Scriptname _00E_Complex_StartSceneSC extends ObjectReference Event OnTriggerEnter(ObjectReference akActionRef) If akActionRef == PlayerREF If __Config_bStageRequired If __Config_ParentQuest.GetStage() == __Config_iSceneStage __Config_SceneToPlay.ForceStart() If __Config_DeleteAfterTrigger Self.Delete() EndIf EndIf Elseif (__Config_ParentQuest.IsRunning()) __Config_SceneToPlay.ForceStart() If __Config_DeleteAfterTrigger Self.Delete() EndIf EndIf EndIf EndEvent Actor Property PlayerREF Auto Quest Property __Config_ParentQuest Auto {The quest which the scene to play is a child of} Scene Property __Config_SceneToPlay Auto int Property __Config_iSceneStage Auto {Which stage of the quest is required for the scene to start playing.} bool Property __Config_DeleteAfterTrigger Auto {Whether the triggerbox should be deleted after (sucessfully) firing. Default = False} bool Property __Config_bStageRequired = True Auto {Whether this trigger only fires if a certain stage of the parent quest is currently active. Default = True If not, the scene will ONLY play if the Quest is running.}