Scriptname _00E_FailsaveTorchScript extends ObjectReference {Reequips Calia's torch and fixes the game for cheaters. Added the latter because people tend to not unlock the door with the respective key but with console commands. Therefore the quest wouldn't progress properly (missed vision etc).} Event OnTriggerEnter(ObjectReference akActionRef) If (akActionRef == _00E_MC_CaliaREF && _00E_MC_CaliaREF.IsEquipped(Torch01) == false) MQ11a.CaliaEquipTorch(True) EndIf If (akActionRef == PlayerREF && PlayerRef.GetItemCount(MQ11a_SC13_DissectingRoomKey) == 0) int iIndex = _00E_MQ11a_CheaterKeyMessage.Show() If iIndex == 0 CheaterDoorREF.Activate(PlayerREF) Else PlayerREF.MoveTo(CheaterKeyMarkerREF) EndIf Game.DisablePlayerControls() RegisterForSingleUpdate(2) EndIf EndEvent Event OnUpdate() LockCheaterDoorREF.Lock() Game.EnablePlayerControls() EndEvent ObjectReference Property CheaterDoorREF Auto ObjectReference Property LockCheaterDoorREF Auto ObjectReference Property CheaterKeyMarkerREF Auto Key Property MQ11a_SC13_DissectingRoomKey Auto Message Property _00E_MQ11a_CheaterKeyMessage Auto _00E_MQ11a_Functions Property MQ11a Auto Actor Property PlayerREF Auto Actor Property _00E_MC_CaliaREF Auto Light Property Torch01 Auto