Scriptname defaultFireWeaponScript extends ObjectReference {Script for firing projectiles from FireWeaponMarker -The default setting is to fire whatever weapon/ammo you choose infintely, every 4-6 seconds, if the marker is enabled -If you just want it to fire once then set MinWaitTime to 0.0, MaxWaitTime to 0.1, and TimesFired to 1} import utility import weapon import debug ;--------------------------- ;--Hidden Properties ;--------------------------- int Property TimesFired Auto Hidden {How many times i've already fired} bool Property Looping auto hidden {If true I should keep firing} float Property WaitTimer Auto hidden {Rand wait time generated based on the Min and Max wait times} ;--------------------------- ;--Editable Properties ;--------------------------- int Property TimesToFire = -1 Auto {Maximum number of times you want this to fire once it's enabled. (-1 = until disabled)} float Property MaxWaitTime = 6.0 auto {Maximum wait between refire, Default = 6.0} float Property MinWaitTime = 4.0 auto {Minimum wait between refire, Default = 4.0} weapon Property WeaponType Auto {Type of weapon you want to fire, (ie. "HuntingBow")} ammo Property Ammotype Auto {Type of ammo you would like to fire, (ie. "IronArrow")} quest Property myQuest Auto {Quest you want to check the stage of} int Property StageToStartFire = -1 Auto {Stage of myQuest you want to start firing at} int Property StageToStopFire = -1 Auto {Stage of myQuest you want to stop firing at (-1 = until disabled)} Event OnLoad() ; I'm loaded, or have been enabled, so start the fire loop Looping = TRUE GoToState("FireLoop") endEVENT Event OnUnload() ; I've been unloaded, or disabled. Stop firing Looping = FALSE GoToState("Waiting") endEVENT auto state Waiting ; The state I hang out in while I'm waiting for something to happen. endstate state FireLoop EVENT OnBeginState() While(Looping) ;trace(self + "I'm looping...") ; Set up what our next wait time will be before firing waitTimer = randomFloat(MinWaitTime, MaxWaitTime) wait(waitTimer) if (myQuest) ; There is a quest set, lets see if it's running if (myQuest.IsRunning()) ; There is a quest running, lets see if we should be firing if (myQuest.GetStage() >= StageToStopFire) ;trace(self + " The done stage has been hit. No longer going to fire. Also dropping out of loop") ; The quest is at the stop firing stage, so don't fire Looping = False elseif (myQuest.GetStage() >= StageToStartFire) ;trace(self + " The correct stage is set, I'm going to fire.") ; The quest isn't at the stop firing stage yet, but is at the firing stage, so see if we are enabled if (self as ObjectReference).IsEnabled() ; We're enabled, start firing ;trace(self + " is firing.") self as objectReference, Ammotype) ;I'm enabled so fire. TimesFired += 1 else ; We're not enabled, so don't fire endif if (TimesToFire != -1) ; There is a fire limit set, check to see if we've reached it ;trace(self + " has a firing limit of " + TimesToFire + " and has fired " + TimesFired + " so far.") if (TimesFired == TimesToFire) ; We've reached our fire limit, stop firing ;trace(self + " has reached it's firing limit of " + TimesToFire + ". Stopping fire and while loop.") Looping = False endif endif else ;trace(self + " Has a quest but the start/stop stages aren't set yet.") endif else ; The quest isn't running, wait for a bit then check again wait(8) endif else ; There's no quest set so I'm just going to continue without worrying about quests/stages if (self as ObjectReference).IsEnabled() ; I'm enabled, so I'm going to fire self as objectReference, Ammotype) TimesFired += 1 else ; I'm not enabled, so I'm going to stop firing Looping = False endif if (TimesToFire != -1) ; I have a firing limit set, lets see if I've reached it if (TimesFired == TimesToFire) ; I've reached my limit, stop firing Looping = False endif endif endif endWhile ; I'm no longer in the fireloop, time to wait goToState("Waiting") endEvent endstate