Scriptname PlayerHorseScript extends ReferenceAlias Event OnDeath(Actor akKiller) MySelf = GetActorReference() _00E_HorseOwned.SetValue(0) EndEvent Event OnUnload() If MySelf.IsDead() ; disable the dead horse if it is unloaded MySelf.Disable() MySelf.Delete() (GetOwningQuest() as _00E_NQ06_Functions).sHorseName = "" ; added a new horse that can be bought at the stables Myself = StablesPosition.PlaceActorAtMe(LvlHorseSaddled) Alias_HorseRef.ForceRefTo(MySelf) Alias_HorseRef.GetRef().SetFactionOwner(StablesFaction) EndIf EndEvent Event OnPlayerLoadGame() If (_00E_HorseOwned.GetValue() as Int) > 0 String sHorseName = (GetOwningQuest() as _00E_NQ06_Functions).sHorseName if sHorseName != "" (GetReference() as Actor).GetActorBase().SetName(sHorseName) endif EndIf EndEvent Actor Property MySelf Auto ObjectReference Property StablesPosition Auto ActorBase Property LvlHorseSaddled Auto ReferenceAlias Property Alias_HorseRef Auto Faction Property StablesFaction Auto GlobalVariable Property _00E_HorseOwned Auto