATIONS EndIf EndEvent ;<GAME PLAY FUNCTIONS> ----------- ; this function is called by the sabotage activator script Function TryToSabotage(objectReference triggerRef) if sabotaged ; if already sabotaged, prompt for repair ; TEMP -- repair will most likely happen off-screen if (triggerRef == Game.GetPlayer() && PromptPlayerRepair()) ; repair the mill ChangeState(busy) repair() ChangeState(waiting) Else ;do nothing, player said "NO." endif else ; if ready for sabotage, just give message if readyForSabotage if triggerRef == Game.GetPlayer() SabotageReadyMessage.Show() endif else ; otherwise, prompt player for choice if triggerRef != Game.GetPlayer() || PromptPlayerSabotage() ; get mill ready for Sabotage readyForSabotage = true Else ;do nothing, player said "NO." endif endif endif endFunction int Function GetResourceType() return ResourceType EndFunction bool Function IsSabotaged() ; debug.trace(self + "IsSabotaged() returning " + sabotaged) return sabotaged EndFunction bool Function PromptPlayerSabotage() ; debug.trace(self + "PromptPlayerSabotage() asking player if he wants to sabotage") if SabotageMessage.Show() == 1 ; debug.trace(self + "PromptPlayerSabotage() returning True") return True Else ; debug.trace(self + "PromptPlayerSabotage() returning False") return False EndIf EndFunction bool Function PromptPlayerRepair() ; debug.trace(self + "PromptPlayerRepair() asking player if he wants to Repair") if RepairMessage.Show() == 1 ; debug.trace(self + "PromptPlayerRepair() returning True") return True Else ; debug.trace(self + "PromptPlayerRepair() returning False") return False EndIf EndFunction Function Sabotage() ; debug.trace(self + "Sabotage() calling animation control functions") DestroyResource() ;***animation control function defined in child script EndFunction Function Repair() ; debug.trace(self + "Repair() calling animation control functions") RepairResource() ;***animation control function defined in child script ClearDestruction() ;the purpose of this is to clear the destroyed flag in the destruction data so that guards guard it, and civil war missions fill with it in aliases. ; debug.trace(self + "Repair() setting sabotaged to false") readyForSabotage = false sabotaged = False EndFunction Function Work() ; debug.trace(self + "Work() calling animation control functions") WorkResource() ;***animation control function defined in child script EndFunction ;</GAME PLAY FUNCTIONS> ----------- ;<ANIMATION CONTROL FUNCTIONS> -- ***Child scripts will extend these*** ;***Child scripts will extend these*** function ProcessAnimationEvent(string asEventName) ; debug.trace(self + "WARNING: ProcessAnimationEvent() is not defined by child script.", 2) EndFunction function DestroyResource() ; debug.trace(self + "WARNING: DestroyResource() is not defined by child script.", 2) endFunction function RepairResource() ; debug.trace(self + "WARNING: RepairResource() is not defined by child script.", 2) endFunction function WorkResource() ; debug.trace(self + "WARNING: WorkResource() is not defined by child script.", 2) EndFunction ;</ANIMATION CONTROL FUNCTIONS> -- ***Child scripts will extend these***