Scriptname _00E_38E_UniYogoshSC extends Actor EVENT OnLoad() If ((self as Actor) as masterAmbushScript) && (GetLinkedRef() != None) bIsAmbusher = True EndIf If (bIsAmbusher == False) || (GetAV("Variable01") != 0.0) ; Don't start FX if it's ambushing StartFX() EndIf ENDEVENT Event OnGetUp(ObjectReference akFurniture) If bIsAmbusher == False Return EndIf StartFX() If IsDead() == False GetCombatState() If GetCombatState() == 0 StartCombat(Game.GetPlayer()) Utility.Wait(0.1) EndIf ; Force the NPC to requip its spells. Without this it does nothing for some seconds at the start of a fight Spell mySpell = GetEquippedSpell(1) If mySpell UnequipSpell(mySpell, 1) EndIf EndIf EndEvent Function StartFX() _00E_FXShadowWispParticleAttach.Play(Self, -1) EndFunction EVENT OnDying(Actor akKiller) Self.SetCriticalStage(Self.CritStage_DisintegrateStart) if _00E_A1_DevourSoul_DisintegrateFXS != none endif utility.wait(2) Self.AttachAshPile(DefaultAshPileGhostBlack) if _00E_A1_DevourSoul_DisintegrateFXS != none _00E_A1_DevourSoul_DisintegrateFXS.stop(Self) endif Self.SetAlpha (0.0,True) _00E_FXShadowWispParticleAttach.Stop(Self) Self.placeatme(_00E_MAGEldritchShockExplosion) Self.SetCriticalStage(Self.CritStage_DisintegrateEnd) ENDEVENT Activator Property DefaultAshPileGhostBlack Auto EffectShader Property _00E_A1_DevourSoul_DisintegrateFXS Auto VisualEffect Property _00E_FXShadowWispParticleAttach Auto Explosion Property _00E_MAGEldritchShockExplosion Auto Bool bIsAmbusher