scriptName defaultDisableHavokOnLoad extends ObjectReference bool property havokOnHit = TRUE auto {Start Havok Sim when hit? DEFAULT: TRUE} bool property havokOnActivate auto {Start Havok Sim when activated? DEFAULT: FALSE} bool property havokOnZKey auto {Start Havok Sim when grabbed by player? DEFAULT: FALSE} keyword property linkHavokPartner auto {Link with this keyword and that ref will also sim with myself} bool property beenSimmed auto hidden {prevent an object that has been havok'd in-game from going static} Bool Property beenPutInContainer auto hidden Event OnCellAttach() If Is3DLoaded() && beenSimmed == False && beenPutInContainer == False SetMotionType(Motion_Keyframed, True) ; debug.trace("havok disabled on: " + self) EndIf EndEvent Event OnLoad() If beenSimmed == False && beenPutInContainer == False SetMotionType(Motion_Keyframed, True) ; debug.trace("havok disabled on: " + self) EndIf EndEvent Event OnActivate(ObjectReference triggerRef) If havokonActivate && beenSimmed == False ReleaseToHavok() EndIf EndEvent Event OnHit(ObjectReference var1, Form var2, Projectile var3, bool var4, bool var5, bool var6, bool var7) If havokOnHit && beenSimmed == False ReleaseToHavok() EndIf EndEvent Event OnGrab() If havokOnZkey && beenSimmed == False ReleaseToHavok() EndIf EndEvent ;USKP 2.0.1 - Added event to deal with Papyrus spam caused by the player picking these things up since the game cannot process that properly. Event OnContainerChanged(ObjectReference akNewContainer, ObjectReference akOldContainer) If beenSimmed == False If akNewContainer != None ;Stops the OnLoad event from generating errors. beenPutInContainer = True Else ;No container, means it's being dropped in the open. Let it loose now. ReleaseToHavok() EndIf EndIf EndEvent Function ReleaseToHavok() beenSimmed = True beenPutInContainer = False defaultDisableHavokOnLoad myLink = GetLinkedRef(linkHavokPartner) as defaultDisableHavokOnLoad If myLink && (myLink.beenSimmed == False) myLink.ReleaseToHavok() EndIf SetMotionType(Motion_Dynamic, True) Self.ApplyHavokImpulse(0, 0, 1, 5) ; Debug.Trace("Released Havok.") EndFunction