Scriptname _00E_QuestUpdateOnTriggerComplex extends ObjectReference Event OnTriggerEnter(ObjectReference akActionREF) If akActionRef == PlayerREF && Done == False && Config_UpdateStage Int curStage = QuestToSet.GetStage() If Config_StageRequiredToUpdate If curStage == StageRequriedToUpdate SetDone(True) ElseIf curStage > StageRequriedToUpdate && Config_DisableWhenDone SetDone(False) EndIf Else If curStage < DesiredStage SetDone(True) ElseIf DesiredStage > 0 && Config_DisableWhenDone SetDone(False) EndIf EndIf EndIf EndEvent Function SetDone(Bool bDoSetStage) If Done Return EndIf Done = True If bDoSetStage QuestToSet.SetStage(DesiredStage) EndIf If Config_DisableWhenDone Self.Disable() Self.Delete() EndIf EndFunction Bool Property Config_DisableWhenDone = True Auto {Should the box be disabled after the stage has been set?} Bool Property Config_StageRequiredToUpdate Auto ; {Is a certain stage required for the trigger to fire?} Bool Property Config_UpdateStage Auto {Does this trigger update the quests stage?} Quest Property QuestToSet Auto Actor Property PlayerREF Auto bool Done = False int Property StageRequriedToUpdate Auto int Property DesiredStage Auto